#!/usr/bin/env python3 from gen_arg import * from gen_print import * from gen_valid import * parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage="%(prog)s [OPTIONS]", description="%(prog)s will...", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, prefix_chars="-+", ) parser.add_argument("--whatever", default="", help="bla, bla.") # Populate stock_list with options we want. stock_list = [("test_mode", 0), ("quiet", 0), ("debug", 0)] def exit_function(): r""" Execute whenever the program ends normally or with the signals that we catch (i.e. TERM, INT). This function will be called by gen_exit_function(). """ # If you have no cleanup to do, you can delete this function altogether. # Your cleanup code here. def validate_parms(): r""" Validate program parameters, etc. This function will be called by gen_setup(). """ # If you have no validation to do, you can delete this function altogether. # Your validation code here... # valid_value(whatever) def main(): gen_setup() # Your code here. main()