*** Settings *** Documentation Network stack stress tests using "nping" tool. Resource ../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Library OperatingSystem Library String Library ../lib/gen_robot_valid.py Library ../lib/bmc_network_utils.py Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Force Tags Network_Nping *** Variables *** ${delay} 1000ms ${count} 4 ${program_name} nping *** Test Cases *** Send ICMP Timestamp Request [Documentation] Send ICMP packet type 13 and check BMC drops such packets [Tags] Send_ICMP_Timestamp_Request # Send ICMP packet type 13 to BMC and check packet loss. ${packet_loss}= Send Network Packets And Get Packet Loss ... ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${count} ${ICMP_PACKETS} ${NETWORK_PORT} ${ICMP_TIMESTAMP_REQUEST} Should Be Equal As Numbers ${packet_loss} 100.00 ... msg=FAILURE: BMC is not dropping timestamp request messages. Send ICMP Netmask Request [Documentation] Send ICMP packet type 17 and check BMC drops such packets [Tags] Send_ICMP_Netmask_Request # Send ICMP packet type 17 to BMC and check packet loss. ${packet_loss}= Send Network Packets And Get Packet Loss ... ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${count} ${ICMP_PACKETS} ${NETWORK_PORT} ${ICMP_NETMASK_REQUEST} Should Be Equal As Numbers ${packet_loss} 100.00 ... msg=FAILURE: BMC is not dropping netmask request messages. Send Network Packets Continuously To Redfish Interface [Documentation] Send network packets continuously to Redfish interface and verify stability. [Tags] Send_Network_Packets_Continuously_To_Redfish_Interface # Send large number of packets to Redfish interface. ${packet_loss}= Send Network Packets And Get Packet Loss ... ${OPENBMC_HOST} 5000 ${TCP_PACKETS} ${REDFISH_INTERFACE} Should Be Equal ${packet_loss} 0.0 ... msg=FAILURE: BMC is dropping some packets. # Check if Redfish interface is functional. Redfish.Login Redfish.Logout *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Validate the setup. Valid Value OPENBMC_HOST Valid Program program_name Send Network Packets And Get Packet Loss [Documentation] Send TCP, UDP or ICMP packets to the target. [Arguments] ${host} ${num}=${count} ${packet_type}=${ICMP_PACKETS} ... ${port}=80 ${icmp_type}=${ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST} # Description of argument(s): # host The host name or IP address of the target system. # packet_type The type of packets to be sent ("tcp, "udp", "icmp"). # port Network port. # icmp_type Type of ICMP packets (e.g. 8, 13, 17, etc.). # num Number of packets to be sent. # This keyword expects host, port, type and number of packets to be sent # and rate at which packets to be sent, should be given in command line. # By default it sends 4 ICMP echo request packets at 1 packets/second. ${cmd_suffix}= Set Variable If '${packet_type}' == 'icmp' ... --icmp-type ${icmp_type} ... -p ${port} ${cmd_buf}= Set Variable --delay ${delay} ${host} -c ${num} --${packet_type} ${cmd_suffix} ${nping_result}= Nping ${cmd_buf} [Return] ${nping_result['percent_lost']}