*** Settings *** Resource ../lib/utils.robot Variables ../data/variables.py *** Variables *** ${BMC_READY_STATE} Ready ${BMC_NOT_READY_STATE} NotReady ${QUIET} ${0} # "1" indicates that the new "xyz" interface should be used. ${OBMC_STATES_VERSION} ${1} *** Keywords *** Initiate Host Boot [Documentation] Initiate host power on. [Arguments] ${wait}=${1} # Description of argument(s): # wait Indicates that this keyword should wait for host running state. ${args}= Create Dictionary data=${HOST_POWERON_TRANS} Write Attribute ... ${HOST_STATE_URI} RequestedHostTransition data=${args} # Does caller want to wait for status? Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 10 min 10 sec Is Host Running Initiate Host PowerOff [Documentation] Initiate host power off. # 1. Request soft power off # 2. Hard power off, if failed. [Arguments] ${wait}=${1} # Description of argument(s): # wait Indicates that this keyword should wait for host off state. ${args}= Create Dictionary data=${HOST_POWEROFF_TRANS} Write Attribute ... ${HOST_STATE_URI} RequestedHostTransition data=${args} # Does caller want to wait for status? Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Wait For PowerOff Run Keyword if '${status}' == '${False}' Hard Power Off Wait For PowerOff [Documentation] Wait for power off state. # TODO: Reference to open-power/skiboot#81. # Revert to 3 minutes once fixed. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6 min 10 sec Is Host Off Hard Power Off [Documentation] Do a hard power off. [Arguments] ${wait}=${1} # Description of argument(s): # wait Indicates that this keyword should wait for host off state. ${args}= Create Dictionary data=${CHASSIS_POWEROFF_TRANS} Write Attribute ... ${CHASSIS_STATE_URI} RequestedPowerTransition data=${args} # Does caller want to wait for status? Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 1 min 10 sec Run Keywords Is Chassis Off AND Is Host Off Initiate Host Reboot [Documentation] Initiate host reboot via REST. [Arguments] ${wait}=${1} # Description of argument(s): # wait Indicates that this keyword should wait for host reboot state. ${args}= Create Dictionary data=${HOST_REBOOT_TRANS} Write Attribute ... ${HOST_STATE_URI} RequestedHostTransition data=${args} # Does caller want to wait for host booted status? Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword Is Host Rebooted Is Host Running [Documentation] Check if host state is "Running". # Chassis state should be "On" before we check the host state. Is Chassis On ${host_state}= Get Host State Should Be Equal Running ${host_state} # Check to verify that the host is really booted. Is OS Booted Get Host State Attribute [Documentation] Return the state of the host as a string. [Arguments] ${host_attribute} ${quiet}=${QUIET} # Description of argument(s): # host_attribute Host attribute name. # quiet Suppress REST output logging to console. ${state}= ... Read Attribute ${HOST_STATE_URI} ${host_attribute} quiet=${quiet} [Return] ${state} Is OS Booted [Documentation] Check OS status. # Example: # "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0": { # "AttemptsLeft": 0, # "BootProgress": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Progress.ProgressStages.OSStart", # "CurrentHostState": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.Running", # "OperatingSystemState": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.OperatingSystem.Status.OSStatus.BootComplete", # "RequestedHostTransition": "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.On" # } ${boot_stage}= Get Host State Attribute BootProgress Should Be Equal ${OS_BOOT_START} ${boot_stage} ${os_state}= Get Host State Attribute OperatingSystemState Should Be Equal ${OS_BOOT_COMPLETE} ${os_state} Is Host Off [Documentation] Check if host state is "Off". # Chassis state should be "Off" before we check the host state. Is Chassis Off ${host_state}= Get Host State Should Be Equal Off ${host_state} # Check to verify that the host shutdown completely. # TODO openbmc/openbmc#2049 - boot sensor not cleared on power off #Is OS Off Is Host Rebooted [Documentation] Checks if host rebooted. ${host_trans_state}= Get Host Trans State Should Be Equal ${host_trans_state} Reboot Is Host Running Is Chassis On [Documentation] Check if chassis state is "On". ${power_state}= Get Chassis Power State Should Be Equal On ${power_state} Is Chassis Off [Documentation] Check if chassis state is "Off". ${power_state}= Get Chassis Power State Should Be Equal Off ${power_state} Is Host Quiesced [Documentation] Check if host state is quiesced. ${host_state}= Get Host State ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Be Equal ... ${host_state} Quiesced [Return] ${status} Recover Quiesced Host [Documentation] Recover host from quisced state. ${resp}= Run Keyword And Return Status Is Host Quiesced Run Keyword If '${resp}' == 'True' ... Run Keywords Initiate Host PowerOff AND ... Log HOST is recovered from quiesced state Get Host State [Documentation] Return the state of the host as a string. [Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET} # quiet - Suppress REST output logging to console. ${state}= ... Read Attribute ${HOST_STATE_URI} CurrentHostState ... quiet=${quiet} [Return] ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]} Get Host Trans State [Documentation] Return the transition state of host as a string. ... e.g. On, Off, Reboot [Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET} # Description of arguments: # quiet Suppress REST output logging to console. ${state}= ... Read Attribute ${HOST_STATE_URI} RequestedHostTransition ... quiet=${quiet} [Return] ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]} Get Chassis Power State [Documentation] Return the power state of the Chassis ... as a string. [Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET} # quiet - Suppress REST output logging to console. ${state}= ... Read Attribute ${CHASSIS_STATE_URI} CurrentPowerState ... quiet=${quiet} [Return] ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]} Get BMC State [Documentation] Return the state of the BMC. [Arguments] ${quiet}=${QUIET} # quiet - Suppress REST output logging to console. ${state}= ... Read Attribute ${BMC_STATE_URI} CurrentBMCState quiet=${quiet} [Return] ${state.rsplit('.', 1)[1]} Put BMC State [Documentation] Put BMC in given state. [Arguments] ${expected_state} # expected_state - expected BMC state ${bmc_state}= Get BMC State Run Keyword If '${bmc_state}' == '${expected_state}' ... Log BMC is already in ${expected_state} state ... ELSE Run Keywords Initiate BMC Reboot AND ... Wait for BMC state ${expected_state} Initiate BMC Reboot [Documentation] Initiate BMC reboot. [Arguments] ${wait}=${1} # Description of argument(s): # wait Indicates that this keyword should wait for ending state.. ${args}= Create Dictionary data=${BMC_REBOOT_TRANS} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Write Attribute ... ${BMC_STATE_URI} RequestedBMCTransition data=${args} # Does caller want to wait for status? Run Keyword If '${wait}' == '${0}' Return From Keyword ${session_active}= Check If BMC Reboot Is Initiated Run Keyword If '${session_active}' == '${True}' ... Fail msg=BMC Reboot didn't occur. Check If BMC is Up Check If BMC Reboot Is Initiated [Documentation] Checks whether BMC Reboot is initiated by checking ... BMC connection loss. # Reboot adds 3 seconds delay before forcing reboot # To minimize race conditions, we wait for 7 seconds Sleep 7s ${alive}= Run Keyword and Return Status ... Open Connection And Log In Return From Keyword If '${alive}' == '${False}' ${False} [Return] ${True} Is BMC Ready [Documentation] Check if BMC state is Ready. ${bmc_state}= Get BMC State Should Be Equal ${BMC_READY_STATE} ${bmc_state} Is BMC Not Ready [Documentation] Check if BMC state is Not Ready. ${bmc_state}= Get BMC State Should Be Equal ${BMC_NOT_READY_STATE} ${bmc_state} Wait for BMC state [Documentation] Wait until given BMC state is reached. [Arguments] ${state} # state - BMC state to wait for Run Keyword If '${state}' == '${BMC_READY_STATE}' ... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 10 min 10 sec Is BMC Ready ... ELSE IF '${state}' == '${BMC_NOT_READY_STATE}' ... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ... 10 min 10 sec Is BMC Not Ready ... ELSE Fail msg=Invalid BMC state Set State Interface Version [Documentation] Set version to indicate which interface to use. ${resp}= Openbmc Get Request ${CHASSIS_STATE_URI} ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} Run Keyword If '${status}' == '${True}' ... Set Global Variable ${OBMC_STATES_VERSION} ${1} ... ELSE ... Set Global Variable ${OBMC_STATES_VERSION} ${0} Power Off Request [Documentation] Select appropriate poweroff keyword. Run Keyword If '${OBMC_STATES_VERSION}' == '${0}' ... Initiate Power Off ... ELSE ... Initiate Host PowerOff Wait For BMC Ready [Documentation] Check BMC state and wait for BMC Ready. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 min 10 sec Is BMC Ready