*** Settings *** Documentation Test Suite for Supported Fan Modules. Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../lib/boot_utils.robot Library ../../lib/gen_robot_valid.py Library ../../lib/gen_robot_keyword.py Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution Test Setup Printn Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution *** Variables *** @{VALID_MODE_VALUES} DEFAULT CUSTOM HEAVY_IO MAX_BASE_FAN_FLOOR *** Test Cases *** Verify Current Fan Thermal Mode [Documentation] Check current thermal fan mode is a valid mode value. [Tags] Verify_Current_Fan_Thermal_Mode # Example: # /xyz/openbmc_project/control/thermal/0 # # Response code:200, Content: { # "data": { # "Current": "DEFAULT", # "Supported": [ # "DEFAULT", # "CUSTOM", # "HEAVY_IO", # "MAX_BASE_FAN_FLOOR" # }, # }, # "message": "200 OK", # "status": "ok" # } ${current}= Read Attribute ${THERMAL_CONTROL_URI} Current Rprint Vars current Valid Value current valid_values=${VALID_MODE_VALUES} Verify Supported Fan Thermal Modes Available [Documentation] Check supported fan thermal modes are valid mode values. [Tags] Verify_Supported_Fan_Thermal_Modes_Available ${supported}= Read Attribute ${THERMAL_CONTROL_URI} Supported Rprint Vars supported Valid List supported valid_values=${VALID_MODE_VALUES} Verify Supported Fan Thermal Modes Switch At Standby [Documentation] Check that supported modes are set successfully at standby. [Tags] Verify_Supported_Fan_Thermal_Modes_Switch_At_Standby [Template] Set and Verify Thermal Mode Switches # pre_req_state thermal_mode_type Off DEFAULT Off CUSTOM Off HEAVY_IO Off MAX_BASE_FAN_FLOOR Verify Supported Fan Thermal Modes Switch At Runtime [Documentation] Check that supported modes are set successfully at runtime. [Tags] Verify_Supported_Fan_Thermal_Modes_Switch_At_Runtime [Template] Set and Verify Thermal Mode Switches # pre_req_state thermal_mode On DEFAULT On CUSTOM On HEAVY_IO On MAX_BASE_FAN_FLOOR Verify Supported Fan Thermal Mode Remains Set After IPL [Documentation] Check that supported modes remain set at runtime. [Tags] Verify_Supported_Fan_Thermal_Mode_Remains_Set_After_IPL [Template] Set and Verify Thermal Mode After IPL # pre_req_state thermal_mode_type Off DEFAULT Off CUSTOM Off HEAVY_IO Off MAX_BASE_FAN_FLOOR *** Keywords *** Set and Verify Thermal Mode Switches [Documentation] Verify the thermal mode switches successfully at standby or runtime. [Arguments] ${pre_req_state} ${thermal_mode} # Description of Arguments(s): # thermal_mode Read the supported thermal mode (e.g. "CUSTOM") # pre_req_state Set the state of the host to Standby or Runtime (e.g. "Running") Run Key U Redfish Power ${pre_req_state} \ stack_mode=skip \ quiet=1 Redfish.Login ${mode}= Redfish.Put ${THERMAL_CONTROL_URI}/attr/Current body={"data": "${thermal_mode}"} ${current}= Read Attribute ${THERMAL_CONTROL_URI} Current Should Be Equal As Strings ${thermal_mode} ${current} ... msg=The thermal mode does not match the current fan mode. Rprint Vars current Set and Verify Thermal Mode After IPL [Documentation] Verify the thermal mode remains set at runtime. [Arguments] ${pre_req_state} ${thermal_mode} Set and Verify Thermal Mode Switches ${pre_req_state} ${thermal_mode} Run Key U Redfish Power On \ stack_mode=normal \ quiet=1 Redfish.Login ${current}= Read Attribute ${THERMAL_CONTROL_URI} Current Should Be Equal As Strings ${thermal_mode} ${current} ... msg=The current thermal fan mode switched successfully. Rprint Vars current Suite Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post suite teardown. Redfish.Logout Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Printn Redfish.Login Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post test teardown. FFDC On Test Case Fail