*** Settings *** Documentation Network stack stress tests using "nping" tool. Resource ../lib/resource.robot Library OperatingSystem Library String Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Force Tags Network_Nping *** Variables *** ${delay} 200ms ${count} 100 ${bmc_packet_loss} ${EMPTY} *** Test Cases *** Verify Zero Network Packet Loss On BMC [Documentation] Pump network packets to target. [Tags] Verify_Zero_Network_Packet_Loss_On_BMC # Send packets to BMC and check packet loss. ${bmc_packet_loss}= Send Network Packets ... ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${PACKET_TYPE} ${NETWORK_PORT} Should Contain ... ${bmc_packet_loss} Lost: 0 (0.00%) msg=Fail, Packet loss on BMC. *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Validate the setup. Should Not Be Empty ${OPENBMC_HOST} msg=BMC IP address not provided. ${output}= Run which nping Should Not Be Empty ${output} msg="nping" tool not installed. Send Network Packets [Documentation] Send TCP, UDP or ICMP packets to the target. [Arguments] ${host} ${packet_type}=tcp ${port}=80 # Description of arguments: # ${host}- Target system to which network packets to be sent. # ${packet_type}- type of packets to be sent viz tcp, udp or icmp. # ${port}- Network port. # This program expects host, port, type and number of packets to be sent # and rate at which packets to be sent, should be given in command line # by default it sends 100 TCP packets at 5 packets/second. ${cmd_buff}= Run Keyword If '${packet_type}' == 'icmp' ... Set Variable ... echo ${CLIENT_PASSWORD} | sudo -S nping --delay ${delay} ${host} -c ${count} --${packet_type} ... ELSE ... Set variable ... echo ${CLIENT_PASSWORD} | sudo -S nping --delay ${delay} ${host} -c ${count} -p ${port} --${packet_type} ${rc} ${output} Run And Return RC And Output ${cmd_buff} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 msg=Command execution failed. ${packet_loss} Get Packet Loss ${host} ${output} [Return] ${packet_loss} Get Packet Loss [Documentation] Check packet loss percentage. # Sample Output from "nping" command: # Starting Nping 0.6.47 ( http://nmap.org/nping ) at 2017-02-21 22:05 IST # SENT (0.0181s) TCP Source IP:37577 > # Destination IP:80 S ttl=64 id=39113 iplen=40 seq=629782493 win=1480 # SENT (0.2189s) TCP Source IP:37577 > # Destination IP:80 S ttl=64 id=39113 iplen=40 seq=629782493 win=1480 # RCVD (0.4120s) TCP Destination IP:80 > # Source IP:37577 SA ttl=49 id=0 iplen=44 seq=1078301364 win=5840 # Max rtt: 193.010ms | Min rtt: 193.010ms | Avg rtt: 193.010ms # Raw packets sent: 2 (80B) | Rcvd: 1 (46B) | Lost: 1 (50.00%) # Nping done: 1 IP address pinged in 0.43 seconds [Arguments] ${host} ${traffic_details} # Description of arguments: # ${host}- System on which packet loss to be checked. # ${traffic_details}- Details of the network traffic sent. ${summary}= Get Lines Containing String ${traffic_details} Rcvd: Log To Console \nPacket loss summary on ${host}\n********************* [Return] ${summary}