*** Settings *** Documentation Test Redfish user account. Resource ../../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Test Setup Test Setup Execution Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution *** Variables *** ${account_lockout_duration} ${30} ${account_lockout_threshold} ${3} ** Test Cases ** Verify AccountService Available [Documentation] Verify Redfish account service is available. [Tags] Verify_AccountService_Available ${resp} = Redfish_utils.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/AccountService ServiceEnabled Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp} ${True} Verify Redfish User Persistence After Reboot [Documentation] Verify Redfish user persistence after reboot. [Tags] Verify_Redfish_User_Persistence_After_Reboot # Create Redfish users. Redfish Create User admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} Redfish Create User operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} Redfish Create User readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} # Reboot BMC. Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) stack_mode=normal # Verify users after reboot. Redfish Verify User admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} Redfish Verify User operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} Redfish Verify User readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} # Delete created users. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user Redfish Create and Verify Users [Documentation] Create Redfish users with various roles. [Tags] Redfish_Create_and_Verify_Users [Template] Redfish Create And Verify User #username password role_id enabled admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password [Documentation] Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password. [Tags] Verify_Redfish_User_with_Wrong_Password [Template] Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password #username password role_id enabled wrong_password admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} alskjhfwurh operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} 12j8a8uakjhdaosiruf024 readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} 12 Verify Login with Deleted Redfish Users [Documentation] Verify login with deleted Redfish Users. [Tags] Verify_Login_with_Deleted_Redfish_Users [Template] Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User #username password role_id enabled admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} Verify User Creation Without Enabling It [Documentation] Verify User Creation Without Enabling it. [Tags] Verify_User_Creation_Without_Enabling_It [Template] Verify Create User Without Enabling #username password role_id enabled admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${False} operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${False} readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${False} Verify User Creation With Invalid Role Id [Documentation] Verify user creation with invalid role ID. [Tags] Verify_User_Creation_With_Invalid_Role_Id # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/test_user ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}] # Create specified user. ${payload}= Create Dictionary ... UserName=test_user Password=TestPwd123 RoleId=wrongroleid Enabled=${True} Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}] Verify Error Upon Creating Same Users With Different Privileges [Documentation] Verify error upon creating same users with different privileges. [Tags] Verify_Error_Upon_Creating_Same_Users_With_Different_Privileges Redfish Create User test_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} # Create specified user. ${payload}= Create Dictionary ... UserName=test_user Password=TestPwd123 RoleId=Operator Enabled=${True} Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}] Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/test_user Verify Modifying User Attributes [Documentation] Verify modifying user attributes. [Tags] Verify_Modifying_User_Attributes # Create Redfish users. Redfish Create User admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} Redfish Create User operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} Redfish Create User readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} Redfish.Login # Make sure the new user account does not already exist. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/newadmin_user ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}] # Update admin_user username using Redfish. ${payload}= Create Dictionary UserName=newadmin_user Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user body=&{payload} # Update operator_user password using Redfish. ${payload}= Create Dictionary Password=NewTestPwd123 Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user body=&{payload} # Update readonly_user role using Redfish. ${payload}= Create Dictionary RoleId=Operator Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user body=&{payload} # Verify users after updating Redfish Verify User newadmin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} Redfish Verify User operator_user NewTestPwd123 Operator ${True} Redfish Verify User readonly_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} # Delete created users. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/newadmin_user Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user Verify User Account Locked [Documentation] Verify user account locked upon trying with invalid password. [Tags] Verify_User_Account_Locked Redfish Create User admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} Redfish.Logout Redfish.Login ${payload}= Create Dictionary AccountLockoutThreshold=${account_lockout_threshold} ... AccountLockoutDuration=${account_lockout_duration} Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_SERVICE_URI} body=${payload} # Make ${account_lockout_threshold} failed login attempts. Repeat Keyword ${account_lockout_threshold} times ... Run Keyword And Expect Error InvalidCredentialsError* Redfish.Login admin_user abc123 # Verify that legitimate login fails due to lockout. Run Keyword And Expect Error InvalidCredentialsError* ... Redfish.Login admin_user TestPwd123 # Wait for lockout duration to expire and then verify that login works. Sleep ${account_lockout_duration}s Redfish.Login admin_user TestPwd123 Redfish.Logout Redfish.Login Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user Verify Admin User Privilege [Documentation] Verify admin user privilege. [Tags] Verify_Admin_User_Privilege Redfish Create User admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} Redfish Create User operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} Redfish Create User readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} # Change role ID of operator user with admin user. # Login with admin user. Redfish.Login admin_user TestPwd123 # Modify Role ID of Operator user. Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user body={'RoleId': 'Administrator'} # Verify modified user. Redfish Verify User operator_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} # Change password of 'user' user with admin user. Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user body={'Password': 'NewTestPwd123'} # Verify modified user. Redfish Verify User readonly_user NewTestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} Redfish.Login Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user Verify Operator User Privilege [Documentation] Verify operator user privilege. [Tags] Verify_operator_User_Privilege Redfish Create User admin_user TestPwd123 Administrator ${True} Redfish Create User operator_user TestPwd123 Operator ${True} # Login with operator user. Redfish.Login operator_user TestPwd123 # Verify BMC reset. Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) stack_mode=normal # Attempt to change password of admin user with operator user. Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user body={'Password': 'NewTestPwd123'} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED}] Redfish.Login Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user Verify ReadOnly User Privilege [Documentation] Verify ReadOnly user privilege. [Tags] Verify_ReadOnly_User_Privilege Redfish Create User readonly_user TestPwd123 ReadOnly ${True} # Read system level data. ${system_model}= Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute ... ${SYSTEM_BASE_URI} Model Redfish.Login Redfish.Delete ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_URI}readonly_user Verify Minimum Password Length For Redfish User [Documentation] Verify minimum password length for new and existing user. [Tags] Verify_Minimum_Password_Length_For_Redfish_User ${user_name}= Set Variable testUser # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}] # Try to create a user with invalid length password. ${payload}= Create Dictionary ... UserName=${user_name} Password=UserPwd RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True} Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}] # Create specified user with valid length password. Set To Dictionary ${payload} Password UserPwd1 Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}] # Try to change to an invalid password. Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name} body={'Password': 'UserPwd'} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}] # Change to a valid password. Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name} body={'Password': 'UserPwd1'} # Verify login. Redfish.Logout Redfish.Login ${user_name} UserPwd1 Redfish.Logout Redfish.Login Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name} *** Keywords *** Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Redfish.Login Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post test teardown. FFDC On Test Case Fail Run Keyword And Ignore Error Redfish.Logout Redfish Create User [Documentation] Redfish create user. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} # Description of argument(s): # username The username to be created. # password The password to be assigned. # role_id The role ID of the user to be created # (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.). # enabled Indicates whether the username being created # should be enabled (${True}, ${False}). Redfish.Login # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}] # Create specified user. ${payload}= Create Dictionary ... UserName=${username} Password=${password} RoleId=${role_id} Enabled=${enabled} Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}] # Resetting pam tally count as a workaround for issue # openbmc/phosphor-user-manager#4 ${cmd}= Catenate /usr/sbin/pam_tally2 -u ${username} --reset Bmc Execute Command ${cmd} Redfish.Logout # Login with created user. Run Keyword If ${enabled} == ${False} ... Run Keyword And Expect Error InvalidCredentialsError* ... Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} ... ELSE ... Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} Run Keyword If ${enabled} == ${False} ... Redfish.Login # Validate Role ID of created user. ${role_config}= Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute ... /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username} RoleId Should Be Equal ${role_id} ${role_config} Redfish Verify User [Documentation] Redfish user verification. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} # Description of argument(s): # username The username to be created. # password The password to be assigned. # role_id The role ID of the user to be created # (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.). # enabled Indicates whether the username being created # should be enabled (${True}, ${False}). # Trying to do a login with created user. ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} # Doing a check of the returned status. Should Be Equal ${status} ${enabled} # We do not need to login with created user (user could be in disabled status). Redfish.Login # Validate Role Id of user. ${role_config}= Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute ... /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username} RoleId Should Be Equal ${role_id} ${role_config} Redfish Create And Verify User [Documentation] Redfish create and verify user. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} # Description of argument(s): # username The username to be created. # password The password to be assigned. # role_id The role ID of the user to be created # (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.). # enabled Indicates whether the username being created # should be enabled (${True}, ${False}). # Example: #{ #"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ManagerAccount.ManagerAccount", #"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/test1", #"@odata.type": "#ManagerAccount.v1_0_3.ManagerAccount", #"Description": "User Account", #"Enabled": true, #"Id": "test1", #"Links": { # "Role": { # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Administrator" # } #}, Redfish Create User ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} Redfish Verify User ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} # Delete Specified User Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username} Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password [Documentation] Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} ${wrong_password} # Description of argument(s): # username The username to be created. # password The password to be assigned. # role_id The role ID of the user to be created # (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.). # enabled Indicates whether the username being created # should be enabled (${True}, ${False}). # wrong_password Any invalid password. Redfish Create User ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} # Attempt to login with created user with invalid password. Run Keyword And Expect Error InvalidCredentialsError* ... Redfish.Login ${username} ${wrong_password} Redfish.Login # Delete newly created user. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username} Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User [Documentation] Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} # Description of argument(s): # username The username to be created. # password The password to be assigned. # role_id The role ID of the user to be created # (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.). # enabled Indicates whether the username being created # should be enabled (${True}, ${False}). Redfish Create User ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} # Doing a check of the rerurned status Should Be Equal ${status} ${True} Redfish.Login # Delete newly created user. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName} # Attempt to login with deleted user account. Run Keyword And Expect Error InvalidCredentialsError* ... Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} Redfish.Login Verify Create User Without Enabling [Documentation] Verify Create User Without Enabling. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} # Description of argument(s): # username The username to be created. # password The password to be assigned. # role_id The role ID of the user to be created # (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.). # enabled Indicates whether the username being created # should be enabled (${True}, ${False}). Redfish.Login Redfish Create User ${username} ${password} ${role_id} ${enabled} Redfish.Logout # Login with created user. Run Keyword And Expect Error InvalidCredentialsError* ... Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} Redfish.Login # Delete newly created user. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username} Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Redfish.Login