*** Settings ***
Documentation   This suite tests Platform Event Log (PEL) functionality of OpenBMC.

Library         ../../lib/pel_utils.py
Variables       ../../data/pel_variables.py
Resource        ../../lib/list_utils.robot
Resource        ../../lib/logging_utils.robot
Resource        ../../lib/connection_client.robot
Resource        ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot

Test Setup      Redfish.Login
Test Teardown   Run Keywords  Redfish.Logout  AND  FFDC On Test Case Fail

*** Variables ***

${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE}  busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0

${CMD_FRU_CALLOUT}  busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.Timeout
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 2 "TIMEOUT_IN_MSEC" "5"
...  "CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH" "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard"

${CMD_PROCEDURAL_SYMBOLIC_FRU_CALLOUT}  busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} org.open_power.Logging.Error.TestError1
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0

${CMD_INFORMATIONAL_ERROR}  busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.TestError2
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Informational 0

${CMD_INVENTORY_PREFIX}  busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager
...  /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard

${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR}  busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0

${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR}  busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
...   xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Warning 0

${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_HOST_ERROR}  busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss}
...  xyz.openbmc_project.Host.Error.Event xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 1

@{mandatory_pel_fileds}   Private Header  User Header  Primary SRC  Extended User Header  Failing MTMS

*** Test Cases ***

Create Test PEL Log And Verify
    [Documentation]  Create PEL log using busctl command and verify via peltool.
    [Tags]  Create_Test_PEL_Log_And_Verify

    Redfish Purge Event Log
    Create Test PEL Log
    ${pel_id}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    Should Not Be Empty  ${pel_id}  msg=System PEL log entry is empty.

Verify PEL Log Details
    [Documentation]  Verify PEL log details via peltool.
    [Tags]  Verify_PEL_Log_Details

    Redfish Purge Event Log

    ${bmc_time1}=  CLI Get BMC DateTime
    Create Test PEL Log
    ${bmc_time2}=  CLI Get BMC DateTime

    ${pel_records}=  Peltool  -l

    # Example output from 'Peltool  -l':
    # pel_records:
    # [0x50000012]:
    #   [CreatorID]:                  BMC
    #   [CompID]:                     0x1000
    #   [PLID]:                       0x50000012
    #   [Subsystem]:                  BMC Firmware
    #   [Message]:                    An application had an internal failure
    #   [SRC]:                        BD8D1002
    #   [Commit Time]:                03/02/2020  09:35:15
    #   [Sev]:                        Unrecoverable Error

    ${ids}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${pel_records}
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${ids}  0

    @{pel_fields}=  Create List  CreatorID  Subsystem  Message  Sev
    FOR  ${field}  IN  @{pel_fields}
      Valid Value  pel_records['${id}']['${field}']  ['${PEL_DETAILS['${field}']}']

    Valid Value  pel_records['${id}']['PLID']  ['${id}']

    # Verify if "CompID" and "SRC" fields of PEL has alphanumeric value.
    Should Match Regexp  ${pel_records['${id}']['CompID']}  [a-zA-Z0-9]
    Should Match Regexp  ${pel_records['${id}']['SRC']}  [a-zA-Z0-9]

    ${pel_date_time}=  Convert Date  ${pel_records['${id}']['Commit Time']}
    ...  date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S  exclude_millis=yes

    # Convert BMC and PEL time to epoch time before comparing.
    ${bmc_time1_epoch}=  Convert Date  ${bmc_time1}  epoch
    ${pel_time_epoch}=  Convert Date  ${pel_date_time}  epoch
    ${bmc_time2_epoch}=  Convert Date  ${bmc_time2}  epoch

    Should Be True  ${bmc_time1_epoch} <= ${pel_time_epoch} <= ${bmc_time2_epoch}

Verify Mandatory Sections Of Error Log PEL
    [Documentation]  Verify mandatory sections of error log PEL.
    [Tags]  Verify_Mandatory_Sections_Of_Error_Log_PEL

    Create Test PEL Log

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${pel_id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1
    ${pel_output}=  Peltool  -i ${pel_id}
    ${pel_sections}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${pel_output}

    List Should Contain Sub List  ${pel_sections}  ${mandatory_pel_fileds}

Verify PEL Log Persistence After BMC Reboot
    [Documentation]  Verify PEL log persistence after BMC reboot.
    [Tags]  Verify_PEL_Log_Persistence_After_BMC_Reboot

    Create Test PEL Log
    ${pel_before_reboot}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI

    Redfish OBMC Reboot (off)
    ${pel_after_reboot}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI

    List Should Contain Sub List  ${pel_after_reboot}  ${pel_before_reboot}

Verify PEL ID Numbering
    [Documentation]  Verify PEL ID numbering.
    [Tags]  Verify_PEL_ID_Numbering

    Redfish Purge Event Log
    Create Test PEL Log
    Create Test PEL Log

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI

    # Example of PEL IDs from PEL logs.
    #  [0x50000012]:             <--- First PEL ID
    #    [CreatorID]:                  BMC
    #    [CompID]:                     0x1000
    #    [PLID]:                       0x50000012
    #    [Subsystem]:                  BMC Firmware
    #    [Message]:                    An application had an internal failure
    #    [SRC]:                        BD8D1002
    #    [Commit Time]:                03/02/2020  09:35:15
    #    [Sev]:                        Unrecoverable Error
    #  [0x50000013]:             <--- Second PEL ID
    #    [CreatorID]:                  BMC
    #    [CompID]:                     0x1000
    #    [PLID]:                       0x50000013
    #    [Subsystem]:                  BMC Firmware
    #    [Message]:                    An application had an internal failure
    #    [SRC]:                        BD8D1002
    #    [Commit Time]:                03/02/2020  09:35:15
    #    [Sev]:                        Unrecoverable Error

    Should Be True  ${pel_ids[1]} == ${pel_ids[0]}+1

Verify Machine Type Model And Serial Number
    [Documentation]  Verify machine type model and serial number from PEL.
    [Tags]  Verify_Machine_Type_Model_And_Serial_Number

    Create Test PEL Log

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1

    ${pel_serial_number}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${id}  Failing MTMS  Serial Number
    ${pel_serial_number}=  Replace String Using Regexp  ${pel_serial_number}  ^0+  ${EMPTY}
    ${pel_machine_type_model}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${id}  Failing MTMS  Machine Type Model
    ${pel_machine_type_model}=  Replace String Using Regexp  ${pel_machine_type_model}  ^0+  ${EMPTY}

    # Example of "Machine Type Model" and "Serial Number" fields value from "Failing MTMS" section of PEL.
    #  [Failing MTMS]:
    #    [Created by]:                                 0x2000
    #    [Machine Type Model]:                         1234-ABC   <---- Machine type
    #    [Section Version]:                            1
    #    [Serial Number]:                              ABCDEFG    <---- Serial number
    #    [Sub-section type]:                           0

    ${redfish_machine_model}=  Redfish.Get Attribute  /redfish/v1/Systems/system/  Model
    ${redfish_machine_model}=  Replace String Using Regexp  ${redfish_machine_model}  ^0+  ${EMPTY}
    ${redfish_serial_number}=  Redfish.Get Attribute  /redfish/v1/Systems/system/  SerialNumber
    ${redfish_serial_number}=  Replace String Using Regexp  ${redfish_serial_number}  ^0+  ${EMPTY}

    Valid Value  pel_machine_type_model  ['${redfish_machine_model}']
    Valid Value  pel_serial_number  ['${redfish_serial_number}']

    # Check "Machine Type Model" and "Serial Number" fields value from "Extended User Header" section of PEL.
    ${pel_machine_type_model}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${id}  Extended User Header  Reporting Machine Type
    ${pel_machine_type_model}=  Replace String Using Regexp  ${pel_machine_type_model}  ^0+  ${EMPTY}
    ${pel_serial_number}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${id}  Extended User Header  Reporting Serial Number
    ${pel_serial_number}=  Replace String Using Regexp  ${pel_serial_number}  ^0+  ${EMPTY}

    Valid Value  pel_machine_type_model  ['${redfish_machine_model}']
    Valid Value  pel_serial_number  ['${redfish_serial_number}']

Verify Host Off State From PEL
    [Documentation]  Verify Host off state from PEL.
    [Tags]  Verify_Host_Off_State_From_PEL

    Redfish Power Off  stack_mode=skip
    Create Test PEL Log

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1
    ${pel_host_state}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${id}  User Data  HostState

    Valid Value  pel_host_state  ['Off']

Verify BMC Version From PEL
    [Documentation]  Verify BMC Version from PEL.
    [Tags]  Verify_BMC_Version_From_PEL

    Create Test PEL Log

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1
    ${pel_bmc_version}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${id}  User Data  BMC Version ID

    ${bmc_version}=  Get BMC Version
    Valid Value  bmc_version  ['${bmc_version}']

Verify PEL Log After Host Poweron
    [Documentation]  Verify PEL log generation while booting host.
    [Tags]  Verify_PEL_Log_After_Host_Poweron

    Redfish Power Off  stack_mode=skip
    Redfish Purge Event Log
    Redfish Power On  stack_mode=skip

    ${pel_informational_error}=  Get PEL Log IDs  User Header  Event Severity  Informational Event
    ${pel_bmc_created_error}=  Get PEL Log IDs  Private Header  Creator Subsystem  BMC

    # Get BMC created non-infomational error.
    ${pel_bmc_error}=  Subtract Lists  ${pel_bmc_created_error}  ${pel_informational_error}

    Should Be Empty  ${pel_bmc_error}  msg=Unexpected error log generated during Host poweron.

Verify BMC Event Log ID
    [Documentation]  Verify BMC Event Log ID from PEL.
    [Tags]  Verify_BMC_Event_Log_ID

    Redfish Purge Event Log
    Create Test PEL Log

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${pel_bmc_event_log_id}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${pel_ids[0]}  Private Header  BMC Event Log Id

    # Example "BMC Event Log Id" field value from "Private Header" section of PEL.
    #  [Private Header]:
    #    [Created at]:                 08/24/1928 12:04:06
    #    [Created by]:                 0x584D
    #    [Sub-section type]:           0
    #    [Entry Id]:                   0x50000BB7
    #    [Platform Log Id]:            0x8200061D
    #    [CSSVER]:
    #    [Section Version]:            1
    #    [Creator Subsystem]:          PHYP
    #    [BMC Event Log Id]:           341      <---- BMC event log id value
    #    [Committed at]:               03/25/1920 12:06:22

    ${redfish_event_logs}=  Redfish.Get Properties  /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries

    # Example of redfish_event_logs output:
    # redfish_event_logs:
    #  [@odata.id]:                    /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries
    #  [Name]:                         System Event Log Entries
    #  [Members@odata.count]:          1
    #  [@odata.type]:                  #LogEntryCollection.LogEntryCollection
    #  [Description]:                  Collection of System Event Log Entries
    #  [Members]:
    #    [0]:
    #      [@odata.id]:                /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/235
    #      [Name]:                     System Event Log Entry
    #      [Severity]:                 Critical
    #      [EntryType]:                Event
    #      [Created]:                  2020-04-02T07:25:13+00:00
    #      [@odata.type]:              #LogEntry.v1_5_1.LogEntry
    #      [Id]:                       235          <----- Event log ID
    #      [Message]:                  xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure

    Valid Value  pel_bmc_event_log_id  ['${redfish_event_logs['Members'][0]['Id']}']

Verify FRU Callout
    [Documentation]  Verify FRU callout entries from PEL log.
    [Tags]  Verify_FRU_Callout

    Create Test PEL Log  FRU Callout

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1
    ${pel_callout_section}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${id}  Primary SRC  Callout Section

    # Example of PEL Callout Section from "peltool -i <id>" command.
    #  [Callouts]:
    #    [0]:
    #      [FRU Type]:                 Normal Hardware FRU
    #      [Priority]:                 Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit
    #      [Location Code]:            U78DA.ND1.1234567-P0
    #      [Part Number]:              F191014
    #      [CCIN]:                     2E2D
    #      [Serial Number]:            YL2E2D010000
    #  [Callout Count]:                1

    Valid Value  pel_callout_section['Callout Count']  ['1']
    Valid Value  pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['FRU Type']  ['Normal Hardware FRU']
    Should Contain  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Priority']}  Mandatory

    # Verify Location Code field of PEL callout with motherboard's Location Code.
    ${busctl_output}=  BMC Execute Command  ${CMD_INVENTORY_PREFIX} com.ibm.ipzvpd.Location LocationCode
    Should Be Equal  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Location Code']}
    ...  ${busctl_output[0].split('"')[1].strip('"')}

    # TODO: Compare CCIN and part number fields of PEL callout with Redfish or busctl output.
    Should Match Regexp  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['CCIN']}  [a-zA-Z0-9]
    Should Match Regexp  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Part Number']}  [a-zA-Z0-9]

    # Verify Serial Number field of PEL callout with motherboard's Serial Number.
    ${busctl_output}=  BMC Execute Command
    ...  ${CMD_INVENTORY_PREFIX} xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset SerialNumber
    Should Be Equal  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Serial Number']}
    ...  ${busctl_output[0].split('"')[1].strip('"')}

Verify Procedure And Symbolic FRU Callout
    [Documentation]  Verify procedure and symbolic FRU callout from PEL log.
    [Tags]  Verify_Procedure_And_Symbolic_FRU_Callout

    Create Test PEL Log   Procedure And Symbolic FRU Callout

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1
    ${pel_callout_section}=  Get PEL Field Value  ${id}  Primary SRC  Callout Section

    # Example of PEL Callout Section from "peltool -i <id>" command.
    #  [Callouts]:
    #    [0]:
    #      [Priority]:                                 Mandatory, replace all with this type as a unit
    #      [Procedure Number]:                         BMCSP02
    #      [FRU Type]:                                 Maintenance Procedure Required
    #    [1]:
    #      [Priority]:                                 Medium Priority
    #      [Part Number]:                              SVCDOCS
    #      [FRU Type]:                                 Symbolic FRU
    #  [Callout Count]:                                2

    Valid Value  pel_callout_section['Callout Count']  ['2']

    # Verify procedural callout info.

    Valid Value  pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['FRU Type']  ['Maintenance Procedure Required']
    Should Contain  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Priority']}  Mandatory
    # Verify if "Procedure Number" field of PEL has an alphanumeric value.
    Should Match Regexp  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][0]['Procedure']}  [a-zA-Z0-9]

    # Verify procedural callout info.

    Valid Value  pel_callout_section['Callouts'][1]['FRU Type']  ['Symbolic FRU']
    Should Contain  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][1]['Priority']}  Medium Priority
    # Verify if "Part Number" field of Symbolic FRU has an alphanumeric value.
    Should Match Regexp  ${pel_callout_section['Callouts'][1]['Part Number']}  [a-zA-Z0-9]

Verify PEL Log Entry For Event Log
    [Documentation]  Create an event log and verify PEL log entry in BMC for the same.
    [Tags]  Verify_PEL_Log_Entry_For_Event_Log

    Redfish Purge Event Log
    # Create an internal failure error log.
    BMC Execute Command  ${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE}

    ${elog_entry}=  Get Event Logs
    # Example of Redfish event logs:
    # elog_entry:
    #  [0]:
    #    [Message]:                                    xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
    #    [Created]:                                    2020-04-20T01:55:22+00:00
    #    [Id]:                                         1
    #    [@odata.id]:                                  /redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/EventLog/Entries/1
    #    [@odata.type]:                                #LogEntry.v1_4_0.LogEntry
    #    [EntryType]:                                  Event
    #    [Severity]:                                   Critical
    #    [Name]:                                       System Event Log Entry

    ${redfish_log_time}=  Convert Date  ${elog_entry[0]["Created"]}  epoch

    ${pel_records}=  Peltool  -l
    # Example output from 'Peltool  -l':
    # pel_records:
    # [0x50000023]:
    #   [SRC]:                                        BD8D1002
    #   [CreatorID]:                                  BMC
    #   [Message]:                                    An application had an internal failure
    #   [CompID]:                                     0x1000
    #   [PLID]:                                       0x50000023
    #   [Commit Time]:                                04/20/2020 01:55:22
    #   [Subsystem]:                                  BMC Firmware
    #   [Sev]:                                        Unrecoverable Error

    ${ids}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${pel_records}
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${ids}  0
    ${pel_log_time}=  Convert Date  ${pel_records['${id}']['Commit Time']}  epoch
    ...  date_format=%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S

    # Verify that both Redfish event and PEL has log entry for internal error with same time stamp.
    Should Contain Any  ${pel_records['${id}']['Message']}  internal failure  ignore_case=True
    Should Contain Any  ${elog_entry[0]['Message']}  InternalFailure  ignore_case=True

    Should Be Equal  ${redfish_log_time}  ${pel_log_time}

Verify Delete All PEL
    [Documentation]  Verify deleting all PEL logs.
    [Tags]  Verify_Delete_All_PEL

    Create Test PEL Log
    Create Test PEL Log
    Peltool  --delete-all  False

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    Should Be Empty  ${pel_ids}

Verify Informational Error Log
    [Documentation]  Create an informational error log and verify.
    [Tags]  Verify_Informational_Error_Log

    Redfish Purge Event Log
    # Create an informational error log.
    ${pel_records}=  Peltool  -lfh

    # An example of information error log data:
    # {
    #    "0x500006A0": {
    #            "SRC": "BD8D1002",
    #            "Message": "An application had an internal failure",
    #            "PLID": "0x500006A0",
    #            "CreatorID": "BMC",
    #            "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware",
    #            "Commit Time": "10/14/2020 11:41:38",
    #            "Sev": "Informational Event",
    #            "CompID": "0x1000"
    #    }
    # }

    ${ids}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${pel_records}
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${ids}  0
    Should Contain  ${pel_records['${id}']['Sev']}  Informational

Verify Predictable Error Log
    [Documentation]  Create a predictive error and verify.
    [Tags]  Verify_Predictable_Error_Log

    # Create a predictable error log.
    BMC Execute Command  ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR}
    ${pel_records}=  Peltool  -l

    # An example of predictive error log data:
    # {
    #    "0x5000069E": {
    #            "SRC": "BD8D1002",
    #            "Message": "An application had an internal failure",
    #            "PLID": "0x5000069E",
    #            "CreatorID": "BMC",
    #            "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware",
    #            "Commit Time": "10/14/2020 11:40:07",
    #            "Sev": "Predictive Error",
    #            "CompID": "0x1000"
    #    }
    # }

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1
    Should Contain  ${pel_records['${id}']['Sev']}  Predictive

Verify Unrecoverable Error Log
    [Documentation]  Create an unrecoverable error and verify.
    [Tags]  Verify_Unrecoverable_Error_Log

    # Create an internal failure error log.
    ${pel_records}=  Peltool  -l

    # An example of unrecoverable error log data:
    # {
    #    "0x50000CC5": {
    #            "SRC": "BD8D1002",
    #            "Message": "An application had an internal failure",
    #            "PLID": "0x50000CC5",
    #            "CreatorID": "BMC",
    #            "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware",
    #            "Commit Time": "04/01/2020 16:44:55",
    #            "Sev": "Unrecoverable Error",
    #            "CompID": "0x1000"
    #    }
    # }

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1
    Should Contain  ${pel_records['${id}']['Sev']}  Unrecoverable

Verify Error Logging Rotation Policy
    [Documentation]  Verify error logging rotation policy.
    [Tags]  Verify_Error_Logging_Rotation_Policy
    [Template]  Error Logging Rotation Policy

    # Error logs to be created                                % of total logging space when error
    #                                                         log exceeds max limit.
    Informational BMC 3000                                                       15
    Predictive BMC 3000                                                          30
    Unrecoverable BMC 3000                                                       30
    Informational BMC 1500, Predictive BMC 1500                                  45
    Informational BMC 1500, Unrecoverable BMC 1500                               45
    Unrecoverable BMC 1500, Predictive BMC 1500                                  30
    Unrecoverable BMC 1000, Informational BMC 1000, Predictive BMC 1000          45

Verify Error Logging Rotation Policy With HOST Error Logs
    [Documentation]  Verify error logging rotation policy for non bmc error logs.
    [Tags]  Verify_Error_Logging_Rotation_Policy_With_HOST_Error_Logs
    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Open Connection for SCP  AND  scp.Put File  ${UNRECOVERABLE_FILE_PATH}
    [Template]  Error Logging Rotation Policy

    # Error logs to be created                                % of total logging space when error
    #                                                         log exceeds max limit.
    Unrecoverable HOST 3000                                                   30
    Unrecoverable HOST 1500, Informational BMC 1500                           45
    Unrecoverable HOST 1500, Predictive BMC 1500                              60
    Unrecoverable HOST 1500, Unrecoverable BMC 1500                           60

Verify Reverse Order Of PEL Logs
    [Documentation]  Verify PEL command to output PEL logs in reverse order.
    [Tags]  Verify_Reverse_PEL_Logs

    Redfish Purge Event Log

    # Below commands create unrecoverable error log at first and then the predictable error.
    BMC Execute Command  ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR}

    # Using peltool -lr, recent PELs appear first. Hence the ID of first PEL is greater than the next.
    ${pel_records}=  peltool  -lr

    # It is found that, variables like dictionary always keep items in sorted order that makes
    # this verification not possible, hence json is used to keep the items original order.
    ${pel_records}=  Convert To String  ${pel_records}
    ${json_string}=  Replace String  ${pel_records}  '  "
    ${json_object}=  Evaluate  json.loads('''${json_string}''')  json

    ${list}=  Convert To List  ${json_object}

    ${id1}=  Get From List   ${list}  0
    ${id1}=  Convert To Integer  ${id1}
    ${id2}=  Get From List   ${list}  1
    ${id2}=  Convert To Integer  ${id2}

    Should Be True  ${id1} > ${id2}

Verify Total PEL Count
    [Documentation]  Verify total PEL count returned by peltool command.
    [Tags]  Verify_Total_PEL_Count

    # Initially remove all logs.
    Redfish Purge Event Log

    # Generate a random number between 1-20.
    ${random}=  Evaluate  random.randint(1, 20)  modules=random

    # Generate predictive error log multiple times.
    FOR  ${count}  IN RANGE  0  ${random}
      BMC Execute Command  ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR}

    # Check PEL log count via peltool command and compare it with actual generated log count.
    ${pel_records}=  peltool  -n

    Should Be Equal  ${pel_records['Number of PELs found']}   ${random}

Verify Listing Information Error
    [Documentation]  Verify that information error logs can only be listed using -lfh option of peltool.
    [Tags]  Verify_Listing_Information_Error

    # Initially remove all logs.
    Redfish Purge Event Log

    # Generate informational logs and verify that it would not get listed by peltool's list command.
    ${pel_records}=  peltool  -l
    ${ids}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${pel_records}
    Should Be Empty  ${ids}

    # Verify that information logs get listed using peltool's list command with -lfh option.
    ${pel_records}=  peltool  -lfh
    ${ids}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${pel_records}
    Should Not Be Empty  ${ids}
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${ids}  0
    Should Contain  ${pel_records['${id}']['Sev']}  Informational

Verify PEL Delete
    [Documentation]  Verify that peltool command can delete PEL log based on id.
    [Tags]  Verify_PEL_Delete

    BMC Execute Command  ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR}
    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    ${id}=  Get From List  ${pel_ids}  -1
    Peltool  -d ${id}
    ${output}=  peltool -i ${id}
    Should Contain  ${output}  PEL not found

*** Keywords ***

Error Logging Rotation Policy
    [Documentation]  Verify that when maximum log limit is reached, given error logging type
    ...  are deleted when reached their max allocated space.
    [Arguments]  ${error_log_type}  ${max_allocated_space_percentage}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # error_log                           Error logs to be created (E.g. Informational BMC 3000
    #                                     stands for BMC created 3000 informational error logs).
    # max_allocated_space_percentage      The maximum percentage of disk usage for given error
    #                                     log type when maximum count/log size is reached.
    #                                     The maximum error log count is 3000.

    # Initially remove all logs. Purging is done to ensure that, only specific logs are present
    # in BMC during the test.
    Redfish Purge Event Log

    @{lists}=  Split String  ${error_log_type}  ,${SPACE}

    ${length}=  Get Length  ${lists}

    FOR  ${list}  IN RANGE  ${length}
        @{words}=  Split String  ${lists}[${list}]  ${SPACE}
        Create Error Log  ${words}[0]  ${words}[1]  ${words}[2]

    # Create an additional error log to exceed max error logs limit.

    # Delay for BMC to perform delete older error logs when log limit exceeds.
    Sleep  10s

    # Verify disk usage is around max allocated space. Maximum usage is around 3MB not exactly 3MB
    # (for informational log) and around 6 MB for unrecoverable / predictive error log. So, usage
    # percentage is NOT exactly 15% and 30%. So, an error/accuracy factor 0.5 percent is added.

    ${disk_usage_percentage}=  Get Disk Usage For Error Logs
    ${percent_diff}=  Evaluate  ${disk_usage_percentage} - ${max_allocated_space_percentage}
    ${percent_diff}=   Evaluate  abs(${percent_diff})
    Should Be True  ${percent_diff} <= 0.5

Create Error Log
    [Arguments]  ${error_severity}   ${error_creator}   ${count}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # error_severity             Severity of the error (E.g. Informational, Unrecoberable or Predictive)
    # error_creator              Name of error log's creator(E.g BMC, Host Boot)
    # count                      Number of error logs to be generated.

    FOR  ${i}  IN RANGE  0  ${count}
        ${cmd}=  Set Variable If
        ...  '${error_severity}' == 'Informational' and '${system_type}' == 'BMC'  ${CMD_INFORMATIONAL_ERROR}
        ...  '${error_severity}' == 'Predictive' and '${system_type}' == 'BMC'  ${CMD_PREDICTIVE_ERROR}
        ...  '${error_severity}' == 'Unrecoverable' and '${system_type}' == 'BMC'  ${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR}
        ...  '${error_severity}' == 'Unrecoverable' and '${system_type}' == 'HOST'  ${CMD_UNRECOVERABLE_HOST_ERROR}
        BMC Execute Command  ${cmd}

Get Disk Usage For Error Logs
    [Documentation]  Get disk usage percentage for error logs.

    ${usage_output}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command  du /var/lib/phosphor-logging/errors

    ${usage_output}=  Fetch From Left  ${usage_output}  \/

    # Covert disk usage unit from KB to MB.
    ${usage_output}=  Evaluate  ${usage_output} / 1024

    # Logging disk capacity limit is set to 20MB. So calculating the log usage percentage.
    ${usage_percent}=  Evaluate  ${usage_output} / 20 * 100

    [return]  ${usage_percent}

Create Test PEL Log
    [Documentation]  Generate test PEL log.
    [Arguments]  ${pel_type}=Internal Failure

    # Description of argument(s):
    # pel_type      The PEL type (e.g. Internal Failure, FRU Callout, Procedural Callout).

    # Test PEL log entry example:
    # {
    #    "0x5000002D": {
    #            "SRC": "BD8D1002",
    #            "Message": "An application had an internal failure",
    #            "PLID": "0x5000002D",
    #            "CreatorID": "BMC",
    #            "Subsystem": "BMC Firmware",
    #            "Commit Time": "02/25/2020  04:47:09",
    #            "Sev": "Unrecoverable Error",
    #            "CompID": "0x1000"
    #    }
    # }

    Run Keyword If  '${pel_type}' == 'Internal Failure'
    ...   BMC Execute Command  ${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE}
    ...  ELSE IF  '${pel_type}' == 'FRU Callout'
    ...   BMC Execute Command  ${CMD_FRU_CALLOUT}
    ...  ELSE IF  '${pel_type}' == 'Procedure And Symbolic FRU Callout'

Get PEL Log IDs
    [Documentation]  Returns the list of PEL log IDs which contains given field's value.
    [Arguments]  ${pel_section}  ${pel_field}  @{pel_field_value}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # pel_section      The section of PEL (e.g. Private Header, User Header).
    # pel_field        The PEL field (e.g. Event Severity, Event Type).
    # pel_field_value  The list of PEL's field value (e.g. Unrecoverable Error).

    ${pel_ids}=  Get PEL Log Via BMC CLI
    @{pel_id_list}=  Create List

    FOR  ${id}  IN  @{pel_ids}
      ${pel_output}=  Peltool  -i ${id}
      # Example of PEL output from "peltool -i <id>" command.
      #  [Private Header]:
      #    [Created at]:                                 08/24/1928 12:04:06
      #    [Created by]:                                 0x584D
      #    [Sub-section type]:                           0
      #    [Entry Id]:                                   0x50000BB7
      #    [Platform Log Id]:                            0x8200061D
      #    [CSSVER]:
      #    [Section Version]:                            1
      #    [Creator Subsystem]:                          PHYP
      #    [BMC Event Log Id]:                           341
      #    [Committed at]:                               03/25/1920 12:06:22
      #  [User Header]:
      #    [Log Committed by]:                           0x4552
      #    [Action Flags]:
      #      [0]:                                        Report Externally
      #    [Subsystem]:                                  I/O Subsystem
      #    [Event Type]:                                 Miscellaneous, Informational Only
      #    [Sub-section type]:                           0
      #    [Event Scope]:                                Entire Platform
      #    [Event Severity]:                             Informational Event
      #    [Host Transmission]:                          Not Sent
      #    [Section Version]:                            1

      ${pel_section_output}=  Get From Dictionary  ${pel_output}  ${pel_section}
      ${pel_field_output}=  Get From Dictionary  ${pel_section_output}  ${pel_field}
      Run Keyword If  '${pel_field_output}' in @{pel_field_value}  Append To List  ${pel_id_list}  ${id}
    Sort List  ${pel_id_list}

    [Return]  ${pel_id_list}

    [Documentation]  Returns the list of PEL IDs using BMC CLI.

    ${pel_records}=  Peltool  -l
    ${ids}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${pel_records}
    Sort List  ${ids}

    [Return]  ${ids}

Get PEL Field Value
    [Documentation]  Returns the value of given PEL's field.
    [Arguments]  ${pel_id}  ${pel_section}  ${pel_field}

    # Description of argument(s):
    # pel_id           The ID of PEL (e.g. 0x5000002D, 0x5000002E).
    # pel_section      The section of PEL (e.g. Private Header, User Header)
    # pel_field        The PEL field (e.g. Event Severity, Event Type).

    ${pel_output}=  Peltool  -i ${pel_id}

    # Example of PEL output from "peltool -i <id>" command.
    #  [Private Header]:
    #    [Created at]:                                 08/24/1928 12:04:06
    #    [Created by]:                                 0x584D
    #    [Sub-section type]:                           0
    #    [Entry Id]:                                   0x50000BB7
    #    [Platform Log Id]:                            0x8200061D
    #    [CSSVER]:
    #    [Section Version]:                            1
    #    [Creator Subsystem]:                          PHYP
    #    [BMC Event Log Id]:                           341
    #    [Committed at]:                               03/25/1920 12:06:22
    #  [User Header]:
    #    [Log Committed by]:                           0x4552
    #    [Action Flags]:
    #      [0]:                                        Report Externally
    #    [Subsystem]:                                  I/O Subsystem
    #    [Event Type]:                                 Miscellaneous, Informational Only
    #    [Sub-section type]:                           0
    #    [Event Scope]:                                Entire Platform
    #    [Event Severity]:                             Informational Event
    #    [Host Transmission]:                          Not Sent
    #    [Section Version]:                            1

    ${pel_section_output}=  Get From Dictionary  ${pel_output}  ${pel_section}
    ${pel_field_output}=  Get From Dictionary  ${pel_section_output}  ${pel_field}

    [Return]  ${pel_field_output}