*** Settings *** Documentation Test IPMI and Redfish combinations for user management. Resource ../../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot Library ../lib/ipmi_utils.py Test Setup Test Setup Execution Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution *** Variables *** ${valid_password} 0penBmc1 ${valid_password2} 0penBmc2 ${admin_level_priv} 4 ${operator_level_priv} 3 ${max_num_users} ${15} ** Test Cases ** Create Admin Redfish User And Verify Login Via IPMI [Documentation] Create user using redfish and verify via IPMI. [Tags] Create_Admin_Redfish_User_And_Verify_Login_Via_IPMI ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] Set Test Variable ${random_username} ${payload}= Create Dictionary ... UserName=${random_username} Password=${valid_password} ... RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True} Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}] Verify IPMI Username And Password ${random_username} ${valid_password} Update User Password Via Redfish And Verify Using IPMI [Documentation] Update user password via Redfish and verify using IPMI. [Tags] Update_User_Password_Via_Redfish_And_Verify_Using_IPMI # Create user using Redfish. ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] Set Test Variable ${random_username} ${payload}= Create Dictionary ... UserName=${random_username} Password=${valid_password} ... RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True} Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}] # Update user password using Redfish. ${payload}= Create Dictionary Password=${valid_password2} Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${random_username} body=&{payload} # Verify that IPMI command works with new password and fails with older password. Verify IPMI Username And Password ${random_username} ${valid_password2} Run Keyword And Expect Error Error: Unable to establish IPMI* ... Verify IPMI Username And Password ${random_username} ${valid_password} Update User Privilege Via Redfish And Verify Using IPMI [Documentation] Update user privilege via Redfish and verify using IPMI. [Tags] Update_User_Privilege_Via_Redfish_And_Verify_Using_IPMI # Create user using Redfish with admin privilege. ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] Set Test Variable ${random_username} ${payload}= Create Dictionary ... UserName=${random_username} Password=${valid_password} ... RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True} Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}] # Update user privilege to operator using Redfish. ${payload}= Create Dictionary RoleId=Operator Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${random_username} body=&{payload} # Verify new user privilege level via IPMI. ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command user list # Example of response data: # ID Name Callin Link Auth IPMI Msg Channel Priv Limit # 1 root false true true ADMINISTRATOR # 2 OAvCxjMv false true true OPERATOR # 3 true false false NO ACCESS # .. # .. # 15 true false false NO ACCESS ${user_info}= ... Get Lines Containing String ${resp} ${random_username} Should Contain ${user_info} OPERATOR Delete User Via Redfish And Verify Using IPMI [Documentation] Delete user via redfish and verify using IPMI. [Tags] Delete_User_Via_Redfish_And_Verify_Using_IPMI # Create user using Redfish. ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] Set Test Variable ${random_username} ${payload}= Create Dictionary ... UserName=${random_username} Password=${valid_password} ... RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True} Redfish.Post /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}] # Delete user using Redfish. Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${random_username} # Verify that IPMI command fails with deleted user. Run Keyword And Expect Error Error: Unable to establish IPMI* ... Verify IPMI Username And Password ${random_username} ${valid_password} Create IPMI User And Verify Login Via Redfish [Documentation] Create user using IPMI and verify user login via Redfish. [Tags] Create_IPMI_User_And_Verify_Login_Via_Redfish ${username} ${userid}= IPMI Create Random User Plus Password And Privilege ... ${valid_password} ${admin_level_priv} # Verify user login using Redfish. Redfish.Login ${username} ${valid_password} Update User Password Via IPMI And Verify Using Redfish [Documentation] Update user password using IPMI and verify user ... login via Redfish. [Tags] Update_User_Password_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_Redfish ${username} ${userid}= IPMI Create Random User Plus Password And Privilege ... ${valid_password} ${admin_level_priv} # Update user password using IPMI. Run IPMI Standard Command ... user set password ${userid} ${valid_password2} # Verify that user login works with new password using Redfish. Redfish.Login ${username} ${valid_password2} Update User Privilege Via IPMI And Verify Using Redfish [Documentation] Update user privilege via IPMI and verify using Redfish. [Tags] Update_User_Privilege_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_Redfish # Create user using IPMI with admin privilege. ${username} ${userid}= IPMI Create Random User Plus Password And Privilege ... ${valid_password} ${admin_level_priv} # Change user privilege to opetrator using IPMI. Run IPMI Standard Command ... user priv ${userid} ${operator_level_priv} # Verify new user privilege level via Redfish. ${privilege}= Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute ... /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${username} RoleId Should Be Equal ${privilege} Operator Delete User Via IPMI And Verify Using Redfish [Documentation] Delete user using IPMI and verify error while doing ... user login with deleted user via Redfish. [Tags] Delete_User_Via_IPMI_And_Verify_Using_Redfish ${username} ${userid}= IPMI Create Random User Plus Password And Privilege ... ${valid_password} ${admin_level_priv} # Delete IPMI User. Run IPMI Standard Command user set name ${userid} "" # Verify that Redfish login fails with deleted user. Run Keyword And Expect Error *InvalidCredentialsError* ... Redfish.Login ${username} ${valid_password} Verify Failure To Exceed Max Number Of Users [Documentation] Verify failure attempting to exceed the max number of user accounts. [Tags] Verify_Failure_To_Exceed_Max_Number_Of_Users [Teardown] Run Keywords Test Teardown Execution AND Delete All Non Root IPMI User # Get existing user count. ${resp}= Redfish.Get /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ ${current_user_count}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.dict} Members@odata.count ${payload}= Create Dictionary Password=${valid_password} ... RoleId=Administrator Enabled=${True} # Create users to reach maximum users count (i.e. 15 users). FOR ${INDEX} IN RANGE ${current_user_count} ${max_num_users} ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] Set To Dictionary ${payload} UserName ${random_username} Redfish.Post ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_URI} body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_CREATED}] END # Verify error while creating 16th user. ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] Set To Dictionary ${payload} UserName ${random_username} Redfish.Post ${REDFISH_ACCOUNTS_URI} body=&{payload} ... valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}] *** Keywords *** IPMI Create Random User Plus Password And Privilege [Documentation] Create random IPMI user with given password and privilege ... level. [Arguments] ${password} ${privilege} # Description of argument(s): # password Password to be assigned for the user. # privilege Privilege level for the user (e.g. "1", "2", "3", etc.). # Create IPMI user. ${random_username}= Generate Random String 8 [LETTERS] Set Suite Variable ${random_username} ${random_userid}= Evaluate random.randint(2, 15) modules=random IPMI Create User ${random_userid} ${random_username} # Set given password for newly created user. Run IPMI Standard Command ... user set password ${random_userid} ${password} # Enable IPMI user. Run IPMI Standard Command user enable ${random_userid} # Set given privilege and enable IPMI messaging for newly created user. Set Channel Access ${random_userid} ipmi=on privilege=${privilege} [Return] ${random_username} ${random_userid} Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Redfish.Login Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post test teardown. FFDC On Test Case Fail # Delete the test user. Run Keyword And Ignore Error ... Redfish.Delete /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/${random_username} Redfish.Logout