*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite to verify BIOS POST code log entries. Resource ../../../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Test Setup Test Setup Execution Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution Force Tags Post_Codes *** Variables *** ${max_view_count} 1000 *** Test Cases *** Test PostCodes When Host Boots [Documentation] Boot the system and verify PostCodes from host are logged. [Tags] Test_PostCodes_When_Host_Boots Redfish Power On ${post_code_list}= Redfish Get PostCodes Rprint Vars post_code_list ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries Log To Console BIOS POST Codes count: ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} Should Be True ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} >= 1 msg=No BIOS POST Codes populated. Test PostCodes When Host Reboot [Documentation] Initiate Host reboot the system and verify PostCodes from host are logged. [Tags] Test_PostCodes_When_Host_Reboot # Boot to runtime and clear post codes. Redfish Power On stack_mode=skip Redfish Clear PostCodes RF SYS GracefulRestart ${post_code_list}= Redfish Get PostCodes Rprint Vars post_code_list ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries Log To Console BIOS POST Codes count: ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} Should Be True ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} >= 1 msg=No BIOS POST Codes populated. Test PostCodes When Host Powered Off [Documentation] Power off the system and verify PostCodes from host are logged. [Tags] Test_PostCodes_When_Host_Powered_Off # Boot to runtime and clear post codes. Redfish Power On stack_mode=skip Redfish Clear PostCodes Redfish Power Off ${post_code_list}= Redfish Get PostCodes Rprint Vars post_code_list ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries Log To Console BIOS POST Codes count: ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} Should Be True ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} == 0 ... msg=BIOS POST Codes populated. Test PostCode Id Value Incremented On Host Reboot [Documentation] Verify the value of ID in postcode entry is incremented ... on host reboot. In the ID value 'B2-49', '2' represents ... the boot cycle count of the host system. [Tags] Test_PostCode_Id_Value_Incremented_On_Host_Reboot [Setup] Populate PostCode Logs Incase No Prior Entries Available # Get boot count of current postcode logs. ${initial_boot_count}= Get Boot Count For Last PostCode Entry ${expected_boot_count}= Evaluate ${initial_boot_count} + 1 # Perform host reboot and verify boot count incremented in ID value. RF SYS GracefulRestart ${current_boot_count}= Get Boot Count For Last PostCode Entry Should Be True ${current_boot_count} == ${expected_boot_count} Test PostCode Log Perisistency After BMC Reboot [Documentation] Verify the post code log entries persist after BMC reboot. [Tags] Test_PostCode_Log_Perisistency_After_BMC_Reboot [Setup] Populate PostCode Logs Incase No Prior Entries Available Redfish Power On stack_mode=skip # Get log count before BMC reboot. ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries ${initial_log_count}= Set Variable ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} # Reboot BMC. OBMC Reboot (run) # Get log count after BMC reboot and compare with initial log count. ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries ${current_log_count}= Set Variable ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} Should Be True ${current_log_count} == ${initial_log_count} Test Clear Post Code Log Action [Documentation] Verify clear log action for post code entries. [Tags] Test_Clear_Post_Code_Log_Action [Setup] Populate PostCode Logs Incase No Prior Entries Available # Perform clear postcode log action. Redfish Clear PostCodes ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries # Verify if log count becomes zero. Should Be True ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} == 0 ... msg=BIOS POST code logs not cleared. *** Keywords *** Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test setup operation. Redfish.Login Redfish Clear PostCodes Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do test teardown operation. FFDC On Test Case Fail Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do suite setup operation. Redfish.Login Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish Purge Event Log Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete All Redfish Sessions Suite Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do suite teardown operation. Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish Delete All BMC Dumps Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish Purge Event Log Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete All Redfish Sessions Get Boot Count For Last PostCode Entry [Documentation] Get the latest boot count from post code log entry. ... log entry has ID "B2-1000", latest boot count "2" is returned. # { # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries", # "@odata.type": "#LogEntryCollection.LogEntryCollection", # "Description": "Collection of POST Code Log Entries", # "Members": [ # { # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries/B1-1000", # "@odata.type": "#LogEntry.v1_8_0.LogEntry", # "Created": "1970-01-01T00:16:40+00:00", # "EntryType": "Event", # "Id": "B2-1000", # "Message": "Boot Count: 2; Time Stamp Offset: 117.4928 seconds; POST Code: 0xac10", # "MessageArgs": [ # "2", # "117.4928", # "0xac10" # ], # "MessageId": "OpenBMC.0.2.BIOSPOSTCode", # "Name": "POST Code Log Entry", # "Severity": "OK" # } # ], # "Members@odata.count": 2240, # "Members@odata.nextLink": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries?$skip=1000", # "Name": "BIOS POST Code Log Entries" # } ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries ${total_log_count}= Set Variable ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} IF ${total_log_count} > ${max_view_count} ${skip_count}= Evaluate (${total_log_count}//${max_view_count})*${max_view_count} ${uri}= Set Variable ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries?$skip=${skip_count} ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ${uri} END ${last_id}= Set Variable ${post_codes['Members'][-1]['Id']} ${last_id}= Split String ${last_id} - ${boot_count}= Set Variable ${last_id[0][1]} Return From Keyword ${boot_count} Populate PostCode Logs Incase No Prior Entries Available [Documentation] Trigger Redfish graceful restart action on host system ... to populate postcode logs if there are no prior log entries. ${post_codes}= Redfish.Get Properties ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/PostCodes/Entries Run Keyword If ${post_codes['Members@odata.count']} == 0 ... RF SYS GracefulRestart