*** Settings *** Documentation Test BMC Redfish conformance using https://github.com/DMTF/Redfish-Interop-Validator. ... DMTF tool. ... It validate the Redfish service based on an interoperability profile given to it. Resource ../../lib/dmtf_tools_utils.robot *** Variables *** ${DEFAULT_PYTHON} python3 ${rsv_dir_path} Redfish-Interop-Validator ${rsv_github_url} https://github.com/DMTF/Redfish-Interop-Validator.git # In future, when the profile is available at https://redfish.dmtf.org/profiles/ # Default profile available at data/openbmc_redfish_interop_profile.json ${profile_path} ${EXECDIR}/data/openbmc_redfish_interop_profile.json ${cmd_str_master} ${DEFAULT_PYTHON} ${rsv_dir_path}${/}RedfishInteropValidator.py ... --ip https://${OPENBMC_HOST}:${HTTPS_PORT} ... --authtype=Session ... -u ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ... -p ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} ... --logdir ${EXECDIR}${/}logs${/} ... ${profile_path} ... --debugging ${branch_name} main *** Test Case *** Test BMC Redfish Using Redfish Interop Validator [Documentation] Check conformance based on the OpenBMC Interoperability profile. [Tags] Test_BMC_Redfish_Using_Redfish_Interop_Validator Download DMTF Tool ${rsv_dir_path} ${rsv_github_url} ${branch_name} ${rc} ${output}= Run DMTF Tool ${rsv_dir_path} ${cmd_str_master} check_error=1 Run Keyword If ${rc} != 0 Fail Redfish-Interop-Validator Failed.