*** Settings *** Documentation VMI static/dynamic IP config tests. Resource ../../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/state_manager.robot Library ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.py Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout *** Variables *** # users User Name password @{ADMIN} admin_user TestPwd123 @{OPERATOR} operator_user TestPwd123 @{ReadOnly} readonly_user TestPwd123 @{NoAccess} noaccess_user TestPwd123 &{USERS} Administrator=${ADMIN} Operator=${OPERATOR} ReadOnly=${ReadOnly} ... NoAccess=${NoAccess} ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} &{DHCP_ENABLED} DHCPEnabled=${${True}} &{DHCP_DISABLED} DHCPEnabled=${${False}} &{ENABLE_DHCP} DHCPv4=&{DHCP_ENABLED} &{DISABLE_DHCP} DHCPv4=&{DHCP_DISABLED} ${wait_time} 10s *** Test Cases *** Verify All VMI EthernetInterfaces [Documentation] Verify all VMI ethernet interfaces. [Tags] Verify_All_VMI_EthernetInterfaces Verify VMI EthernetInterfaces Verify Existing VMI Network Interface Details [Documentation] Verify existing VMI network interface details. [Tags] Verify_Existing_VMI_Network_Interface_Details ${vmi_ip}= Get VMI Network Interface Details ${origin}= Set Variable If ${vmi_ip["DHCPv4"]} == ${False} Static DHCP Should Not Be Equal ${vmi_ip["DHCPv4"]} ${vmi_ip["IPv4StaticAddresses"]} Should Be Equal As Strings ${vmi_ip["Id"]} eth0 Should Be Equal As Strings ${vmi_ip["Description"]} ... Hypervisor's Virtual Management Ethernet Interface Should Be Equal As Strings ${vmi_ip["Name"]} Hypervisor Ethernet Interface Should Be True ${vmi_ip["InterfaceEnabled"]} Run Keyword If ${vmi_ip["IPv4StaticAddresses"]} != @{empty} ... Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Address"]} ... ${origin} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Gateway"]} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_SubnetMask"]} Delete Existing Static VMI IP Address [Documentation] Delete existing static VMI IP address. [Tags] Delete_Existing_Static_VMI_IP_Address ${curr_origin}= Get Immediate Child Parameter From VMI Network Interface DHCPEnabled Run Keyword If ${curr_origin} == ${True} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${False} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} Delete VMI IPv4 Address Verify User Cannot Delete ReadOnly Property IPv4Addresses [Documentation] Verify user cannot delete readonly property IPv4Addresses. [Tags] Verify_User_Cannot_Delete_ReadOnly_Property_IPv4Addresses ${curr_origin}= Get Immediate Child Parameter From VMI Network Interface DHCPEnabled Run Keyword If ${curr_origin} == ${True} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${False} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Delete VMI IPv4 Address IPv4Addresses valid_status_code=${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} Assign Valid And Invalid Static IPv4 Address To VMI [Documentation] Assign static IPv4 address to VMI. [Tags] Assign_Valid_And_Invalid_Static_IPv4_Address_To_VMI [Template] Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify [Teardown] Run keywords Delete VMI IPv4 Address AND Test Teardown Execution # ip gateway netmask valid_status_code ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} a.3.118.94 ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} 10.5.20 ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} 10.5.20.-5 ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} Add Multiple IP Addresses On VMI Interface And Verify [Documentation] Add multiple IP addresses on VMI interface and verify. [Tags] Add_Multiple_IP_Addresses_On_VMI_Interface_And_Verify [Teardown] Run keywords Delete VMI IPv4 Address AND Test Teardown Execution ${ip1}= Create dictionary Address= SubnetMask= Gateway= ${ip2}= Create dictionary Address= SubnetMask= Gateway= ${ip3}= Create dictionary Address= SubnetMask= Gateway= ${ips}= Create List ${ip1} ${ip2} ${ip3} Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} ... body={'IPv4StaticAddresses':${ips}} valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST}] Modify IP Addresses On VMI Interface And Verify [Documentation] Modify IP addresses on VMI interface and verify. [Tags] Modify_IP_Addresses_On_VMI_Interface_And_Verify [Template] Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify [Teardown] Run keywords Delete VMI IPv4 Address AND Test Teardown Execution # ip gateway netmask valid_status_code ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} Switch Between IP Origins On VMI And Verify Details [Documentation] Switch between IP origins on VMI and verify details. [Tags] Switch_Between_IP_Origins_On_VMI_And_Verify_Details Switch VMI IPv4 Origin And Verify Details Switch VMI IPv4 Origin And Verify Details Verify Persistency Of VMI IPv4 Details After Host Reboot [Documentation] Verify persistency of VMI IPv4 details after host reboot. [Tags] Verify_Persistency_Of_VMI_IPv4_Details_After_Host_Reboot # Verifying persistency of dynamic address. Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${True} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip Redfish Power On ${default}= Set Variable Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${default} DHCP ${default} ${default} # Verifying persistency of static address. Switch VMI IPv4 Origin And Verify Details Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip Redfish Power On Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Delete VMI Static IP Address And Verify [Documentation] Delete VMI static IP address and verify. [Tags] Delete_VMI_Static_IP_Address_And_Verify [Teardown] Test Teardown Execution Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Delete VMI IPv4 Address ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} Should Be Empty ${resp.dict["IPv4Addresses"]} Verify Successful VMI IP Static Configuration On HOST Boot After Session Delete [Documentation] Verify VMI IP static Configuration On HOST Boot After session deleted. [Tags] Verify_Successful_VMI_IP_Static_Configuration_On_HOST_Boot_After_Session_Delete [Teardown] Run keywords Delete VMI IPv4 Address IPv4Addresses AND Test Teardown Execution Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} ${session_info}= Get Redfish Session Info Redfish.Delete ${session_info["location"]} # Create a new Redfish session Redfish.Login Redfish Power Off Redfish Power On Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${test_ipv4} Static ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Verify Persistency Of VMI DHCP IP Configuration After Multiple HOST Reboots [Documentation] Verify Persistency Of VMI DHCP IP configuration After Multiple HOST Reboots [Tags] Verify_Persistency_Of_VMI_DHCP_IP_Configuration_After_Multiple_HOST_Reboots [Teardown] Test Teardown Execution Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${True} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${vmi_ip_config}= Get VMI Network Interface Details # Verifying persistency of dynamic address after multiple reboots. FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${2} Redfish Power Off Redfish Power On Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${vmi_ip_config["IPv4_Address"]} DHCP ${vmi_ip_config["IPv4_Gateway"]} ... ${vmi_ip_config["IPv4_SubnetMask"]} END Enable DHCP When Static IP Configured And Verify Static IP [Documentation] Enable DHCP when static ip configured and verify static ip [Tags] Enable_DHCP_when_Static_IP_Configured_And_Verify_Static_IP [Setup] Redfish Power On [Teardown] Test Teardown Execution Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${True} ${vmi_network_conf}= Get VMI Network Interface Details Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${test_ipv4} ${vmi_network_conf["IPv4_Address"]} Verify VMI Static IP Configuration Persist On BMC Reset Before Host Boot [Documentation] Verify VMI static IP configuration persist on BMC reset. [Tags] Verify_VMI_Static_IP_Configuration_Persist_On_BMC_Reset_Before_Host_Boot [Teardown] Run keywords Delete VMI IPv4 Address AND FFDC On Test Case Fail Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} OBMC Reboot (off) Redfish Power On # Verifying the VMI static configuration Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${test_ipv4} Static ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Add Static IP When Host Poweroff And Verify On Poweron [Documentation] Add Static IP When Host Poweroff And Verify on power on [Tags] Add_Static_IP_When_Host_Poweroff_And_Verify_On_Poweron [Setup] Redfish Power Off [Teardown] Run keywords Delete VMI IPv4 Address AND FFDC On Test Case Fail Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Redfish Power On Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${test_ipv4} Static ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Add VMI Static IP When Host Poweroff And Verify Static IP On BMC Reset [Documentation] Add Static IP When Host Poweroff And Verify Static IP On BMC Reset. [Tags] Add_VMI_Static_IP_When_Host_Poweroff_And_Verify_Static_IP_On_BMC_Reset [Setup] Redfish Power Off [Teardown] Run keywords Delete VMI IPv4 Address AND FFDC On Test Case Fail Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} OBMC Reboot (off) Redfish Power On Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${test_ipv4} Static ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Enable DHCP When No Static IP Configured And Verify DHCP IP [Documentation] Enable DHCP when no static ip configured and verify dhcp ip [Tags] Enable_DHCP_When_No_Static_IP_Configured_And_Verify_DHCP_IP [Setup] Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete VMI IPv4 Address [Teardown] Test Teardown Execution ${curr_origin}= Get Immediate Child Parameter From VMI Network Interface DHCPEnabled Run Keyword If ${curr_origin} == ${False} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${True} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${vmi_ip_config}= Get VMI Network Interface Details Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${vmi_ip_config["IPv4_Address"]} DHCP ${vmi_ip_config["IPv4_Gateway"]} ... ${vmi_ip_config["IPv4_SubnetMask"]} Verify User Cannot Delete VMI DHCP IP Address [Documentation] Verify user cannot delete VMI DHCP IP Address [Tags] Verify_User_Cannot_Delete_VMI_DHCP_IP_Address [Setup] Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${True} [Teardown] Test Teardown Execution Delete VMI IPv4 Address IPv4Addresses valid_status_code=${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} Should Not Be Empty ${resp.dict["IPv4Addresses"]} Enable DHCP When Static IP Configured DHCP Server Unavailable And Verify IP [Documentation] Enable DHCP When Static IP Configured And DHCP Server Unavailable And Verify No IP. [Tags] Enable_DHCP_When_Static_IP_Configured_DHCP_Server_Unavailable_And_Verify_IP [Teardown] Test Teardown Execution Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${True} ${default}= Set Variable Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${default} DHCP ${default} ${default} Verify To Configure VMI Static IP Address With Different User Roles [Documentation] Verify to configure vmi static ip address with different user roles. [Tags] Verify_To_Configure_VMI_Static_IP_Address_With_Different_User_Roles [Setup] Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} [Template] Config VMI Static IP Address Using Different Users [Teardown] Delete BMC Users Using Redfish # username password ip_address gateway nemask valid_status_code admin_user TestPwd123 ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} operator_user TestPwd123 ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} readonly_user TestPwd123 ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} noaccess_user TestPwd123 ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} Verify To Delete VMI Static IP Address With Different User Roles [Documentation] Verify to delete vmi static IP address with different user roles. [Tags] Verify_To_Delete_VMI_Static_IP_Address_With_Different_User_Roles [Setup] Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} [Template] Delete VMI Static IP Address Using Different Users [Teardown] Delete BMC Users Using Redfish # username password valid_status_code admin_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} operator_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} readonly_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} noaccess_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} Verify To Update VMI Static IP Address With Different User Roles [Documentation] Verify to update vmi static IP address with different user roles. [Tags] Verify_To_Update_VMI_Static_IP_Address_With_Different_User_Roles_And_Verify [Setup] Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} [Template] Config VMI Static IP Address Using Different Users [Teardown] Delete BMC Users Using Redfish # username password ip_address gateway netmask valid_status_code admin_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} operator_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} readonly_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} noaccess_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} Verify To Read VMI Network Configuration With Different User Roles [Documentation] Verify to read vmi network configuration with different user roles. [Tags] Verify_To_Read_VMI_Network_Configuration_Via_Different_User_Roles [Setup] Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} [Template] Read VMI Static IP Address Using Different Users [Teardown] Delete BMC Users Using Redfish # username password valid_status_code admin_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_OK} operator_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_OK} readonly_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_OK} noaccess_user TestPwd123 ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} Enable DHCP On VMI Network Via Different Users Roles And Verify [Documentation] Enable DHCP On VMI Network Via Different Users Roles And Verify. [Tags] Enable_DHCP_On_VMI_Network_Via_Different_Users_Roles_And_Verify [Setup] Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} [Template] Update User Role And Set VMI IPv4 Origin [Teardown] Delete BMC Users Using Redfish # username password dhcp_enabled valid_status_code admin_user TestPwd123 ${True} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} operator_user TestPwd123 ${True} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} readonly_user TestPwd123 ${True} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} noaccess_user TestPwd123 ${True} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} Disable DHCP On VMI Network Via Different Users Roles And Verify [Documentation] Disable DHCP On VMI Network Via Different Users Roles And Verify. [Tags] Disable_DHCP_On_VMI_Network_Via_Different_Users_Roles_And_Verify [Setup] Create Users With Different Roles users=${USERS} force=${True} [Template] Update User Role And Set VMI IPv4 Origin [Teardown] Delete BMC Users Using Redfish # username password dhcp_enabled valid_status_code admin_user TestPwd123 ${False} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} operator_user TestPwd123 ${False} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} readonly_user TestPwd123 ${False} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} noaccess_user TestPwd123 ${False} ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} Enable And Disable DHCP And Verify [Documentation] verify enable DHCP and disable DHCP. [Tags] Enabled_And_Disabled_DHCP_Verify Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${True} ${default}= Set Variable Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${default} DHCP ${default} ${default} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${False} ${vmi_ip}= Get VMI Network Interface Details Should Be Empty ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Address"]} Multiple Times Enable And Disable DHCP And Verify [Documentation] Enable and Disable DHCP in a loop and verify VMI gets an IP address from DHCP ... each time when DHCP is enabled [Tags] Multiple_Times_Enable_And_Disable_DHCP_And_Verify ${default}= Set Variable FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${2} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${True} Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${default} DHCP ${default} ${default} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${False} ${vmi_ip}= Get VMI Network Interface Details Should Be Empty ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Address"]} END Assign Static IPv4 Address With Invalid Netmask To VMI [Documentation] Assign static IPv4 address with invalid netmask and expect error. [Tags] Assign_Static_IPv4_Address_With_Invalid_Netmask_To_VMI [Template] Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify # ip gateway netmask valid_status_code ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ff.ff.ff.ff ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} Assign Static IPv4 Address With Invalid Gateway To VMI [Documentation] Add static IPv4 address with invalid gateway and expect error. [Tags] Assign_Static_IPv4_Address_With_Invalid_Gateway_To_VMI [Template] Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify # ip gateway netmask valid_status_code ${test_ipv4} @@@.%%.44.11 ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${test_ipv4} 0xa.0xb.0xc.0xd ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${test_ipv4} 10.3.36 ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ${test_ipv4} 10.3.36.-10 ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test setup execution task. Redfish.Login Redfish Power On ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config Set Suite Variable ${active_channel_config} ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} ${ip_resp}= Evaluate json.loads(r'''${resp.text}''') json ${length}= Get Length ${ip_resp["IPv4StaticAddresses"]} ${vmi_network_conf}= Run Keyword If ${length} != ${0} Get VMI Network Interface Details Set Suite Variable ${vmi_network_conf} Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do test teardown execution task. FFDC On Test Case Fail ${curr_mode}= Get Immediate Child Parameter From VMI Network Interface DHCPEnabled Run Keyword If ${curr_mode} == ${True} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${False} Run Keyword If ${vmi_network_conf} != ${None} ... Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${vmi_network_conf["IPv4_Address"]} ... ${vmi_network_conf["IPv4_Gateway"]} ${vmi_network_conf["IPv4_SubnetMask"]} Get VMI Network Interface Details [Documentation] Get VMI network interface details. [Arguments] ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. # Note: It returns a dictionary of VMI eth0 parameters. ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] ${ip_resp}= Evaluate json.loads(r'''${resp.text}''') json ${ip_exists}= Set Variable If ${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"]} == @{empty} ${False} ${True} ${static_exists}= Set Variable If ${ip_resp["IPv4StaticAddresses"]} == @{empty} ${False} ${True} ${vmi_ip}= Run Keyword If ${ip_exists} == ${True} ... Create Dictionary DHCPv4=${${ip_resp["DHCPv4"]["DHCPEnabled"]}} Id=${ip_resp["Id"]} ... Description=${ip_resp["Description"]} IPv4_Address=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"][0]["Address"]} ... IPv4_AddressOrigin=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"][0]["AddressOrigin"]} Name=${ip_resp["Name"]} ... IPv4_Gateway=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"][0]["Gateway"]} ... InterfaceEnabled=${${ip_resp["InterfaceEnabled"]}} ... IPv4_SubnetMask=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"][0]["SubnetMask"]} ... IPv4StaticAddresses=${${static_exists}} ... ELSE ... Create Dictionary DHCPv4=${${ip_resp["DHCPv4"]["DHCPEnabled"]}} Id=${ip_resp["Id"]} ... Description=${ip_resp["Description"]} IPv4StaticAddresses=${ip_resp["IPv4StaticAddresses"]} ... IPv4_Address=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"]} Name=${ip_resp["Name"]} ... InterfaceEnabled=${${ip_resp["InterfaceEnabled"]}} [Return] &{vmi_ip} Get Immediate Child Parameter From VMI Network Interface [Documentation] Get immediate child parameter from VMI network interface. [Arguments] ${parameter} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # parameter parameter for which value is required. Ex: DHCPEnabled, MACAddress etc. # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] ${ip_resp}= Evaluate json.loads(r'''${resp.text}''') json ${value}= Set Variable If '${parameter}' != 'DHCPEnabled' ${ip_resp["${parameter}"]} ... ${ip_resp["DHCPv4"]["${parameter}"]} [Return] ${value} Verify VMI EthernetInterfaces [Documentation] Verify VMI ethernet interfaces. [Arguments] ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. ${resp}= Redfish.Get /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] ${resp}= Evaluate json.loads(r'''${resp.text}''') json ${interfaces}= Set Variable ${resp["Members"]} ${number_of_interfaces}= Get Length ${interfaces} FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${number_of_interfaces} Should Be Equal As Strings ${interfaces[${i}]}[@odata.id] ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/eth${i} END Should Be Equal ${resp["Members@odata.count"]} ${number_of_interfaces} Verify VMI Network Interface Details [Documentation] Verify VMI network interface details. [Arguments] ${ip} ${origin} ${gateway} ${netmask} ... ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # ip VMI IPv4 address. # origin Origin of IPv4 address eg. Static or DHCP. # gateway Gateway for VMI IP. # netmask Subnetmask for VMI IP. # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. Default is HTTP_OK. ${vmi_ip}= Get VMI Network Interface Details ${valid_status_code} Should Be Equal As Strings ${origin} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_AddressOrigin"]} Should Be Equal As Strings ${gateway} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Gateway"]} Should Be Equal As Strings ${netmask} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_SubnetMask"]} Should Be Equal As Strings ${ip} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Address"]} Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify [Documentation] Set static IPv4 address to VMI. [Arguments] ${ip} ${gateway} ${netmask} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_ACCEPTED} # Description of argument(s): # ip VMI IPv4 address. # gateway Gateway for VMI IP. # netmask Subnetmask for VMI IP. # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. Default is HTTP_ACCEPTED. ${data}= Set Variable ... {"IPv4StaticAddresses": [{"Address": "${ip}","SubnetMask": "${netmask}","Gateway": "${gateway}"}]} ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${resp}= Redfish.Patch ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} ... body=${data} valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] # Wait few seconds for new configuration to get populated on runtime. Sleep ${wait_time} Return From Keyword If ${valid_status_code} != ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${host_power_state} ${host_state}= Redfish Get Host State Run Keyword If '${host_power_state}' == 'On' and '${host_state}' == 'Enabled' ... Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${ip} Static ${gateway} ${netmask} Delete VMI IPv4 Address [Documentation] Delete VMI IPv4 address. [Arguments] ${delete_param}=IPv4StaticAddresses ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_ACCEPTED} # Description of argument(s): # delete_param Parameter to be deleted eg. IPv4StaticAddresses or IPv4Addresses. # Default is IPv4StaticAddresses. # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from PATCH request. Default is HTTP_OK. ${data}= Set Variable {"${delete_param}": [${Null}]} ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${resp}= Redfish.Patch ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} ... body=${data} valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] Return From Keyword If ${valid_status_code} != ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${vmi_ip}= Get VMI Network Interface Details Should Be Empty ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Address"]} Set VMI IPv4 Origin [Documentation] Set VMI IPv4 origin. [Arguments] ${dhcp_enabled}=${False} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_ACCEPTED} # Description of argument(s): # dhcp_enabled True if user wants to enable DHCP. Default is Static, hence value is set to False. # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from PATCH request. Default is HTTP_OK. ${data}= Set Variable If ${dhcp_enabled} == ${False} ${DISABLE_DHCP} ${ENABLE_DHCP} ${resp}= Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/eth0 body=${data} ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] Sleep ${wait_time} Return From Keyword If ${valid_status_code} != ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} Should Be Equal ${resp.dict["DHCPv4"]["DHCPEnabled"]} ${dhcp_enabled} Switch VMI IPv4 Origin And Verify Details [Documentation] Switch VMI IPv4 origin and verify details. ${dhcp_mode_before}= Get Immediate Child Parameter From VMI Network Interface DHCPEnabled ${dhcp_enabled}= Set Variable If ${dhcp_mode_before} == ${False} ${True} ${False} ${default}= Set Variable ${origin}= Set Variable If ${dhcp_mode_before} == ${False} DHCP Static Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${dhcp_enabled} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${dhcp_mode_after}= Get Immediate Child Parameter From VMI Network Interface DHCPEnabled Should Not Be Equal ${dhcp_mode_before} ${dhcp_mode_after} Run Keyword If ${dhcp_mode_after} == ${True} ... Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${default} ${origin} ${default} ${default} Delete VMI Static IP Address Using Different Users [Documentation] Update user role and delete vmi static IP address. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${valid_status_code} [Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Login AND ... Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${test_ipv4} ${test_gateway} ... ${test_netmask} ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} AND Redfish.Logout # Description of argument(s): # username The host username. # password The host password. # valid_status_code The expected valid status code. Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} Delete VMI IPv4 Address delete_param=IPv4StaticAddresses valid_status_code=${valid_status_code} Redfish.Logout Config VMI Static IP Address Using Different Users [Documentation] Update user role and update vmi static ip address. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${ip} ${gateway} ${netmask} ... ${valid_status_code} # Description of argument(s): # username The host username. # password The host password. # ip IP address to be added (e.g. ""). # subnet_mask Subnet mask for the IP to be added # (e.g. ""). # gateway Gateway for the IP to be added (e.g. ""). # valid_status_code The expected valid status code. Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${ip} ${gateway} ${netmask} ${valid_status_code} Redfish.Logout Read VMI Static IP Address Using Different Users [Documentation] Update user role and read vmi static ip address. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${valid_status_code} # Description of argument(s): # username The host username. # password The host password. # valid_status_code The expected valid status code. Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] Redfish.Logout Delete BMC Users Using Redfish [Documentation] Delete BMC users via redfish. Redfish.Login Delete BMC Users Via Redfish users=${USERS} Update User Role And Set VMI IPv4 Origin [Documentation] Update User Role And Set VMI IPv4 Origin. [Arguments] ${username} ${password} ${dhcp_enabled} ${valid_status_code} # Description of argument(s): # username The host username. # password The host password. # dhcp_enabled Indicates whether dhcp should be enabled # (${True}, ${False}). # valid_status_code The expected valid status code. Redfish.Login ${username} ${password} Set VMI IPv4 Origin ${dhcp_enabled} ${valid_status_code} Redfish.Logout