*** Settings *** Documentation Network interface IPv6 configuration and verification ... tests. Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_ipv6_utils.robot Library ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.py Library Collections Test Setup Test Setup Execution Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution *** Variables *** ${test_ipv6_addr} 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888 ${test_ipv6_invalid_addr} 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:JJKK # Valid prefix length is a integer ranges from 1 to 128. ${test_prefix_length} 64 *** Test Cases *** Get IPv6 Address And Verify [Documentation] Get IPv6 Address And Verify. [Tags] Get_IPv6_Address_And_Verify FOR ${ipv6_network_configuration} IN @{ipv6_network_configurations} Verify IPv6 On BMC ${ipv6_network_configuration['Address']} END Get PrefixLength And Verify [Documentation] Get IPv6 prefix length and verify. [Tags] Get_PrefixLength_And_Verify FOR ${ipv6_network_configuration} IN @{ipv6_network_configurations} Verify IPv6 On BMC ${ipv6_network_configuration['PrefixLength']} END Get IPv6 Default Gateway And Verify [Documentation] Get IPv6 default gateway and verify. [Tags] Get_IPv6_Default_Gateway_And_Verify ${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_ETH_IFACE}${ethernet_interface} ${ipv6_gateway}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.dict} IPv6DefaultGateway Verify IPv6 Default Gateway On BMC ${ipv6_gateway} Verify All Configured IPv6 And PrefixLength On BMC [Documentation] Verify IPv6 address and its prefix length on BMC. [Tags] Verify_All_Configured_IPv6_And_PrefixLength_On_BMC FOR ${ipv6_network_configuration} IN @{ipv6_network_configurations} Verify IPv6 And PrefixLength ${ipv6_network_configuration['Address']} ... ${ipv6_network_configuration['PrefixLength']} END Configure IPv6 Address And Verify [Documentation] Configure IPv6 address and verify. [Tags] Configure_IPv6_Address_And_Verify [Template] Configure IPv6 Address On BMC # IPv6 address Prefix length ${test_ipv6_addr} ${test_prefix_length} Delete IPv6 Address And Verify [Documentation] Delete IPv6 address and verify. [Tags] Delete_IPv6_Address_And_Verify Configure IPv6 Address On BMC ${test_ipv6_addr} ${test_prefix_length} Delete IPv6 Address ${test_ipv6_addr} *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do suite setup execution. ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${ethernet_interface}= Set Variable ${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} Set Suite variable ${ethernet_interface} Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Test setup execution. Redfish.Login @{ipv6_network_configurations}= Get IPv6 Network Configuration Set Test Variable @{ipv6_network_configurations} # Get BMC IPv6 address and prefix length. ${ipv6_data}= Get BMC IPv6 Info Set Test Variable ${ipv6_data} Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Test teardown execution. FFDC On Test Case Fail Redfish.Logout Get IPv6 Network Configuration [Documentation] Get Ipv6 network configuration. # Sample output: # { # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Managers/${MANAGER_ID}/EthernetInterfaces/eth0", # "@odata.type": "#EthernetInterface.v1_4_1.EthernetInterface", # "DHCPv4": { # "DHCPEnabled": false, # "UseDNSServers": false, # "UseDomainName": true, # "UseNTPServers": false # }, # "DHCPv6": { # "OperatingMode": "Disabled", # "UseDNSServers": false, # "UseDomainName": true, # "UseNTPServers": false # }, # "Description": "Management Network Interface", # "FQDN": "localhost", # "HostName": "localhost", # "IPv4Addresses": [ # { # "Address": "xx.xx.xx.xx", # "AddressOrigin": "Static", # "Gateway": "xx.xx.xx.1", # "SubnetMask": "xx.xx.xx.0" # }, # { # "Address": "169.254.xx.xx", # "AddressOrigin": "IPv4LinkLocal", # "Gateway": "", # "SubnetMask": "xx.xx.0.0" # }, # ], # "IPv4StaticAddresses": [ # { # "Address": "xx.xx.xx.xx", # "AddressOrigin": "Static", # "Gateway": "xx.xx.xx.1", # "SubnetMask": "xx.xx.0.0" # } # } # ], # "IPv6AddressPolicyTable": [], # "IPv6Addresses": [ # { # "Address": "fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx", # "AddressOrigin": "LinkLocal", # "AddressState": null, # "PrefixLength": xx # } # ], # "IPv6DefaultGateway": "", # "IPv6StaticAddresses": [ # { "Address": "xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx", # "AddressOrigin": "Static", # "AddressState": null, # "PrefixLength": xxx # } # ], # "Id": "eth0", # "InterfaceEnabled": true, # "LinkStatus": "LinkUp", # "MACAddress": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", # "Name": "Manager Ethernet Interface", # "NameServers": [], # "SpeedMbps": 0, # "StaticNameServers": [], # "Status": { # "Health": "OK", # "HealthRollup": "OK", # "State": "Enabled" # }, # "VLANs": { # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Managers/${MANAGER_ID}/EthernetInterfaces/eth0/VLANs" ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_ETH_IFACE}${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} @{ipv6_network_configurations}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.dict} IPv6StaticAddresses [Return] @{ipv6_network_configurations} Verify IPv6 And PrefixLength [Documentation] Verify IPv6 address and prefix length on BMC. [Arguments] ${ipv6_addr} ${prefix_len} # Description of the argument(s): # ipv6_addr IPv6 address to be verified. # prefix_len PrefixLength value to be verified. # Catenate IPv6 address and its prefix length. ${ipv6_with_prefix}= Catenate ${ipv6_addr}/${prefix_len} # Get IPv6 address details on BMC using IP command. @{ip_data}= Get BMC IPv6 Info # Verify if IPv6 and prefix length is configured on BMC. Should Contain ${ip_data} ${ipv6_with_prefix} ... msg=IPv6 and prefix length pair does not exist. Configure IPv6 Address On BMC [Documentation] Add IPv6 Address on BMC. [Arguments] ${ipv6_addr} ${prefix_len} ${valid_status_codes}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # ipv6_addr IPv6 address to be added (e.g. "2001:EEEE:2222::2022"). # prefix_len Prefix length for the IPv6 to be added # (e.g. "64"). # valid_status_codes Expected return code from patch operation # (e.g. "200"). ${prefix_length}= Convert To Integer ${prefix_len} ${empty_dict}= Create Dictionary ${ipv6_data}= Create Dictionary Address=${ipv6_addr} ... PrefixLength=${prefix_length} ${patch_list}= Create List # Get existing static IPv6 configurations on BMC. ${ipv6_network_configurations}= Get IPv6 Network Configuration ${num_entries}= Get Length ${ipv6_network_configurations} FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE 0 ${num_entries} Append To List ${patch_list} ${empty_dict} END ${valid_status_codes}= Run Keyword If '${valid_status_codes}' == '${HTTP_OK}' ... Set Variable ${HTTP_OK},${HTTP_NO_CONTENT} ... ELSE Set Variable ${valid_status_codes} # We need not check for existence of IPv6 on BMC while adding. Append To List ${patch_list} ${ipv6_data} ${data}= Create Dictionary IPv6StaticAddresses=${patch_list} ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${ethernet_interface}= Set Variable ${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} Redfish.patch ${REDFISH_NW_ETH_IFACE}${ethernet_interface} body=&{data} ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_codes}] Return From Keyword If '${valid_status_codes}' != '${HTTP_OK},${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}' # Note: Network restart takes around 15-18s after patch request processing. Sleep ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT}s Wait For Host To Ping ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT} Verify IPv6 And PrefixLength ${ipv6_addr} ${prefix_len} # Verify if existing static IPv6 addresses still exist. FOR ${ipv6_network_configuration} IN @{ipv6_network_configurations} Verify IPv6 On BMC ${ipv6_network_configuration['Address']} END Validate IPv6 Network Config On BMC Validate IPv6 Network Config On BMC [Documentation] Check that IPv6 network info obtained via redfish matches info ... obtained via CLI. @{network_configurations}= Get IPv6 Network Configuration ${ipv6_data}= Get BMC IPv6 Info FOR ${ipv6_network_configuration} IN @{ipv6_network_configurations} Should Contain Match ${ipv6_data} ${ipv6_network_configuration['Address']}/* ... msg=IPv6 address does not exist. END Delete IPv6 Address [Documentation] Delete IPv6 address of BMC. [Arguments] ${ipv6_addr} ${valid_status_codes}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # ipv6_addr IPv6 address to be deleted (e.g. "2001:1234:1234:1234::1234"). # valid_status_codes Expected return code from patch operation # (e.g. "200"). See prolog of rest_request # method in redfish_plus.py for details. ${empty_dict}= Create Dictionary ${patch_list}= Create List @{ipv6_network_configurations}= Get IPv6 Network Configuration FOR ${ipv6_network_configuration} IN @{ipv6_network_configurations} IF '${ipv6_network_configuration['Address']}' == '${ipv6_addr}' Append To List ${patch_list} ${null} ELSE Append To List ${patch_list} ${empty_dict} END END ${ip_found}= Run Keyword And Return Status List Should Contain Value ... ${patch_list} ${null} msg=${ipv6_addr} does not exist on BMC Pass Execution If ${ip_found} == ${False} ${ipv6_addr} does not exist on BMC # Run patch command only if given IP is found on BMC ${data}= Create Dictionary IPv6StaticAddresses=${patch_list} ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${ethernet_interface}= Set Variable ${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} Redfish.patch ${REDFISH_NW_ETH_IFACE}${ethernet_interface} body=&{data} ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_codes}] # Note: Network restart takes around 15-18s after patch request processing Sleep ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT}s Wait For Host To Ping ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT} # IPv6 address that is deleted should not be there on BMC. ${delete_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify IPv6 On BMC ${ipv6_addr} IF '${valid_status_codes}' == '${HTTP_OK}' Should Be True '${delete_status}' == '${False}' ELSE Should Be True '${delete_status}' == '${True}' END Validate IPv6 Network Config On BMC