*** Settings *** Documentation DHCP Network to test suite functionality. Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot Library ../lib/bmc_network_utils.py Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Suite Teardown Run Keywords Restore Configuration AND Redfish.Logout Force Tags BMC_DHCP_Conf *** Variables *** &{dhcp_enable_dict} DHCPEnabled=${True} &{dhcp_disable_dict} DHCPEnabled=${False} &{dns_enable_dict} UseDNSServers=${True} &{dns_disable_dict} UseDNSServers=${False} &{ntp_enable_dict} UseNTPServers=${True} &{ntp_disable_dict} UseNTPServers=${False} &{domain_name_enable_dict} UseDomainName=${True} &{domain_name_disable_dict} UseDomainName=${False} &{enable_multiple_properties} UseDomainName=${True} ... UseNTPServers=${True} ... UseDNSServers=${True} &{disable_multiple_properties} UseDomainName=${False} ... UseNTPServers=${False} ... UseDNSServers=${False} *** Test Cases *** Set Network Property via Redfish And Verify [Documentation] Set network property via Redfish and verify. [Tags] Set_Network_Property_via_Redfish_And_Verify [Template] Apply Ethernet Config # property ${dhcp_enable_dict} ${dhcp_disable_dict} ${dns_enable_dict} ${dns_disable_dict} ${domain_name_enable_dict} ${domain_name_disable_dict} ${ntp_enable_dict} ${ntp_disable_dict} ${enable_multiple_properties} ${disable_multiple_properties} *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Suite Setup Execution. Ping Host ${OPENBMC_HOST} Ping Host ${OPENBMC_HOST_1} Redfish.Login ${network_configurations}= Get Network Configuration Using Channel Number ${2} FOR ${network_configuration} IN @{network_configurations} Run Keyword If '${network_configuration['Address']}' == '${OPENBMC_HOST_1}' ... Run Keywords Set Suite Variable ${eth1_subnet_mask} ${network_configuration['SubnetMask']} ... AND Set Suite Variable ${eth1_gateway} ${network_configuration['Gateway']} ... AND Exit For Loop END ${network_configurations}= Get Network Configuration Using Channel Number ${1} FOR ${network_configuration} IN @{network_configurations} Run Keyword If '${network_configuration['Address']}' == '${OPENBMC_HOST}' ... Run Keywords Set Suite Variable ${eth0_subnet_mask} ${network_configuration['SubnetMask']} ... AND Set Suite Variable ${eth0_gateway} ${network_configuration['Gateway']} ... AND Exit For Loop END Get Network Configuration Using Channel Number [Documentation] Get ethernet interface. [Arguments] ${channel_number} # Description of argument(s): # channel_number Ethernet channel number, 1 is for eth0 and 2 is for eth1 (e.g. "1"). ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${ethernet_interface}= Set Variable ${active_channel_config['${channel_number}']['name']} ${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_ETH_IFACE}${ethernet_interface} @{network_configurations}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.dict} IPv4StaticAddresses [Return] @{network_configurations} Apply Ethernet Config [Documentation] Set the given Ethernet config property. [Arguments] ${property} # Description of argument(s): # property Ethernet property to be set.. ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config Redfish.Patch ... /redfish/v1/Managers/${MANAGER_ID}/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']}/ ... body={"DHCPv4":${property}} valid_status_codes=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}] ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Managers/${MANAGER_ID}/EthernetInterfaces/${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} Verify Ethernet Config Property ${property} ${resp.dict["DHCPv4"]} Restore Configuration [Documentation] Restore the configuration to Both Static Network Run Keyword If '${CHANNEL_NUMBER}' == '1' Add IP Address ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${eth0_subnet_mask} ${eth0_gateway} ... ELSE IF '${CHANNEL_NUMBER}' == '2' Add IP Address ${OPENBMC_HOST_1} ${eth1_subnet_mask} ${eth1_gateway} Verify Ethernet Config Property [Documentation] verify ethernet config properties. [Arguments] ${property} ${response_data} # Description of argument(s): # ${property} DHCP Properties in dictionary. # Example: # property value # DHCPEnabled :False # UseDomainName :True # UseNTPServers :True # UseDNSServers :True # ${response_data} DHCP Response data in dictionary. # Example: # property value # DHCPEnabled :False # UseDomainName :True # UseNTPServers :True # UseDNSServers :True ${key_map}= Get Dictionary Items ${property} FOR ${key} ${value} IN @{key_map} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response_data['${key}']} ${value} END