*** Settings *** Documentation Utilities for SNMP testing. Resource ../../lib/rest_client.robot Resource ../../lib/utils.robot *** Keywords *** Get SNMP URI List [Documentation] Get all SNMP URIs and return them as list. # Sample output: # "data": [ # "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/snmp/manager/e9767624", # "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/snmp/manager/31f4ce8b" # ], @{snmp_uri_list}= Read Properties ${SNMP_MANAGER_URI} RETURN @{snmp_uri_list} Configure SNMP Manager On BMC [Documentation] Configure SNMP manager on BMC. [Arguments] ${snmp_ip} ${port} ${expected_result} # Description of argument(s): # snmp_ip SNMP manager IP. # port Network port where SNMP manager is listening. # expected_result Expected status of SNMP configuration. @{snmp_parm_list}= Create List ${snmp_ip} ${port} ${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{snmp_parm_list} ${resp}= OpenBMC Post Request ... ${SNMP_MANAGER_URI}action/Client data=${data} Run Keyword If '${expected_result}' == 'error' ... Should Be Equal As Strings ... ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_BAD_REQUEST} ... msg=Allowing the configuration of an invalid SNMP. ... ELSE ... Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} ... msg=Not allowing the configuration of a valid SNMP. Get List Of SNMP Manager And Port Configured On BMC [Documentation] Get list of SNMP managers and return the list. @{snmp_uri_list}= Get SNMP URI List @{ip_and_port_list}= Create List # Sample output of snmp_uri_list enumeration. # { # "data": { # "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/snmp/manager/92ae7a66": { # "Address": "", # "AddressFamily": "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.Client.IPProtocol.IPv4", # "Port": 186 # }, FOR ${snmp_uri} IN @{snmp_uri_list} ${ip}= Read Attribute ${snmp_uri} Address ${port}= Read Attribute ${snmp_uri} Port Append To List ${ip_and_port_list} ${ip} ${port} END RETURN @{ip_and_port_list} Verify SNMP Manager [Documentation] Verify SNMP manager configured on BMC. [Arguments] ${snmp_ip} ${port} # Description of argument(s): # snmp_ip SNMP manager IP. # port Network port where SNMP manager is listening. @{ip_and_port}= Create List ${snmp_ip} ${port} @{ip_and_port_list}= Get List Of SNMP Manager And Port Configured On BMC List Should Contain Sub List ${ip_and_port_list} ${ip_and_port} ... msg=Valid SNMP manager is not found on BMC. Get SNMP Manager Object [Documentation] Find the SNMP object for the given ip and port and return it. # If no object can be located, return ${EMPTY}. [Arguments] ${ip} ${port} # Description of argument(s): # ip SNMP manager IP. # port Network port where SNMP manager is listening. ${snmp_objs}= Read Properties ${SNMP_MANAGER_URI}enumerate FOR ${snmp_obj} IN @{snmp_objs} ${obj}= Set Variable ${snmp_objs['${snmp_obj}']} Run Keyword If ... '${obj['Address']}' == '${ip}' and '${obj['Port']}' == '${port}' ... Return From Keyword ${snmp_obj} END Return From Keyword ${EMPTY} Delete SNMP Manager And Object [Documentation] Delete SNMP manager. [Arguments] ${snmp_ip} ${port} # Description of argument(s): # snmp_ip SNMP manager IP. # port Network port where SNMP manager is listening. ${snmp_obj}= Get SNMP Manager Object ${snmp_ip} ${port} # If the given IP and port is not configured, return. # Otherwise, delete the IP and object. Run Keyword And Return If '${snmp_obj}' == '${EMPTY}' ... Pass Execution SNMP manager to be deleted is not configured. OpenBMC Delete Request ${snmp_obj} # Verify whether deleted SNMP is removed from BMC system. ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify SNMP Manager ... ${snmp_ip} ${port} Should Be Equal ${status} ${False} msg=SNMP manager is not deleted. Start SNMP Manager [Documentation] Start SNMP listener on the remote SNMP manager. Open Connection And Log In ${SNMP_MGR1_USERNAME} ${SNMP_MGR1_PASSWORD} ... alias=snmp_server host=${SNMP_MGR1_IP} # The execution of the SNMP_TRAPD_CMD is necessary to cause SNMP to begin # listening to SNMP messages. SSHLibrary.write ${SNMP_TRAPD_CMD} &