*** Settings *** Documentation Utility for getting/reading Secure Boot related settings. Resource ../../lib/open_power_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/utils.robot Resource ../../lib/state_manager.robot Resource ../../lib/boot_utils.robot Library ../../lib/bmc_ssh_utils.py *** Keywords *** Set TPMEnable Policy [Documentation] Enable or disable TPM Policy. [Arguments] ${tpm_policy} # Description of argument(s): # tpm_policy Enable-1 or Disable-0. ${value_dict}= Create Dictionary data=${tpm_policy} Write Attribute ${CONTROL_HOST_URI}/TPMEnable TPMEnable ... data=${value_dict} Set And Verify TPM Policy [Documentation] Enable or disable and verify TPM Policy. [Arguments] ${tpm_policy} # Description of argument(s): # tpm_policy Enable-1 or Disable-0. Set TPMEnable Policy ${tpm_policy} Verify The Attribute ${CONTROL_URI}/host0/TPMEnable TPMEnable ${tpm_policy}