*** Settings *** Documentation This suite is for Verifying BMC device tree. Resource ../lib/utils.robot Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot Library String Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In Suite Teardown Close All Connections Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail *** Variables *** ${devicetree_base} /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ *** Test Cases *** Check BMC Model Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC Model is populated in the device tree. [Tags] Check_BMC_Model_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property model Check BMC Compatible Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC compatible property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_Compatible_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property compatible Check BMC CPU Name Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC CPU name property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_CPU_Name_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property cpus/name Check BMC CPU Compatible Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC CPU compatible property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_CPU_Compatible_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property cpus/cpu@0/compatible Check BMC Memory Name Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC Memory name property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_Memory_Name_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property memory@80000000/name Check BMC Memory Device Type Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC Memory Device Type property is ... populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_Memory_Device_Type_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property memory@80000000/device_type Check BMC FSI Name Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC FSI name property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_FSI_Name_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property gpio-fsi/name Check BMC FSI Compatible Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC FSI compatible property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_FSI_Compatible_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property gpio-fsi/compatible Check BMC GPIO FSI Name Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC GPIO-FSI name property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_GPIO_FSI_Name_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property gpio-fsi/name Check BMC GPIO FSI Compatible Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC GPIO-FSI compatible property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_GPIO_FSI_Compatible_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property gpio-fsi/compatible Check BMC GPIO Keys Name Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC GPIO-keys name property is ... populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_GPIO_Keys_Name_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property gpio-keys/name Check BMC GPIO Keys Compatible Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC GPIO-keys compatible property is ... populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_GPIO_Keys_Compatible_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property gpio-keys/compatible Check BMC IIO-HWMON Name Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC IIO-HWMON-DPS310 name property is ... populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_IIO-HWMON_Name_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property iio-hwmon-dps310/name Check BMC IIO-HWMON Compatible Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC IIO-HWMON-DPS310 compatible property is ... populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_IIO-HWMON_Compatible_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property iio-hwmon-dps310/compatible Check BMC LED Name Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC LED name property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_LED_Name_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property leds/name Check BMC LED Compatible Property Is Set [Documentation] Verify if the BMC LED compatible property is populated. [Tags] Check_BMC_LED_Compatible_Property_Is_Set [Template] Template Check Property #Property leds/compatible *** Keywords *** Template Check Property [Documentation] Check for the existence of a property in the device tree. [Arguments] ${property} #property: Value of Property ${devicetree_path}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ... ${devicetree_base} ${property} ${output} ${stderr}= Execute Command cat ${devicetree_path} ... return_stderr=True Should Be Empty ${stderr} ${length}= Get Length ${output} Should Be True ${length} > 1