*** Settings *** Documentation Inventory of hardware resources under systems. Resource ../../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot Resource ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot Resource ../../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution *** Test Cases *** Event Log Check After BMC Reboot [Documentation] Check event log after BMC rebooted. [Tags] Event_Log_Check_After_BMC_Reboot Redfish Purge Event Log Event Log Should Not Exist Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) Redfish.Login Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 mins 15 secs Redfish.Get ${EVENT_LOG_URI}Entries Event Log Should Not Exist *** Keywords *** Suite Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post suite teardown. Redfish.Logout Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Redfish.Login ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Logging Test Binary Exist Run Keyword If ${status} == ${False} Install Tarball Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post test teardown. FFDC On Test Case Fail Event Log Should Not Exist [Documentation] Event log entries should not exist. ${elogs}= Get Event Logs Should Be Empty ${elogs} msg=System event log entry is not empty.