*** Settings *** Documentation Test setting network address of host OS. Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot Resource ../lib/utils.robot Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Library ../lib/utilities.py Test Setup Open Connection And Log In Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution Force Tags Host_Network *** Variables *** ${SET_ADDR_PREFIX} 0x00 0x08 0x61 0x80 0x21 0x70 0x62 0x21 0x00 0x01 0x06 0x04 ${STATIC} 0x00 0x01 #equivalent address type 1 ${DHCP} 0x00 0x00 #equivalent address type 0 ${CLEAR_ADDR} 0x00 0x08 0x61 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 *** Test Cases *** Set Static Host Network Address Via IPMI [Documentation] Set static host network address via IPMI and verify ... IP address set with REST. [Tags] Set_Static_Host_Network_Address_Via_IPMI ${ip_address}= utilities.random_ip ${gateway_ip}= utilities.random_ip ${mac_address}= utilities.random_mac ${prefix_length}= Evaluate random.randint(0, 32) modules=random ${mac_address_hex}= Mac Address To Hex String ${mac_address} ${ip_address_hex}= IP Address To Hex String ${ip_address} ${gateway_hex}= IP Address To Hex String ${gateway_ip} ${prefix_hex}= Convert To Hex ${prefix_length} prefix=0x lowercase=yes ${ipmi_raw_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ... ${SET_ADDR_PREFIX}${SPACE}${mac_address_hex}${SPACE}${STATIC}${SPACE} ... ${ip_address_hex}${SPACE}${prefix_hex}${SPACE}${gateway_hex} Run IPMI command ${ipmi_raw_cmd} ${data}= Read Properties ${NETWORK_MANAGER}host0/intf/addr Should Contain ${data["Origin"]} Static Should Be Equal ${data["Address"]} ${ip_address} Should Be Equal ${data["Gateway"]} ${gateway_ip} ${new_mac_address}= ... Read Attribute ${NETWORK_MANAGER}host0/intf MACAddress Should Be Equal ${new_mac_address} ${mac_address} Set DHCP Host Address Via IPMI [Documentation] Set dhcp host network address via IPMI and verify ... IP address set with REST. [Tags] Set_DHCP_Host_Address_Via_IPMI ${mac_address}= utilities.random_mac ${mac_address_hex}= Mac Address To Hex String ${mac_address} ${ipmi_raw_cmd}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ... ${SET_ADDR_PREFIX}${SPACE}${mac_address_hex}${SPACE}${DHCP} Run IPMI command ${ipmi_raw_cmd} ${origin}= Read Attribute ${NETWORK_MANAGER}host0/intf/addr Origin ${new_mac_address}= ... Read Attribute ${NETWORK_MANAGER}host0/intf MACAddress Should Contain ${origin} DHCP Should Be Equal ${new_mac_address} ${mac_address} *** Keywords *** Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do the post test teardown. FFDC On Test Case Fail Run IPMI command ${CLEAR_ADDR} Close All Connections