*** Settings *** Documentation Update firmware on a target BMC via Redifsh. # Test Parameters: # IMAGE_FILE_PATH The path to the BMC image file. # # Firmware update states: # Enabled Image is installed and either functional or active. # Disabled Image installation failed or ready for activation. # Updating Image installation currently in progress. Resource ../../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../../lib/common_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/code_update_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/dump_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/logging_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/redfish_code_update_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/utils.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/external_intf/management_console_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/certificate_utils.robot Library ../../lib/gen_robot_valid.py Library ../../lib/tftp_update_utils.py Library ../../lib/gen_robot_keyword.py Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout Test Setup Printn Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail Force Tags BMC_Code_Update *** Variables *** @{ADMIN} admin_user TestPwd123 &{USERS} Administrator=${ADMIN} ${LOOP_COUNT} ${2} @{HOSTNAME} bmc_system01 bmc_system02 bmc_system03 bmc_system04 bmc_system05 *** Test Cases *** Redfish Code Update With ApplyTime OnReset [Documentation] Update the firmware image with ApplyTime of OnReset. [Tags] Redfish_Code_Update_With_ApplyTime_OnReset [Template] Redfish Update Firmware # policy OnReset Redfish Code Update With ApplyTime Immediate [Documentation] Update the firmware image with ApplyTime of Immediate. [Tags] Redfish_Code_Update_With_ApplyTime_Immediate [Template] Redfish Update Firmware # policy Immediate Redfish Code Update Same Firmware Multiple Times [Documentation] Multiple times update the firmware image for update service. [Tags] Redfish_Code_Update_Same_Firmware_Multiple_Times ${temp_update_loop_count}= Evaluate ${LOOP_COUNT} + 1 FOR ${count} IN RANGE 1 ${temp_update_loop_count} Print Timen *************************************** Print Timen * The Current Loop Count is ${count} of ${LOOP_COUNT} * Print Timen *************************************** Redfish Update Firmware apply_time=OnReset END Redfish Code Update With Multiple Firmware [Documentation] Update the firmware image with ApplyTime of Immediate. [Tags] Redfish_Code_Update_With_Multiple_Firmware [Template] Redfish Multiple Upload Image And Check Progress State # policy image_file_path alternate_image_file_path Immediate ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${ALTERNATE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH} Post BMC Reset Perform Redfish Code Update [Documentation] Test to reset BMC at standby and then perform BMC firmware update and ... ensure there is not error or dump logs post update. [Tags] Post_BMC_Reset_Perform_Redfish_Code_Update Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps Redfish Purge Event Log Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) Redfish Update Firmware apply_time=OnReset Event Log Should Not Exist Redfish BMC Dump Should Not Exist Redfish Power Off Post BMC Reset Perform Image Switched To Backup Multiple Times [Documentation] Test to reset BMC at standby and then perform switch ... to backup image multiple times. ... Then ensure no event and dump logs exist. [Tags] Post_BMC_Reset_Perform_Image_Switched_To_Backup_Multiple_Times Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps Redfish Purge Event Log Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) ${temp_update_loop_count}= Evaluate ${LOOP_COUNT} + 1 FOR ${count} IN RANGE 1 ${temp_update_loop_count} ${state}= Get Pre Reboot State # change to backup image and reset the BMC. Switch Backup Firmware Image To Functional Wait For Reboot start_boot_seconds=${state['epoch_seconds']} END Event Log Should Not Exist Redfish BMC Dump Should Not Exist Verify If The Modified Admin Credential Is Valid Post Image Switched To Backup [Documentation] Verify updated admin credential remain same post switch to back up image. [Tags] Verify_If_The_Modified_Admin_Credential_Is_Valid_Post_Image_Switched_To_Backup [Setup] Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} [Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Login AND Delete BMC Users Via Redfish users=${USERS} ${post_code_update_actions}= Get Post Boot Action ${state}= Get Pre Reboot State Expire And Update New Password Via Redfish ${ADMIN[0]} ${ADMIN[1]} 0penBmc123 Redfish.Login # change to backup image and reset the BMC. Switch Backup Firmware Image To Functional Wait For Reboot start_boot_seconds=${state['epoch_seconds']} # verify modified admin password on backup image. Redfish.Login admin_user 0penBmc123 Redfish.Logout Verify If The Modified Admin Credential Is Valid Post Update [Documentation] Verify updated admin credential remain same post code update image. [Tags] Verify_If_The_Modified_Admin_Credential_Is_Valid_Post_Update [Setup] Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} [Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Login AND Delete BMC Users Via Redfish users=${USERS} Expire And Update New Password Via Redfish ${ADMIN[0]} ${ADMIN[1]} 0penBmc123 Redfish.Login # Flash latest firmware using redfish. Redfish Update Firmware OnReset # verify modified admin credentails on latest image. Redfish.Login admin_user 0penBmc123 Redfish.Logout Redfish Code Update With Different Interrupted Operation [Documentation] Ensure firmware update is successful when different interrupted operation executed ... i.e. change the hostname, updating https certificate and firmware update fail ... when kernel panic. [Tags] Redfish_Code_Update_With_Different_Interrupted_Operation [Template] Verify Redfish Code Update With Different Interrupted Operation # operation count host_name 1 kernel_panic 1 https_certificate 1 *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do the suite setup. Valid File Path IMAGE_FILE_PATH Redfish.Login Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps Redfish Purge Event Log Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip # Check and set the update path. # Old - /redfish/v1/UpdateService/ # New - /redfish/v1/UpdateService/update ${resp}= Redfish.Get /redfish/v1/UpdateService/update ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK},${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}] # If the method is not found, set update URI to old method. Run Keyword If ${resp.status} == ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND} ... Set Suite Variable ${REDFISH_UPDATE_URI} /redfish/v1/UpdateService Log To Console Update URI: ${REDFISH_UPDATE_URI} Redfish Update Firmware [Documentation] Update the BMC firmware via redfish interface. [Arguments] ${apply_time} # Description of argument(s): # policy ApplyTime allowed values (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate"). ${post_code_update_actions}= Get Post Boot Action ${state}= Get Pre Reboot State Rprint Vars state Set ApplyTime policy=${apply_Time} ${task_inv_dict}= Get Task State from File ${file_bin_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${image_file_path} Log To Console Start uploading image to BMC. Upload Image To BMC ${REDFISH_UPDATE_URI} timeout=${600} data=${file_bin_data} Log To Console Completed image upload to BMC. ${task_inv}= Check Task With Match TargetUri ${REDFISH_UPDATE_URI} Rprint Vars task_inv Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 10 sec ... Verify Task Progress State ${task_inv} ${task_inv_dict['TaskCompleted']} Run Key ${post_code_update_actions['BMC image']['${apply_time}']} Redfish.Login Redfish Verify BMC Version ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} Verify Get ApplyTime ${apply_time} Redfish Multiple Upload Image And Check Progress State [Documentation] Update multiple BMC firmware via redfish interface and check status. [Arguments] ${apply_time} ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${ALTERNATE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH} # Description of argument(s): # apply_time ApplyTime allowed values (e.g. "OnReset", "Immediate"). # IMAGE_FILE_PATH The path to BMC image file. # ALTERNATE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH The path to alternate BMC image file. ${post_code_update_actions}= Get Post Boot Action Valid File Path ALTERNATE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH ${state}= Get Pre Reboot State Rprint Vars state Set ApplyTime policy=${apply_time} Redfish Upload Image ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${first_image_id}= Get Latest Image ID Rprint Vars first_image_id Sleep 5s Redfish Upload Image ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService ${ALTERNATE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${second_image_id}= Get Latest Image ID Rprint Vars second_image_id Check Image Update Progress State ... match_state='Updating', 'Disabled' image_id=${second_image_id} Check Image Update Progress State ... match_state='Updating' image_id=${first_image_id} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 8 min 20 sec ... Check Image Update Progress State ... match_state='Enabled' image_id=${first_image_id} Run Key ${post_code_update_actions['BMC image']['${apply_time}']} Redfish.Login Redfish Verify BMC Version ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} Run Configure BMC Hostname In Loop [Documentation] Update hostname in loop. [Arguments] ${count} # Description of argument(s): # count Loop count. FOR ${index} IN RANGE ${count} Configure Hostname  hostname=${HOSTNAME}[${index}] status_code=[${HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}] END Redfish Update Certificate Upload In Loop [Documentation] Upload HTTPS server certificate via Redfish and verify using OpenSSL. [Arguments] ${count} # Description of argument(s): # count Loop count. FOR ${index} IN RANGE ${count} ${resp}= Run Keyword And Return Status Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_URI}/1 valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}] Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp} ${True} ${cert_file_path}= Generate Certificate File Via Openssl Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey ${bytes}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${cert_file_path} ${file_data}= Decode Bytes To String ${bytes} UTF-8 ${certificate_dict}= Create Dictionary ... @odata.id=${REDFISH_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_URI}/1 ${payload}= Create Dictionary CertificateString=${file_data} ... CertificateType=PEM CertificateUri=${certificate_dict} ${resp}= Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/CertificateService/Actions/CertificateService.ReplaceCertificate ... body=${payload} Verify Certificate Visible Via OpenSSL ${cert_file_path} END Run Operation On BMC [Documentation] Run operation on BMC. [Arguments] ${operation} ${count} # Description of argument(s): # operation If host_name then change hostname. # count Loop count. Run Keyword If '${operation}' == 'host_name' ... Run Configure BMC Hostname In Loop count=${count} ... ELSE IF '${operation}' == 'kernel_panic' ... Run Keywords Kernel Panic BMC Reset Operation AND ... Is BMC Unpingable ... ELSE IF '${operation}' == 'https_certificate' ... Redfish Update Certificate Upload In Loop count=${count} ... ELSE ... Fail msg=Operation not handled. Get Active Firmware Image [Documentation] Return get active firmware image. ${active_image}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Managers/${MANAGER_ID} Links Rprint Vars active_image [Return] ${active_image} Get New Image ID [Documentation] Return the ID of the most recently extracted image. ${image_id}= Get Image Id Updating [Return] ${image_id} Verify Redfish Code Update With Different Interrupted Operation [Documentation] Verify code update is successful when other operation ... getting executed i.e. change the hostname, updating http certificate ... and code update will fail for kernel panic. [Arguments] ${operation} ${count} # Description of argument(s): # operation host_name to change Hostname, kernel_panic to perform kernel panic. # count Number of times loop will get executed. ${before_update_activeswimage}= Get Active Firmware Image ${post_code_update_actions}= Get Post Boot Action Set ApplyTime policy=OnReset ${task_inv_dict}= Get Task State from File ${file_bin_data}= OperatingSystem.Get Binary File ${image_file_path} Log To Console Start uploading image to BMC. Upload Image To BMC ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}UpdateService timeout=${600} data=${file_bin_data} Log To Console Completed image upload to BMC. Sleep 5 ${image_id}= Get New Image ID Rprint Vars image_id ${task_inv}= Check Task With Match TargetUri /redfish/v1/UpdateService Rprint Vars task_inv Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 10 sec ... Verify Task Progress State ${task_inv} ${task_inv_dict['TaskStarting']} Run Operation On BMC ${operation} ${count} IF '${operation}' == 'kernel_panic' Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 min 10 sec Is BMC Standby ELSE IF '${operation}' == 'host_name' Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5 min 10 sec ... Verify Task Progress State ${task_inv} ${task_inv_dict['TaskCompleted']} Run Key ${post_code_update_actions['BMC image']['OnReset']} Redfish Verify BMC Version ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ELSE IF '${operation}' == 'https_certificate' Check Image Update Progress State ... match_state='Updating' image_id=${image_id} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 8 min 20 sec ... Check Image Update Progress State ... match_state='Enabled' image_id=${image_id} Run Key ${post_code_update_actions['BMC image']['OnReset']} Redfish Verify BMC Version ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ELSE Fail msg=Operation not handled. END ${after_update_activeswimage}= Get Active Firmware Image ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Be Equal As Strings ... ${before_update_activeswimage['ActiveSoftwareImage']['@odata.id']} ... ${after_update_activeswimage['ActiveSoftwareImage']['@odata.id']} Run Keyword If '${operation}' == 'kernel_panic' ... Should Be True ${status} ... ELSE ... Should Not Be True ${status} Verify Get ApplyTime OnReset