#!/usr/bin/env python3 r""" This module contains file functions such as file_diff. """ import time import os import re from gen_cmd import cmd_fnc_u robot_env = 1 try: from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn from robot.libraries import DateTime except ImportError: robot_env = 0 def file_diff(file1_path, file2_path, diff_file_path, skip_string): r""" Compare the contents of two text files. The comparison uses the Unix 'diff' command. Differences can be selectively ignored by use of the skip_string parameter. The output of diff command is written to a user-specified file and is also written (logged) to the console. Description of arguments: file1_path File containing text data. file2_path Text file to compare to file1. diff_file_path Text file which will contain the diff output. skip_string To allow for differences which may expected or immaterial, skip_string parameter is a word or a string of comma separated words which specify what should be ignored. For example, "size,speed". Any line containing the word size or the word speed will be ignored when the diff is performed. This parameter is optional. Returns: 0 if both files contain the same information or they differ only in items specified by the skip_string. 2 if FILES_DO_NOT_MATCH. 3 if INPUT_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST. 4 if IO_EXCEPTION_READING_FILE. 5 if IO_EXCEPTION_WRITING_FILE. 6 if INPUT_FILE_MALFORMED """ FILES_MATCH = 0 FILES_DO_NOT_MATCH = 2 INPUT_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 3 IO_EXCEPTION_READING_FILE = 4 IO_EXCEPTION_WRITING_FILE = 5 INPUT_FILE_MALFORMED = 6 # The minimum size in bytes a file must be. min_file_byte_size = 1 now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if (not os.path.exists(file1_path) or (not os.path.exists(file2_path))): return INPUT_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST try: with open(file1_path, 'r') as file: initial = file.readlines() with open(file2_path, 'r') as file: final = file.readlines() except IOError: file.close() return IO_EXCEPTION_READING_FILE except ValueError: file.close() return INPUT_FILE_MALFORMED else: file.close() # Must have more than a trivial number of bytes. if len(initial) < min_file_byte_size: return INPUT_FILE_MALFORMED if (initial == final): try: file = open(diff_file_path, 'w') except IOError: file.close() line_to_print = "Specified skip (ignore) string = " + \ skip_string + "\n\n" file.write(line_to_print) line_to_print = now + " found no difference between file " + \ file1_path + " and " + \ file2_path + "\n" file.write(line_to_print) file.close() return FILES_MATCH # Find the differences and write difference report to diff_file_path file try: file = open(diff_file_path, 'w') except IOError: file.close() return IO_EXCEPTION_WRITING_FILE # Form a UNIX diff command and its parameters as a string. For example, # if skip_string="size,capacity", command = 'diff -I "size" # -I "capacity" file1_path file2_path'. skip_list = filter(None, re.split(r"[ ]*,[ ]*", skip_string)) ignore_string = ' '.join([("-I " + '"' + x + '"') for x in skip_list]) command = ' '.join(filter(None, ["diff", ignore_string, file1_path, file2_path])) line_to_print = now + " " + command + "\n" file.write(line_to_print) # Run the command and get the differences rc, out_buf = cmd_fnc_u(command, quiet=0, print_output=0, show_err=0) # Write the differences to the specified diff_file and console. if robot_env == 1: BuiltIn().log_to_console("DIFF:\n" + out_buf) else: print("DIFF:\n", out_buf) file.write(out_buf) file.close() if rc == 0: # Any differences found were on the skip_string. return FILES_MATCH else: # We have at least one difference not in the skip_string. return FILES_DO_NOT_MATCH