*** Settings *** Documentation This suite tests Platform Event Log (PEL) functionality of OpenBMC. Library ../../lib/pel_utils.py Variables ../../data/pel_variables.py Resource ../../lib/list_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/logging_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Test Setup Redfish.Login Test Teardown Run Keywords Redfish.Logout AND FFDC On Test Case Fail *** Variables *** ${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0 ${CMD_FRU_CALLOUT} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.Timeout ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 2 "TIMEOUT_IN_MSEC" "5" ... "CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH" "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard" ${CMD_PROCEDURAL_SYMBOLIC_FRU_CALLOUT} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} org.open_power.Logging.Error.TestError1 ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0 ${CMD_INFORMATIONAL_ERROR} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.TestError2 ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Informational 0 ${CMD_INVENTORY_PREFIX} busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager ... /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard ${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0 ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Warning 0 @{mandatory_pel_fileds} Private Header User Header Primary SRC Extended User Header Failing MTMS *** Test Cases *** Create Test PEL Log And Verify [Documentation] Create PEL log using busctl command and verify via peltool. [Tags] Create_Test_PEL_Log_And_Verify Redfish Purge Event Log Create Test PEL Log ${pel_id}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI Should Not Be Empty ${pel_id} msg=System PEL log entry is empty. Verify PEL Log Details [Documentation] Verify PEL log details via peltool. [Tags] Verify_PEL_Log_Details Redfish Purge Event Log ${bmc_time1}= CLI Get BMC DateTime Create Test PEL Log ${bmc_time2}= CLI Get BMC DateTime ${pel_records}= Peltool -l # Example output from 'Peltool -l': # pel_records: # [0x50000012]: # [CreatorID]: BMC # [CompID]: 0x1000 # [PLID]: 0x50000012 # [Subsystem]: BMC Firmware # [Message]: An application had an internal failure # [SRC]: BD8D1002 # [Commit Time]: 03/02/2020 09:35:15 # [Sev]: Unrecoverable Error ${ids}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_records} ${id}= Get From List ${ids} 0 @{pel_fields}= Create List CreatorID Subsystem Message Sev FOR ${field} IN @{pel_fields} Valid Value pel_records['${id}']['${field}'] ['${PEL_DETAILS['${field}']}'] END Valid Value pel_records['${id}']['PLID'] ['${id}'] # Verify if "CompID" and "SRC" fields of PEL has alphanumeric value. Should Match Regexp ${pel_records['${id}']['CompID']} [a-zA-Z0-9] Should Match Regexp ${pel_records['${id}']['SRC']} [a-zA-Z0-9] ${pel_date_time}= Convert Date ${pel_records['${id}']['Commit Time']} ... date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S exclude_millis=yes # Convert BMC and PEL time to epoch time before comparing. ${bmc_time1_epoch}= Convert Date ${bmc_time1} epoch ${pel_time_epoch}= Convert Date ${pel_date_time} epoch ${bmc_time2_epoch}= Convert Date ${bmc_time2} epoch Should Be True ${bmc_time1_epoch} <= ${pel_time_epoch} <= ${bmc_time2_epoch} Verify Mandatory Sections Of Error Log PEL [Documentation] Verify mandatory sections of error log PEL. [Tags] Verify_Mandatory_Sections_Of_Error_Log_PEL Create Test PEL Log ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${pel_id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 ${pel_output}= Peltool -i ${pel_id} ${pel_sections}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_output} List Should Contain Sub List ${pel_sections} ${mandatory_pel_fileds} Verify PEL Log Persistence After BMC Reboot [Documentation] Verify PEL log persistence after BMC reboot. [Tags] Verify_PEL_Log_Persistence_After_BMC_Reboot Create Test PEL Log ${pel_before_reboot}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) ${pel_after_reboot}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI List Should Contain Sub List ${pel_after_reboot} ${pel_before_reboot} Verify PEL ID Numbering [Documentation] Verify PEL ID numbering. [Tags] Verify_PEL_ID_Numbering Redfish Purge Event Log Create Test PEL Log Create Test PEL Log ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI # Example of PEL IDs from PEL logs. # [0x50000012]: <--- First PEL ID # [CreatorID]: BMC # [CompID]: 0x1000 # [PLID]: 0x50000012 # [Subsystem]: BMC Firmware # [Message]: An application had an internal failure # [SRC]: BD8D1002 # [Commit Time]: 03/02/2020 09:35:15 # [Sev]: Unrecoverable Error # # [0x50000013]: <--- Second PEL ID # [CreatorID]: BMC # [CompID]: 0x1000 # [PLID]: 0x50000013 # [Subsystem]: BMC Firmware # [Message]: An application had an internal failure # [SRC]: BD8D1002 # [Commit Time]: 03/02/2020 09:35:15 # [Sev]: Unrecoverable Error Should Be True ${pel_ids[1]} == ${pel_ids[0]}+1 Verify Machine Type Model And Serial Number [Documentation] Verify machine type model and serial number from PEL. [Tags] Verify_Machine_Type_Model_And_Serial_Number Create Test PEL Log ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 ${pel_serial_number}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} Failing MTMS Serial Number ${pel_serial_number}= Replace String Using Regexp ${pel_serial_number} ^0+ ${EMPTY} ${pel_machine_type_model}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} Failing MTMS Machine Type Model ${pel_machine_type_model}= Replace String Using Regexp ${pel_machine_type_model} ^0+ ${EMPTY} # Example of "Machine Type Model" and "Serial Number" fields value from "Failing MTMS" section of PEL. # [Failing MTMS]: # [Created by]: 0x2000 # [Machine Type Model]: 1234-ABC <---- Machine type # [Section Version]: 1 # [Serial Number]: ABCDEFG <---- Serial number # [Sub-section type]: 0 ${redfish_machine_model}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ Model ${redfish_machine_model}= Replace String Using Regexp ${redfish_machine_model} ^0+ ${EMPTY} ${redfish_serial_number}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ SerialNumber ${redfish_serial_number}= Replace String Using Regexp ${redfish_serial_number} ^0+ ${EMPTY} Valid Value pel_machine_type_model ['${redfish_machine_model}'] Valid Value pel_serial_number ['${redfish_serial_number}'] # Check "Machine Type Model" and "Serial Number" fields value from "Extended User Header" section of PEL. ${pel_machine_type_model}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} Extended User Header Reporting Machine Type ${pel_machine_type_model}= Replace String Using Regexp ${pel_machine_type_model} ^0+ ${EMPTY} ${pel_serial_number}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} Extended User Header Reporting Serial Number ${pel_serial_number}= Replace String Using Regexp ${pel_serial_number} ^0+ ${EMPTY} Valid Value pel_machine_type_model ['${redfish_machine_model}'] Valid Value pel_serial_number ['${redfish_serial_number}'] Verify Host Off State From PEL [Documentation] Verify Host off state from PEL. [Tags] Verify_Host_Off_State_From_PEL Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip Create Test PEL Log ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 ${pel_host_state}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} User Data HostState Valid Value pel_host_state ['Off'] Verify BMC Version From PEL [Documentation] Verify BMC Version from PEL. [Tags] Verify_BMC_Version_From_PEL Create Test PEL Log ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 ${pel_bmc_version}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} User Data BMC Version ID ${bmc_version}= Get BMC Version Valid Value bmc_version ['${bmc_version}'] Verify PEL Log After Host Poweron [Documentation] Verify PEL log generation while booting host. [Tags] Verify_PEL_Log_After_Host_Poweron Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip Redfish Purge Event Log Redfish Power On stack_mode=skip ${pel_informational_error}= Get PEL Log IDs User Header Event Severity Informational Event ${pel_bmc_created_error}= Get PEL Log IDs Private Header Creator Subsystem BMC # Get BMC created non-infomational error. ${pel_bmc_error}= Subtract Lists ${pel_bmc_created_error} ${pel_informational_error} Should Be Empty ${pel_bmc_error} msg=Unexpected error log generated during Host poweron. Verify BMC Event Log ID [Documentation] Verify BMC Event Log ID from PEL. [Tags] Verify_BMC_Event_Log_ID Redfish Purge Event Log Create Test PEL Log ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${pel_bmc_event_log_id}= Get PEL Field Value ${pel_ids[0]} Private Header BMC Event Log Id # Example "BMC Event Log Id" field value from "Private Header" section of PEL. # [Private Header]: # [Created at]: 08/24/1928 12:04:06 # [Created by]: 0x584D # [Sub-section type]: 0 # [Entry Id]: 0x50000BB7 # [Platform Log Id]: 0x8200061D # [CSSVER]: # [Section Version]: 1 # [Creator Subsystem]: PHYP # [BMC Event Log Id]: 341 <---- BMC event log id value # [Committed at]: 03/25/1920 12:06:22 ${redfish_event_logs}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries # Example of redfish_event_logs output: # redfish_event_logs: # [@odata.id]: /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries # [Name]: System Event Log Entries # [Members@odata.count]: 1 # [@odata.type]: #LogEntryCollection.LogEntryCollection # [Description]: Collection of System Event Log Entries # [Members]: # [0]: # [@odata.id]: /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/235 # [Name]: System Event Log Entry # [Severity]: Critical # [EntryType]: Event # [Created]: 2020-04-02T07:25:13+00:00 # [@odata.type]: #LogEntry.v1_5_1.LogEntry # [Id]: 235 <----- Event log ID # [Message]: xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure Valid Value pel_bmc_event_log_id ['${redfish_event_logs['Members'][0]['Id']}'] Verify FRU Callout [Documentation] Verify FRU callout entries from PEL log. [Tags] Verify_FRU_Callout Create Test PEL Log FRU Callout ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 ${pel_callout_section}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} Primary SRC Callout Section # Example of PEL Callout Section from "peltool -i " command. # [Callouts]: # [0]: # [FRU Type]: Normal Hardware FRU # [Priority]: Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit # [Location Code]: U78DA.ND1.1234567-P0 # [Part Number]: F191014 # [CCIN]: 2E2D # [Serial Number]: YL2E2D010000 # [Callout Count]: 1 Valid Value pel_callout_section['Callout Count'] ['1'] Valid Value pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['FRU Type'] ['Normal Hardware FRU'] Should Contain ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Priority']} Mandatory # Verify Location Code field of PEL callout with motherboard's Location Code. ${busctl_output}= BMC Execute Command ${CMD_INVENTORY_PREFIX} com.ibm.ipzvpd.Location LocationCode Should Be Equal ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Location Code']} ... ${busctl_output[0].split('"')[1].strip('"')} # TODO: Compare CCIN and part number fields of PEL callout with Redfish or busctl output. Should Match Regexp ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['CCIN']} [a-zA-Z0-9] Should Match Regexp ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Part Number']} [a-zA-Z0-9] # Verify Serial Number field of PEL callout with motherboard's Serial Number. ${busctl_output}= BMC Execute Command ... ${CMD_INVENTORY_PREFIX} xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset SerialNumber Should Be Equal ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Serial Number']} ... ${busctl_output[0].split('"')[1].strip('"')} Verify Procedure And Symbolic FRU Callout [Documentation] Verify procedure and symbolic FRU callout from PEL log. [Tags] Verify_Procedure_And_Symbolic_FRU_Callout Create Test PEL Log Procedure And Symbolic FRU Callout ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 ${pel_callout_section}= Get PEL Field Value ${id} Primary SRC Callout Section # Example of PEL Callout Section from "peltool -i " command. # [Callouts]: # [0]: # [Priority]: Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit # [Procedure Number]: BMCSP02 # [FRU Type]: Maintenance Procedure Required # [1]: # [Priority]: Medium Priority # [Part Number]: SVCDOCS # [FRU Type]: Symbolic FRU # [Callout Count]: 2 Valid Value pel_callout_section['Callout Count'] ['2'] # Verify procedural callout info. Valid Value pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['FRU Type'] ['Maintenance Procedure Required'] Should Contain ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Priority']} Mandatory # Verify if "Procedure Number" field of PEL has an alphanumeric value. Should Match Regexp ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Procedure']} [a-zA-Z0-9] # Verify procedural callout info. Valid Value pel_callout_section['Callouts'][1]['FRU Type'] ['Symbolic FRU'] Should Contain ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][1]['Priority']} Medium Priority # Verify if "Part Number" field of Symbolic FRU has an alphanumeric value. Should Match Regexp ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][1]['Part Number']} [a-zA-Z0-9] Verify PEL Log Entry For Event Log [Documentation] Create an event log and verify PEL log entry in BMC for the same. [Tags] Verify_PEL_Log_Entry_For_Event_Log Redfish Purge Event Log # Create an internal failure error log. BMC Execute Command ${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} ${elog_entry}= Get Event Logs # Example of Redfish event logs: # elog_entry: # [0]: # [Message]: xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure # [Created]: 2020-04-20T01:55:22+00:00 # [Id]: 1 # [@odata.id]: /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/1 # [@odata.type]: #LogEntry.v1_4_0.LogEntry # [EntryType]: Event # [Severity]: Critical # [Name]: System Event Log Entry ${redfish_log_time}= Convert Date ${elog_entry[0]["Created"]} epoch ${pel_records}= Peltool -l # Example output from 'Peltool -l': # pel_records: # [0x50000023]: # [SRC]: BD8D1002 # [CreatorID]: BMC # [Message]: An application had an internal failure # [CompID]: 0x1000 # [PLID]: 0x50000023 # [Commit Time]: 04/20/2020 01:55:22 # [Subsystem]: BMC Firmware # [Sev]: Unrecoverable Error ${ids}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_records} ${id}= Get From List ${ids} 0 ${pel_log_time}= Convert Date ${pel_records['${id}']['Commit Time']} epoch ... date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S # Verify that both Redfish event and PEL has log entry for internal error with same time stamp. Should Contain Any ${pel_records['${id}']['Message']} internal failure ignore_case=True Should Contain Any ${elog_entry[0]['Message']} InternalFailure ignore_case=True Should Be Equal ${redfish_log_time} ${pel_log_time} Verify Delete All PEL [Documentation] Verify deleting all PEL logs. [Tags] Verify_Delete_All_PEL Create Test PEL Log Create Test PEL Log Peltool --delete-all False ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI Should Be Empty ${pel_ids} Verify Informational Error Log [Documentation] Create an informational error log and verify. [Tags] Verify_Informational_Error_Log Redfish Purge Event Log # Create an informational error log. BMC Execute Command ${CMD_INFORMATIONAL_ERROR} ${pel_records}= Peltool -lfh # An example of information error log data: # { # "0x500006A0": { # "SRC": "BD8D1002", # "Message": "An application had an internal failure", # "PLID": "0x500006A0", # "CreatorID": "BMC", # "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware", # "Commit Time": "10/14/2020 11:41:38", # "Sev": "Informational Event", # "CompID": "0x1000" # } # } ${ids}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_records} ${id}= Get From List ${ids} 0 Should Contain ${pel_records['${id}']['Sev']} Informational Verify Predictable Error Log [Documentation] Create a predictive error and verify. [Tags] Verify_Predictable_Error_Log # Create a predictable error log. BMC Execute Command ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR} ${pel_records}= Peltool -l # An example of predictive error log data: # { # "0x5000069E": { # "SRC": "BD8D1002", # "Message": "An application had an internal failure", # "PLID": "0x5000069E", # "CreatorID": "BMC", # "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware", # "Commit Time": "10/14/2020 11:40:07", # "Sev": "Predictive Error", # "CompID": "0x1000" # } # } ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 Should Contain ${pel_records['${id}']['Sev']} Predictive Verify Unrecoverable Error Log [Documentation] Create an unrecoverable error and verify. [Tags] Verify_Unrecoverable_Error_Log # Create an internal failure error log. BMC Execute Command ${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR} ${pel_records}= Peltool -l # An example of unrecoverable error log data: # { # "0x50000CC5": { # "SRC": "BD8D1002", # "Message": "An application had an internal failure", # "PLID": "0x50000CC5", # "CreatorID": "BMC", # "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware", # "Commit Time": "04/01/2020 16:44:55", # "Sev": "Unrecoverable Error", # "CompID": "0x1000" # } # } ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 Should Contain ${pel_records['${id}']['Sev']} Unrecoverable Verify Error Logging Rotation Policy [Documentation] Verify error logging rotation policy. [Tags] Verify_Error_Logging_Rotation_Policy [Template] Error Logging Rotation Policy # Error log type Max allocated space % of total logging space Informational 15 Unrecoverable 30 Predictive 30 Verify Reverse Order Of PEL Logs [Documentation] Verify PEL command to output PEL logs in reverse order. [Tags] Verify_Reverse_PEL_Logs Redfish Purge Event Log # Below commands create unrecoverable error log at first and then the predictable error. BMC Execute Command ${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR} BMC Execute Command ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR} # Using peltool -lr, recent PELs appear first. Hence the ID of first PEL is greater than the next. ${pel_records}= peltool -lr # It is found that, variables like dictionary always keep items in sorted order that makes # this verification not possible, hence json is used to keep the items original order. ${pel_records}= Convert To String ${pel_records} ${json_string}= Replace String ${pel_records} ' " ${json_object}= Evaluate json.loads('''${json_string}''') json ${list}= Convert To List ${json_object} ${id1}= Get From List ${list} 0 ${id1}= Convert To Integer ${id1} ${id2}= Get From List ${list} 1 ${id2}= Convert To Integer ${id2} Should Be True ${id1} > ${id2} Verify Total PEL Count [Documentation] Verify total PEL count returned by peltool command. [Tags] Verify_Total_PEL_Count # Initially remove all logs. Redfish Purge Event Log # Generate a random number between 1-20. ${random}= Evaluate random.randint(1, 20) modules=random # Generate predictive error log multiple times. FOR ${count} IN RANGE 0 ${random} BMC Execute Command ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR} END # Check PEL log count via peltool command and compare it with actual generated log count. ${pel_records}= peltool -n Should Be Equal ${pel_records['Number of PELs found']} ${random} Verify Listing Information Error [Documentation] Verify that information error logs can only be listed using -lfh option of peltool. [Tags] Verify_Listing_Information_Error # Initially remove all logs. Redfish Purge Event Log BMC Execute Command ${CMD_INFORMATIONAL_ERROR} # Generate informational logs and verify that it would not get listed by peltool's list command. ${pel_records}= peltool -l ${ids}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_records} Should Be Empty ${ids} # Verify that information logs get listed using peltool's list command with -lfh option. ${pel_records}= peltool -lfh ${ids}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_records} Should Not Be Empty ${ids} ${id}= Get From List ${ids} 0 Should Contain ${pel_records['${id}']['Sev']} Informational Verify PEL Delete [Documentation] Verify that peltool command can delete PEL log based on id. [Tags] Verify_PEL_Delete BMC Execute Command ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR} ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI ${id}= Get From List ${pel_ids} -1 Peltool -d ${id} ${output}= peltool -i ${id} Should Contain ${output} PEL not found *** Keywords *** Error Logging Rotation Policy [Documentation] Verify that when maximum log limit is reached, given error logging type ... are deleted when reached their max allocated space. [Arguments] ${error_log_type} ${max_allocated_space_percentage} # Description of argument(s): # error_log_type Error log type. # max_allocated_space_percentage The maximum percentage of disk usage for given error # log type when maximum count/log size is reached. # The maximum error log count is 3000. # Initially remove all logs. Purging is done to ensure that, only specific logs are present # in BMC during the test. Redfish Purge Event Log # Determine the log generating command as per type of error. ${cmd}= Set Variable If ... '${error_log_type}' == 'Informational' ${CMD_INFORMATIONAL_ERROR} ... '${error_log_type}' == 'Unrecoverable' ${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR} ... '${error_log_type}' == 'Predictive' ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR} # Create 3001 information logs. The logging disk capacity limit is set to 20MB and the max log # count limit is 3000. Once log count crosses the limit, both BMC and non BMC created information, # non-informational logs are reduced to 15% and 30% respectively(i.e. 3 MB, 6 MB). FOR ${count} IN RANGE 0 3001 BMC Execute Command ${cmd} END # Delay for BMC to perform delete older error logs when log limit exceeds. Sleep 10s # Verify disk usage is around max allocated space. Maximum usage is around 3MB not exactly 3MB # (for informational log) and around 6 MB for unrecoverable / predictive error log. So, usage # percentage is NOT exactly 15% and 30%. So, an error/accuracy factor 0.5 percent is added. ${disk_usage_percentage}= Get Disk Usage For Error Logs ${percent_diff}= Evaluate ${disk_usage_percentage} - ${max_allocated_space_percentage} ${percent_diff}= Evaluate abs(${percent_diff}) Should Be True ${percent_diff} <= 0.5 Get Disk Usage For Error Logs [Documentation] Get disk usage percentage for error logs. ${usage_output} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command du /var/lib/phosphor-logging/errors ${usage_output}= Fetch From Left ${usage_output} \/ # Covert disk usage unit from KB to MB. ${usage_output}= Evaluate ${usage_output} / 1024 # Logging disk capacity limit is set to 20MB. So calculating the log usage percentage. ${usage_percent}= Evaluate ${usage_output} / 20 * 100 [return] ${usage_percent} Create Test PEL Log [Documentation] Generate test PEL log. [Arguments] ${pel_type}=Internal Failure # Description of argument(s): # pel_type The PEL type (e.g. Internal Failure, FRU Callout, Procedural Callout). # Test PEL log entry example: # { # "0x5000002D": { # "SRC": "BD8D1002", # "Message": "An application had an internal failure", # "PLID": "0x5000002D", # "CreatorID": "BMC", # "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware", # "Commit Time": "02/25/2020 04:47:09", # "Sev": "Unrecoverable Error", # "CompID": "0x1000" # } # } Run Keyword If '${pel_type}' == 'Internal Failure' ... BMC Execute Command ${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} ... ELSE IF '${pel_type}' == 'FRU Callout' ... BMC Execute Command ${CMD_FRU_CALLOUT} ... ELSE IF '${pel_type}' == 'Procedure And Symbolic FRU Callout' ... BMC Execute Command ${CMD_PROCEDURAL_SYMBOLIC_FRU_CALLOUT} Get PEL Log IDs [Documentation] Returns the list of PEL log IDs which contains given field's value. [Arguments] ${pel_section} ${pel_field} @{pel_field_value} # Description of argument(s): # pel_section The section of PEL (e.g. Private Header, User Header). # pel_field The PEL field (e.g. Event Severity, Event Type). # pel_field_value The list of PEL's field value (e.g. Unrecoverable Error). ${pel_ids}= Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI @{pel_id_list}= Create List FOR ${id} IN @{pel_ids} ${pel_output}= Peltool -i ${id} # Example of PEL output from "peltool -i " command. # [Private Header]: # [Created at]: 08/24/1928 12:04:06 # [Created by]: 0x584D # [Sub-section type]: 0 # [Entry Id]: 0x50000BB7 # [Platform Log Id]: 0x8200061D # [CSSVER]: # [Section Version]: 1 # [Creator Subsystem]: PHYP # [BMC Event Log Id]: 341 # [Committed at]: 03/25/1920 12:06:22 # [User Header]: # [Log Committed by]: 0x4552 # [Action Flags]: # [0]: Report Externally # [Subsystem]: I/O Subsystem # [Event Type]: Miscellaneous, Informational Only # [Sub-section type]: 0 # [Event Scope]: Entire Platform # [Event Severity]: Informational Event # [Host Transmission]: Not Sent # [Section Version]: 1 ${pel_section_output}= Get From Dictionary ${pel_output} ${pel_section} ${pel_field_output}= Get From Dictionary ${pel_section_output} ${pel_field} Run Keyword If '${pel_field_output}' in @{pel_field_value} Append To List ${pel_id_list} ${id} END Sort List ${pel_id_list} [Return] ${pel_id_list} Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI [Documentation] Returns the list of PEL IDs using BMC CLI. ${pel_records}= Peltool -l ${ids}= Get Dictionary Keys ${pel_records} Sort List ${ids} [Return] ${ids} Get PEL Field Value [Documentation] Returns the value of given PEL's field. [Arguments] ${pel_id} ${pel_section} ${pel_field} # Description of argument(s): # pel_id The ID of PEL (e.g. 0x5000002D, 0x5000002E). # pel_section The section of PEL (e.g. Private Header, User Header) # pel_field The PEL field (e.g. Event Severity, Event Type). ${pel_output}= Peltool -i ${pel_id} # Example of PEL output from "peltool -i " command. # [Private Header]: # [Created at]: 08/24/1928 12:04:06 # [Created by]: 0x584D # [Sub-section type]: 0 # [Entry Id]: 0x50000BB7 # [Platform Log Id]: 0x8200061D # [CSSVER]: # [Section Version]: 1 # [Creator Subsystem]: PHYP # [BMC Event Log Id]: 341 # [Committed at]: 03/25/1920 12:06:22 # [User Header]: # [Log Committed by]: 0x4552 # [Action Flags]: # [0]: Report Externally # [Subsystem]: I/O Subsystem # [Event Type]: Miscellaneous, Informational Only # [Sub-section type]: 0 # [Event Scope]: Entire Platform # [Event Severity]: Informational Event # [Host Transmission]: Not Sent # [Section Version]: 1 ${pel_section_output}= Get From Dictionary ${pel_output} ${pel_section} ${pel_field_output}= Get From Dictionary ${pel_section_output} ${pel_field} [Return] ${pel_field_output}