*** Settings *** Documentation Stress the system using HTX exerciser - bootme option. # Test Parameters: # OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address. # OS_HOST The OS host name or IP Address. # OS_USERNAME The OS login userid (usually root). # OS_PASSWORD The password for the OS login. # HTX_DURATION Duration of HTX run, for example, 2h, or 30m. # HTX_LOOP The number of times to loop HTX. Resource ../syslib/resource.robot Resource ../syslib/utils_os.robot Library ../syslib/utils_keywords.py Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc_utils.robot Library ../syslib/utils_os.py Library DateTime Suite Setup Start SOL Console Logging Test Setup Test Setup Execution Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution *** Variables **** ${rest_keyword} REST *** Test Cases *** Soft Bootme Test [Documentation] Using HTX exerciser soft boot option. [Tags] Soft_Bootme_Test Printn Rprint Vars HTX_DURATION HTX_LOOP # Set up the (soft) bootme iteration (loop) counter. Set Suite Variable ${iteration} ${0} children=true # Run test Repeat Keyword ${HTX_LOOP} times Run HTX Soft Bootme Exerciser *** Keywords *** Run HTX Soft Bootme Exerciser [Documentation] Run HTX Soft Bootme Exerciser. # Test Flow: # - Power on. # - Create HTX mdt profile. # - Run HTX exerciser. # - Soft bootme (OS Reboot). # - Check HTX status for errors. ${runtime}= Convert Time ${HTX_DURATION} ${startTime} = Get Current Date Run Keyword If '${HTX_MDT_PROFILE}' == 'mdt.bu' ... Create Default MDT Profile Run MDT Profile # ********************************** # HTX bootme_period: # 1 - every 20 minutes # 2 - every 30 minutes # 3 - every hour # 4 - every midnight # ********************************** Run Soft Bootme ${BOOTME_PERIOD} FOR ${index} IN RANGE 999999 ${l_ping}= ... Run Keyword And Return Status Ping Host ${OS_HOST} IF '${l_ping}' == '${False}' Log to console ("OS Host is rebooting") # Wait for OS (re) Boot - Max 20 minutes FOR ${waitindex} IN RANGE 40 Run Key U Sleep \ 30s ${l_ping}= ... Run Keyword And Return Status Ping Host ${OS_HOST} Exit For Loop If '${l_ping}' == '${True}' END Run Keyword If '${l_ping}' == '${False}' Fail msg=OS not pinging in 20 minutes Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 1 min 30 sec Verify Ping SSH And Redfish Authentication OS Execute Command uptime Check HTX Run Status Set Suite Variable ${iteration} ${iteration + 1} ${loop_count}= Catenate Completed reboot number: ${iteration} Printn Rprint Vars loop_count END ${currentTime} = Get Current Date ${elapsedTimeSec} = ... Subtract Date From Date ... ${currentTime} ${startTime} result_format=number exclude_millis=True Exit For Loop If ${runtime} < ${elapsedTimeSec} END Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 15 min 30 sec Verify Ping and REST Authentication Shutdown Bootme # If user needs to keep the HTX running to debug on failure or post processing. Run Keyword If ${HTX_KEEP_RUNNING} == ${0} Shutdown HTX Exerciser Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Do the initial test setup. ${bmc_version} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ... cat /etc/os-release Printn Rprint Vars bmc_versionhtxcmdline -bootme ${fw_version}= Get BMC Version Rprint Vars fw_version ${is_redfish}= Run Keyword And Return Status Redfish.Login ${rest_keyword}= Set Variable If ${is_redfish} Redfish REST Rprint Vars rest_keyword Set Suite Variable ${rest_keyword} children=true Run Keyword ${rest_keyword} Power On stack_mode=skip Run Key U Sleep \ 15s Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete All Error Logs Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish Purge Event Log Tool Exist htxcmdline ${os_release_info}= utils_os.Get OS Release Info uname Rprint Vars os_release_info fmt=1 # Shutdown if HTX is running. ${status}= Is HTX Running Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'True' ... Shutdown HTX Exerciser Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post-test teardown. # Keep HTX running if user set HTX_KEEP_RUNNING to 1. Run Keyword If ... '${TEST_STATUS}' == 'FAIL' and ${HTX_KEEP_RUNNING} == ${0} ... Shutdown HTX Exerciser ${keyword_buf}= Catenate Stop SOL Console Logging ... \ targ_file_path=${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/}SOL.log Run Key ${keyword_buf} Close All Connections