*** Settings ***
Documentation    Test Redfish user account.

Resource         ../../lib/resource.robot
Resource         ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
Resource         ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
Resource         ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot

Library          SSHLibrary

Test Setup       Redfish.Login
Test Teardown    Test Teardown Execution

*** Variables ***

${account_lockout_duration}   ${30}
${account_lockout_threshold}  ${3}

${ssh_status}                 ${True}

** Test Cases **

Verify AccountService Available
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish account service is available.
    [Tags]  Verify_AccountService_Available

    ${resp} =  Redfish_utils.Get Attribute  /redfish/v1/AccountService  ServiceEnabled
    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp}  ${True}

Verify Redfish Admin User Persistence After Reboot
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish admin user persistence after reboot.
    [Tags]  Verify_Redfish_Admin_User_Persistence_After_Reboot
    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Login  AND
    ...  Redfish Create User  admin_user  TestPwd123  Administrator  ${True}
    [Teardown]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user
    ...  AND  Test Teardown Execution

    # Reboot BMC.
    Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)  stack_mode=normal

    # Verify users after reboot.
    Redfish Verify User  admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}

Verify Redfish Operator User Persistence After Reboot
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish operator user persistence after reboot.
    [Tags]  Verify_Redfish_Operator_User_Persistence_After_Reboot
    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Login  AND
    ...  Redfish Create User  operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator  ${True}
    [Teardown]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user
    ...  AND  Test Teardown Execution

    # Reboot BMC.
    Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)  stack_mode=normal

    # Verify users after reboot.
    Redfish Verify User  operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}

Verify Redfish Readonly User Persistence After Reboot
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish readonly user persistence after reboot.
    [Tags]  Verify_Redfish_Readonly_User_Persistence_After_Reboot
    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Login  AND
    ...  Redfish Create User  readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly  ${True}
    [Teardown]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user
    ...  AND  Test Teardown Execution

    # Reboot BMC.
    Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)  stack_mode=normal

    # Verify users after reboot.
    Redfish Verify User  readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly        ${True}

Redfish Create and Verify Admin User
    [Documentation]  Create a Redfish user with administrator role and verify.
    [Tags]  Redfish_Create_and_Verify_Admin_User
    [Template]  Redfish Create And Verify User

    #username      password    role_id         enabled
    admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}

Redfish Create and Verify Operator User
    [Documentation]  Create a Redfish user with operator role and verify.
    [Tags]  Redfish_Create_and_Verify_Operator_User
    [Template]  Redfish Create And Verify User

    #username      password    role_id         enabled
    operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}

Redfish Create and Verify Readonly User
    [Documentation]  Create a Redfish user with readonly role and verify.
    [Tags]  Redfish_Create_and_Verify_Readonly_User
    [Template]  Redfish Create And Verify User

    #username      password    role_id         enabled
    readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly        ${True}

Verify Redfish Admin User With Wrong Password
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish admin user with wrong password.
    [Tags]  Verify_Redfish_Admin_User_With_Wrong_Password
    [Template]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password

    #username      password    role_id         enabled  wrong_password
    admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}  alskjhfwurh

Verify Redfish Operator User with Wrong Password
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish operator user with wrong password.
    [Tags]  Verify_Redfish_Operator_User_with_Wrong_Password
    [Template]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password

    #username      password    role_id         enabled  wrong_password
    operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}  12j8a8uakjhdaosiruf024

Verify Redfish Readonly User With Wrong Password
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish readonly user with wrong password.
    [Tags]  Verify_Redfish_Readonly_User_With_Wrong_Password
    [Template]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password

    #username      password    role_id         enabled  wrong_password
    readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly        ${True}  12

Verify Login with Deleted Redfish Admin User
    [Documentation]  Verify login with deleted Redfish admin user.
    [Tags]  Verify_Login_with_Deleted_Redfish_Admin_User
    [Template]  Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User

    #username     password    role_id         enabled
    admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}

Verify Login with Deleted Redfish Operator User
    [Documentation]  Verify login with deleted Redfish operator user.
    [Tags]  Verify_Login_with_Deleted_Redfish_Operator_User
    [Template]  Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User

    #username     password    role_id         enabled
    operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${True}

Verify Login with Deleted Redfish Readonly User
    [Documentation]  Verify login with deleted Redfish readonly user.
    [Tags]  Verify_Login_with_Deleted_Redfish_Readonly_User
    [Template]  Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User

    #username     password    role_id         enabled
    readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly        ${True}

Verify Admin User Creation Without Enabling It
    [Documentation]  Verify admin user creation without enabling it.
    [Tags]  Verify_Admin_User_Creation_Without_Enabling_It
    [Template]  Verify Create User Without Enabling

    #username      password    role_id         enabled
    admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${False}

Verify Operator User Creation Without Enabling It
    [Documentation]  Verify operator user creation without enabling it.
    [Tags]  Verify_Operator_User_Creation_Without_Enabling_It
    [Template]  Verify Create User Without Enabling

    #username      password    role_id         enabled
    operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator        ${False}

Verify Readonly User Creation Without Enabling It
    [Documentation]  Verify readonly user creation without enabling it.
    [Tags]  Verify_Readonly_User_Creation_Without_Enabling_It
    [Template]  Verify Create User Without Enabling

    #username      password    role_id         enabled
    readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly        ${False}

Verify User Creation With Invalid Role Id
    [Documentation]  Verify user creation with invalid role ID.
    [Tags]  Verify_User_Creation_With_Invalid_Role_Id

    # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/test_user
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}]

    # Create specified user.
    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
    ...  UserName=test_user  Password=TestPwd123  RoleId=wrongroleid  Enabled=${True}
    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/  body=&{payload}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}]

Verify Error Upon Creating Same Users With Different Privileges
    [Documentation]  Verify error upon creating same users with different privileges.
    [Tags]  Verify_Error_Upon_Creating_Same_Users_With_Different_Privileges

    Redfish Create User  test_user  TestPwd123  Administrator  ${True}

    # Create specified user.
    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
    ...  UserName=test_user  Password=TestPwd123  RoleId=ReadOnly  Enabled=${True}
    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/  body=&{payload}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}]

    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/test_user

Verify Modifying User Attributes
    [Documentation]  Verify modifying user attributes.
    [Tags]  Verify_Modifying_User_Attributes

    # Create Redfish users.
    Redfish Create User  admin_user     TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}
    Redfish Create User  readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly        ${True}

    # Make sure the new user account does not already exist.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/newadmin_user
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}]

    # Update admin_user username using Redfish.
    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary  UserName=newadmin_user
    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user  body=&{payload}

    # Update readonly_user role using Redfish.
    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary  RoleId=Administrator
    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user  body=&{payload}

    # Verify users after updating
    Redfish Verify User  newadmin_user  TestPwd123     Administrator   ${True}
    Redfish Verify User  readonly_user  TestPwd123     Administrator   ${True}

    # Delete created users.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/newadmin_user
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user

Verify Modifying Operator User Attributes
    [Documentation]  Verify modifying operator user attributes.
    [Tags]  Verify_Modifying_Operator_User_Attributes
    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Login  AND
    ...  Redfish Create User  operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator  ${True}
    [Teardown]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user
    ...  AND  Test Teardown Execution

    # Update operator_user password using Redfish.
    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary  Password=NewTestPwd123
    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user  body=&{payload}

    # Verify users after updating
    Redfish Verify User  operator_user  NewTestPwd123  Operator        ${True}

Verify User Account Locked
    [Documentation]  Verify user account locked upon trying with invalid password.
    [Tags]  Verify_User_Account_Locked

    Redfish Create User  admin_user  TestPwd123  Administrator   ${True}

    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary  AccountLockoutThreshold=${account_lockout_threshold}
    ...  AccountLockoutDuration=${account_lockout_duration}
    Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_SERVICE_URI}  body=${payload}


    # Make ${account_lockout_threshold} failed login attempts.
    Repeat Keyword  ${account_lockout_threshold} times
    ...  Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*  Redfish.Login  admin_user  abc123

    # Verify that legitimate login fails due to lockout.
    Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*
    ...  Redfish.Login  admin_user  TestPwd123

    # Wait for lockout duration to expire and then verify that login works.
    Sleep  ${account_lockout_duration}s
    Redfish.Login  admin_user  TestPwd123



    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user

Verify User Account Unlock
    [Documentation]  Verify manually unlocking the account before lockout time
    [Tags]  Verify_User_Account_Unlock
    [Teardown]  Run Keywords  Redfish.Logout
    ...  AND  Redfish.Login
    ...  AND  Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/test_user
    ...  AND  SSHLibrary.Close All Connections

    Redfish Create User  test_user  TestPwd123  Administrator  ${True}

    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
    ...  AccountLockoutThreshold=${account_lockout_threshold}
    ...  AccountLockoutDuration=${account_lockout_duration}
    Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_SERVICE_URI}  body=${payload}


    # Make ${account_lockout_threshold} failed login attempts.
    Repeat Keyword  ${account_lockout_threshold} times
    ...  Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*
    ...  Redfish.Login  test_user  abc123

    # Ensure SSH Login with locked account gets failed
    SSHLibrary.Open Connection  ${OPENBMC_HOST}
    Run Keyword And Expect Error  Authentication failed*
    ...  SSHLibrary.Login  test_user  TestPwd123

    # Verify that legitimate login fails due to lockout.
    Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*
    ...  Redfish.Login  test_user  TestPwd123

    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary  Locked=${FALSE}

    # Manually unlock the account before lockout threshold expires
    Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_URI}test_user  body=${payload}

    # Try redfish login with the recently unlocked account
    Redfish.Login  test_user  TestPwd123

    # Try SSH login with the unlocked account
    SSHLibrary.Open Connection  ${OPENBMC_HOST}
    SSHLibrary.Login  test_user  TestPwd123

Verify Admin User Privilege
    [Documentation]  Verify admin user privilege.
    [Tags]  Verify_Admin_User_Privilege

    Redfish Create User  admin_user  TestPwd123  Administrator  ${True}
    Redfish Create User  readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly  ${True}


    Redfish.Login  admin_user  TestPwd123

    # Change password of 'readonly' user with admin user.
    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user  body={'Password': 'NewTestPwd123'}

    # Verify modified user.
    Redfish Verify User  readonly_user  NewTestPwd123  ReadOnly  ${True}

    # Note: Delete user would work here because a root login is
    # performed as part of "Redfish Verify User" keyword's teardown.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/readonly_user

Verify Operator User Role Change Using Admin Privilege User
    [Documentation]  Verify operator user role change using admin privilege user
    [Tags]  Verify_Operator_User_Role_Change_Using_Admin_Privilege_User

    Redfish Create User  admin_user  TestPwd123  Administrator  ${True}
    Redfish Create User  operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator  ${True}


    # Change role ID of operator user with admin user.
    # Login with admin user.
    Redfish.Login  admin_user  TestPwd123

    # Modify Role ID of Operator user.
    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user  body={'RoleId': 'Administrator'}

    # Verify modified user.
    Redfish Verify User  operator_user  TestPwd123  Administrator  ${True}

    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user

Verify Operator User Privilege
    [Documentation]  Verify operator user privilege.
    [Tags]  Verify_Operator_User_Privilege

    Redfish Create User  admin_user  TestPwd123  Administrator  ${True}
    Redfish Create User  operator_user  TestPwd123  Operator  ${True}

    # Login with operator user.
    Redfish.Login  operator_user  TestPwd123

    # Verify BMC reset.
    Run Keyword And Expect Error  ValueError*  Redfish BMC Reset Operation

    # Attempt to change password of admin user with operator user.
    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user  body={'Password': 'NewTestPwd123'}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}]



    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/admin_user
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/operator_user

Verify ReadOnly User Privilege
    [Documentation]  Verify ReadOnly user privilege.
    [Tags]  Verify_ReadOnly_User_Privilege

    Redfish Create User  readonly_user  TestPwd123  ReadOnly  ${True}

    # Login with read_only user.
    Redfish.Login  readonly_user  TestPwd123

    # Read system level data.
    ${system_model}=  Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute
    ...  ${SYSTEM_BASE_URI}  Model

    Redfish.Delete  ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_URI}readonly_user

Verify Minimum Password Length For Redfish User
    [Documentation]  Verify minimum password length for new and existing user.
    [Tags]  Verify_Minimum_Password_Length_For_Redfish_User

    ${user_name}=  Set Variable  testUser

    # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}]

    # Try to create a user with invalid length password.
    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
    ...  UserName=${user_name}  Password=UserPwd  RoleId=Administrator  Enabled=${True}
    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/  body=&{payload}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}]

    # Create specified user with valid length password.
    Set To Dictionary  ${payload}  Password  UserPwd1
    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/  body=&{payload}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}]

    # Try to change to an invalid password.
    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}  body={'Password': 'UserPwd'}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}]

    # Change to a valid password.
    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}  body={'Password': 'UserPwd1'}

    # Verify login.
    Redfish.Login  ${user_name}  UserPwd1
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${user_name}

Verify Standard User Roles Defined By Redfish
    [Documentation]  Verify standard user roles defined by Redfish.
    [Tags]  Verify_Standard_User_Roles_Defined_By_Redfish

    ${member_list}=  Redfish_Utils.Get Member List
    ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles

    @{roles}=  Create List
    ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Administrator
    ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Operator
    ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/ReadOnly

    List Should Contain Sub List  ${member_list}  ${roles}

    # The standard roles are:

    # | Role name | Assigned privileges |
    # | Administrator | Login, ConfigureManager, ConfigureUsers, ConfigureComponents, ConfigureSelf |
    # | Operator | Login, ConfigureComponents, ConfigureSelf |
    # | ReadOnly | Login, ConfigureSelf |

    @{admin}=  Create List  Login  ConfigureManager  ConfigureUsers  ConfigureComponents  ConfigureSelf
    @{operator}=  Create List  Login  ConfigureComponents  ConfigureSelf
    @{readOnly}=  Create List  Login  ConfigureSelf

    ${roles_dict}=  create dictionary  admin_privileges=${admin}  operator_privileges=${operator}
    ...  readOnly_privileges=${readOnly}

    ${resp}=  redfish.Get  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Administrator
    List Should Contain Sub List  ${resp.dict['AssignedPrivileges']}  ${roles_dict['admin_privileges']}

    ${resp}=  redfish.Get  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Operator
    List Should Contain Sub List  ${resp.dict['AssignedPrivileges']}  ${roles_dict['operator_privileges']}

    ${resp}=  redfish.Get  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/ReadOnly
    List Should Contain Sub List  ${resp.dict['AssignedPrivileges']}  ${roles_dict['readOnly_privileges']}

Verify Error While Deleting Root User
    [Documentation]  Verify error while deleting root user.
    [Tags]  Verify_Error_While_Deleting_Root_User

    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/root  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_FORBIDDEN}]

Verify SSH Login Access With Admin User
    [Documentation]  Verify that admin user have SSH login access.
    ...              By default, admin should have access but there could be
    ...              case where admin user shell access is restricted by design
    ...              in the community sphere..
    [Tags]  Verify_SSH_Login_Access_With_Admin_User

    # Create an admin User.
    Redfish Create User  new_admin  TestPwd1  Administrator  ${True}

    # Attempt SSH login with admin user.
    SSHLibrary.Open Connection  ${OPENBMC_HOST}
    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  SSHLibrary.Login  new_admin  TestPwd1

    # By default ssh_status is True, user can change the status via CLI
    # -v ssh_status:False
    Should Be Equal As Strings  "${status}"  "${ssh_status}"

    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/new_admin

Verify Configure BasicAuth Enable And Disable
    [Documentation]  Verify configure basicauth enable and disable
    [Tags]  Verify_Configure_BasicAuth_Enable_And_Disable
    [Template]  Template For Configure Auth Methods

    # auth_method

*** Keywords ***

Test Teardown Execution
    [Documentation]  Do the post test teardown.

    Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Redfish.Logout
    FFDC On Test Case Fail

Redfish Create User
    [Documentation]  Redfish create user.
    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}  ${login_check}=${True}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # username            The username to be created.
    # password            The password to be assigned.
    # role_id             The role ID of the user to be created
    #                     (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.).
    # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
    #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).
    # login_check         Checks user login for created user.
    #                     (e.g. ${True}, ${False}).

    # Make sure the user account in question does not already exist.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}]

    # Create specified user.
    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary
    ...  UserName=${username}  Password=${password}  RoleId=${role_id}  Enabled=${enabled}
    Redfish.Post  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/  body=&{payload}
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}]

    # Resetting faillock count as a workaround for issue
    # openbmc/phosphor-user-manager#4
    ${cmd}=  Catenate  test -f /usr/sbin/faillock && /usr/sbin/faillock --user USER --reset
    ...  || /usr/sbin/pam_tally2 -u ${username} --reset
    Bmc Execute Command  ${cmd}

    # Verify login with created user.
    ${status}=  Run Keyword If  '${login_check}' == '${True}'
    ...  Verify Redfish User Login  ${username}  ${password}
    Run Keyword If  '${login_check}' == '${True}'  Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${enabled}

    # Validate Role ID of created user.
    ${role_config}=  Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute
    ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}  RoleId
    Should Be Equal  ${role_id}  ${role_config}

Redfish Verify User
    [Documentation]  Redfish user verification.
    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # username            The username to be created.
    # password            The password to be assigned.
    # role_id             The role ID of the user to be created
    #                     (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.).
    # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
    #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).

    ${status}=  Verify Redfish User Login  ${username}  ${password}
    # Doing a check of the returned status.
    Should Be Equal  ${status}  ${enabled}

    # Validate Role Id of user.
    ${role_config}=  Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute
    ...  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}  RoleId
    Should Be Equal  ${role_id}  ${role_config}

Verify Redfish User Login
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish login with given user id.
    [Teardown]  Run Keywords  Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Redfish.Logout  AND  Redfish.Login
    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # username            Login username.
    # password            Login password.

    # Logout from current Redfish session.
    # We don't really care if the current session is flushed out since we are going to login
    # with new credential in next.
    Run Keyword And Ignore Error  Redfish.Logout

    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}
    [Return]  ${status}

Redfish Create And Verify User
    [Documentation]  Redfish create and verify user.
    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # username            The username to be created.
    # password            The password to be assigned.
    # role_id             The role ID of the user to be created
    #                     (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.).
    # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
    #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).

    # Example:
    #"@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#ManagerAccount.ManagerAccount",
    #"@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/test1",
    #"@odata.type": "#ManagerAccount.v1_0_3.ManagerAccount",
    #"Description": "User Account",
    #"Enabled": true,
    #"Id": "test1",
    #"Links": {
    #  "Role": {
    #    "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Administrator"
    #  }

    Redfish Create User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}

    Redfish Verify User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}

    # Delete Specified User
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}

Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password
    [Documentation]  Verify Redfish User with Wrong Password.
    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}  ${wrong_password}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # username            The username to be created.
    # password            The password to be assigned.
    # role_id             The role ID of the user to be created
    #                     (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.).
    # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
    #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).
    # wrong_password      Any invalid password.

    Redfish Create User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}


    # Attempt to login with created user with invalid password.
    Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*
    ...  Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${wrong_password}


    # Delete newly created user.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}

Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User
    [Documentation]  Verify Login with Deleted Redfish User.
    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # username            The username to be created.
    # password            The password to be assigned.
    # role_id             The role ID of the user to be created
    #                     (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.).
    # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
    #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).

    Redfish Create User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}

    # Delete newly created user.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${userName}


    # Attempt to login with deleted user account.
    Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*
    ...  Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}


Verify Create User Without Enabling
    [Documentation]  Verify Create User Without Enabling.
    [Arguments]   ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # username            The username to be created.
    # password            The password to be assigned.
    # role_id             The role ID of the user to be created
    #                     (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", etc.).
    # enabled             Indicates whether the username being created
    #                     should be enabled (${True}, ${False}).

    Redfish Create User  ${username}  ${password}  ${role_id}  ${enabled}  ${False}


    # Login with created user.
    Run Keyword And Expect Error  InvalidCredentialsError*
    ...  Redfish.Login  ${username}  ${password}


    # Delete newly created user.
    Redfish.Delete  /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username}

Template For Configure Auth Methods
    [Documentation]  Template to configure auth methods.
    [Arguments]  ${auth_method}
    [Teardown]  Configure AuthMethods  ${auth_method}=${initial_value}

    # Description of Argument(s):
    # authmethods   The authmethod setting which needs to be
    #               set in account service URI.
    # valid values  BasicAuth, XToken.

    Get AuthMethods Default Values  ${auth_method}

    # Patch basicauth to TRUE
    Configure AuthMethods  ${auth_method}=${TRUE}

    Run Keyword IF  "${auth_method}" == "XToken"
    ...    Check XToken Works Fine  ${HTTP_OK}
    ...  ELSE
    ...    Check BasicAuth Works Fine  ${HTTP_OK}

    # Patch basicauth to FALSE
    Configure AuthMethods  ${auth_method}=${FALSE}

    Run Keyword IF  "${auth_method}" == "BasicAuth"
    ...    Check BasicAuth Works Fine  ${HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED}
    ...  ELSE
    ...    Check XToken Works Fine  ${HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED}

Configure AuthMethods
    [Documentation]  Enable/disable authmethod types.
    [Arguments]  &{authmethods}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # authmethods            The authmethod setting which needs to be
    #                        set in account service URI.
    # Usage Example          Configure AuthMethods  XToken=${TRUE}  BasicAuth=${TRUE}
    #                        This will set the value of "XToken" and "BasicAuth"
    #                        property in accountservice uri to TRUE.

    ${openbmc}=  Create Dictionary  AuthMethods=${authmethods}
    ${oem}=  Create Dictionary  OpenBMC=${openbmc}
    ${payload}=  Create Dictionary  Oem=${oem}

    # Setting authmethod properties using Redfish session based auth
    ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status
    ...  Redfish.Patch  ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService
    ...  body=${payload}  valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK},${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}]

    # Setting authmethod properties using basic auth incase the former fails
    IF  ${status}==${FALSE}
        # Payload dictionary pre-process to match json formatting
        ${payload}=  Convert To String  ${payload}
        ${payload}=  Replace String  ${payload}  '  "
        ${payload}=  Replace String  ${payload}  False  false
        ${payload}=  Replace String  ${payload}  True  true

        # Curl Command Framing for PATCH authmethod
        ${cmd}=  Catenate  curl -k -i -u ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}:${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
        ...  -H 'content-type:application/json' -H 'If-Match:*'
        ...  -d '${payload}'
        ${rc}  ${out}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd}

        #  Check the response of curl command is 200 or 204
        ...  Run Keyword and Return Status  Should Contain  ${out}  204
        ...  Run Keyword and Return Status  Should Contain  ${out}  200
        Pass Execution If  ${check_no_content}==${TRUE}
        ...  OR  ${check_ok}==${TRUE}

Get AuthMethods Default Values
    [Documentation]  Get enabled/disabled status of all authmethods
    ...  from Redfish account service URI
    [Arguments]  ${authmethod}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # authmethod            The authmethod property whose value needs to be
    #                       retrieved from account service URI.
    # Usage Example         Get AuthMethods Default Values  BasicAuth
    #                       returns >> ${TRUE}
    # Example:
    # {
    #     "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/AccountService",
    #     (...)
    #     "Oem": {
    #         "OpenBMC": {
    #             "AuthMethods": {
    #                 "BasicAuth": true,
    #                 "Cookie": true,
    #                 "SessionToken": true,
    #                 "TLS": true,
    #                 "XToken": true
    #             }
    #         }
    #     }
    # }

    ${resp}=  Redfish.Get Attribute  ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_SERVICE_URI}  Oem
    ${authmethods}=  Set Variable  ${resp['OpenBMC']['AuthMethods']}
    ${initial_value}=  Get From Dictionary  ${authmethods}  ${authmethod}
    Set Test Variable  ${initial_value}

Check XToken Works Fine
    [Documentation]  Verify Xtoken works fine.
    [Arguments]  ${status_code}

    # Description of Argument(s):
    # status_code : 200, 401.

    # Verify xtoken auth works for xtoken
    ...  valid_status_codes=[${status_code}]

Check BasicAuth Works Fine
    [Documentation]  Verify Basic Auth works fine.
    [Arguments]  ${status_code}

    # Description of Argument(s):
    # status_code : 200, 401.

    # Verify basic auth works based on basic auth.
    ${cmd}=  Catenate  curl -k -i -u ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}:${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
    ...  ${AUTH_URI}/redfish/v1/AccountService
    ${rc}  ${out}=  Run And Return Rc And Output  ${cmd}

    #  Check the response of curl command is 200/401
    Should Contain  ${out}  ${status_code}