*** Settings *** Documentation VMI certificate exchange tests. Resource ../../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/utils.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail Suite Teardown Suite Teardown Execution *** Variables *** # users User Name password @{ADMIN} admin_user TestPwd123 @{OPERATOR} operator_user TestPwd123 &{USERS} Administrator=${ADMIN} Operator=${OPERATOR} ${VMI_BASE_URI} /ibm/v1/ ${CSR_FILE} csr_server.csr ${CSR_KEY} csr_server.key *** Test Cases *** Get CSR Request Signed By VMI And Verify [Documentation] Get CSR request signed by VMI using different user roles and verify. [Tags] Get_CSR_Request_Signed_By_VMI_And_Verify [Template] Get Certificate Signed By VMI # username password force_create valid_csr valid_status_code ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} ${True} ${True} ${HTTP_OK} operator_user TestPwd123 ${False} ${True} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} Get Root Certificate Using Different Privilege Users Roles [Documentation] Get root certificate using different users. [Tags] Get_Root_Certificate_Using_Different_Users [Template] Get Root Certificate # username password force_create valid_csr valid_status_code admin_user TestPwd123 ${True} ${True} ${HTTP_OK} operator_user TestPwd123 ${False} ${True} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} *** Keywords *** Generate CSR String [Documentation] Generate a csr string. # Note: Generates and returns csr string. ${ssl_cmd}= Set Variable openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ${CSR_KEY} -out ${CSR_FILE} ${ssl_sub}= Set Variable ... -subj "/C=XY/ST=Abcd/L=Efgh/O=ABC/OU=Systems/CN=abc.com/emailAddress=xyz@xx.ABC.com" # Run openssl command to create a new private key and use that to generate a CSR string # in server.csr file. ${output}= Run ${ssl_cmd} ${ssl_sub} ${csr}= OperatingSystem.Get File server.csr [Return] ${csr} Send CSR To VMI And Get Signed [Arguments] ${csr} ${force_create} ${username} ${password} # Description of argument(s): # csr Certificate request from client to VMI. # force_create Create a new REST session if True. # username Username to create a REST session. # password Password to create a REST session. Run Keyword If "${XAUTH_TOKEN}" != "${EMPTY}" or ${force_create} == ${True} ... Initialize OpenBMC rest_username=${username} rest_password=${password} ${data}= Create Dictionary ${headers}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} ... Content-Type=application/json ${cert_uri}= Set Variable ${VMI_BASE_URI}Host/Actions/SignCSR # For SignCSR request, we need to pass CSR string generated by openssl command. ${csr_data}= Create Dictionary CsrString ${csr} Set To Dictionary ${data} data ${csr_data} ${resp}= Post Request openbmc ${cert_uri} &{data} headers=${headers} [Return] ${resp} Get Root Certificate [Documentation] Get root certificate from VMI. [Arguments] ${username}=${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} ... ${force_create}=${False} ${valid_csr}=${True} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # cert_type Type of the certificate requesting. eg. root or SignCSR. # username Username to create a REST session. # password Password to create a REST session. # force_create Create a new REST session if True. # valid_csr Uses valid CSR string in the REST request if True. # This is not applicable for root certificate. # valid_status_code Expected status code from REST request. Run Keyword If "${XAUTH_TOKEN}" != "${EMPTY}" or ${force_create} == ${True} ... Initialize OpenBMC rest_username=${username} rest_password=${password} ${data}= Create Dictionary ${headers}= Create Dictionary X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} ... Content-Type=application/json ${cert_uri}= Set Variable ${VMI_BASE_URI}Host/Certificate/root ${resp}= Get Request openbmc ${cert_uri} &{data} headers=${headers} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${valid_status_code} Return From Keyword If ${resp.status_code} != ${HTTP_OK} ${cert}= Evaluate json.loads('''${resp.text}''', strict=False) json Should Contain ${cert["Certificate"]} BEGIN CERTIFICATE Should Contain ${cert["Certificate"]} END CERTIFICATE Get Subject [Documentation] Generate a csr string. [Arguments] ${file_name} ${is_csr_file} # Description of argument(s): # file_name Name of CSR or signed CERT file. # is_csr_file A True value means a CSR while a False is for signed CERT file. ${subject}= Run Keyword If ${is_csr_file} Run openssl req -in ${file_name} -text -noout | grep Subject: ... ELSE Run openssl x509 -in ${file_name} -text -noout | grep Subject: [Return] ${subject} Get Public Key [Documentation] Generate a csr string. [Arguments] ${file_name} ${is_csr_file} # Description of argument(s): # file_name Name of CSR or CERT file. # is_csr_file A True value means a CSR while a False is for signed CERT file. ${PublicKey}= Run Keyword If ${is_csr_file} Run openssl req -in ${file_name} -noout -pubkey ... ELSE Run openssl x509 -in ${file_name} -noout -pubkey [Return] ${PublicKey} Get Certificate Signed By VMI [Documentation] Get signed certificate from VMI. [Arguments] ${username}=${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} ... ${force_create}=${False} ${valid_csr}=${True} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # cert_type Type of the certificate requesting. eg. root or SignCSR. # username Username to create a REST session. # password Password to create a REST session. # force_create Create a new REST session if True. # valid_csr Uses valid CSR string in the REST request if True. # This is not applicable for root certificate. # valid_status_code Expected status code from REST request. Set Test Variable ${CSR} CSR Set Test Variable ${CORRUPTED_CSR} CORRUPTED_CSR ${CSR}= Generate CSR String # For SignCSR request, we need to pass CSR string generated by openssl command ${csr_str}= Set Variable If ${valid_csr} == ${True} ${CSR} ${CORRUPTED_CSR} ${resp}= Send CSR To VMI And Get Signed ${csr_str} ${force_create} ${username} ${password} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${valid_status_code} Return From Keyword If ${resp.status_code} != ${HTTP_OK} ${cert}= Evaluate json.loads('''${resp.text}''', strict=False) json Should Contain ${cert["Certificate"]} BEGIN CERTIFICATE Should Contain ${cert["Certificate"]} END CERTIFICATE # Now do subject and public key verification ${subject_csr}= Get Subject ${CSR_FILE} True ${pubKey_csr}= Get Public Key ${CSR_FILE} True # create a crt file with certificate string ${signed_cert}= Set Variable ${cert["Certificate"]} Create File test_certificate.crt ${signed_cert} ${subject_signed_csr}= Get Subject test_certificate.crt False ${pubKey_signed_csr}= Get Public Key test_certificate.crt False Should be equal as strings ${subject_signed_csr} ${subject_csr} Should be equal as strings ${pubKey_signed_csr} ${pubKey_csr} Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Suite setup execution. # Create different user accounts. Redfish.Login Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} Suite Teardown Execution [Documentation] Suite teardown execution. Delete BMC Users Via Redfish users=${USERS} Delete All Sessions Redfish.Logout