*** Settings *** Documentation BMC collect VPD and hardware status. # Test Parameters: # OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address. Resource ../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Test Setup Printn *** Variables *** ${QUIET} ${1} *** Test Cases *** Collect VPD And Hardware Status [Documentation] Collect VPD and hardware status using Redfish. [Tags] Collect_VPD_And_Hardware_Status [Setup] Redfish.Login [Teardown] Redfish Test Teardown Execution ${system_properties}= Redfish_Utils.Get Properties ${SYSTEM_BASE_URI} ${system_memory_info}= Redfish_Utils.Enumerate Request ${SYSTEM_BASE_URI}/Memory ${system_processors_info}= Redfish_Utils.Enumerate Request ${SYSTEM_BASE_URI}/Processors # Python module: get_endpoint_path_list(resource_path, end_point_prefix) ${thermal_uri}= redfish_utils.Get Endpoint Path List ${REDFISH_CHASSIS_URI} Thermal ${system_fans_info}= Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute ${thermal_uri[0]} Fans ${collected_values}= gen_robot_print.Sprint Vars ... system_properties system_memory_info system_processors_info system_fans_info Log To Console ${\n}${collected_values}${\n} Run VPD Tool [Documentation] Run vpd-tool -i. [Tags] Run_VPD_Tool BMC Execute Command vpd-tool -i print_out=${1} *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Set Log Level DEBUG Log To Console ${OPENBMC_HOST} Redfish Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post test teardown for redfish. Redfish.Logout FFDC On Test Case Fail