*** Settings *** Library Collections Library String Library RequestsLibrary.RequestsKeywords Library OperatingSystem Resource resource.robot Library disable_warning_urllib.py Library utils.py Library gen_misc.py Library var_funcs.py Resource rest_response_code.robot *** Variables *** # Assign default value to QUIET for programs which may not define it. ${QUIET} ${0} ${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${EMPTY} *** Keywords *** OpenBMC Get Request [Documentation] Do REST GET request and return the result. # Example result data: # Response code:200, Content:{ # "data": [ # "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/host0", # "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/chassis0", # "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/bmc0" # ], # "message": "200 OK", # "status": "ok" # } [Arguments] ${uri} ${timeout}=30 ${quiet}=${QUIET} &{kwargs} # Description of argument(s): # uri The URI to establish connection with # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # timeout Timeout in seconds to establish connection with URI. # quiet If enabled, turns off logging to console. # kwargs Any additional arguments to be passed directly to the # Get Request call. For example, the caller might # set kwargs as follows: # ${kwargs}= Create Dictionary allow_redirect=${True}. Initialize OpenBMC ${timeout} quiet=${quiet} ${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/octet-stream ... X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} Accept=application/octet-stream Set To Dictionary ${kwargs} headers ${headers} Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Request method=Get ... base_uri=${base_uri} args=&{kwargs} ${ret}= Get Request openbmc ${base_uri} &{kwargs} timeout=${timeout} Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Response ${ret} Delete All Sessions [Return] ${ret} OpenBMC Post Request [Documentation] Do REST POST request and return the result. # Example result data: # <Response [200]> [Arguments] ${uri} ${timeout}=10 ${quiet}=${QUIET} &{kwargs} # Description of argument(s): # uri The URI to establish connection with # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # timeout Timeout in seconds to establish connection with URI. # quiet If enabled, turns off logging to console. # kwargs Any additional arguments to be passed directly to the # Post Request call. For example, the caller might # set kwargs as follows: # ${kwargs}= Create Dictionary allow_redirect=${True}. Initialize OpenBMC ${timeout} quiet=${quiet} ${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json ... X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} set to dictionary ${kwargs} headers ${headers} Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Request method=Post ... base_uri=${base_uri} args=&{kwargs} ${ret}= Post Request openbmc ${base_uri} &{kwargs} timeout=${timeout} Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Response ${ret} Delete All Sessions [Return] ${ret} OpenBMC Put Request [Documentation] Do REST PUT request on the resource identified by the URI. [Arguments] ${uri} ${timeout}=10 &{kwargs} # Description of argument(s): # uri The URI to establish connection with # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # timeout Timeout in seconds to establish connection with URI. # kwargs Arguments passed to the REST call. # kwargs Any additional arguments to be passed directly to the # Put Request call. For example, the caller might # set kwargs as follows: # ${kwargs}= Create Dictionary allow_redirect=${True}. Initialize OpenBMC ${timeout} ${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json ... X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} set to dictionary ${kwargs} headers ${headers} Log Request method=Put base_uri=${base_uri} args=&{kwargs} ${ret}= Put Request openbmc ${base_uri} &{kwargs} timeout=${timeout} Log Response ${ret} Delete All Sessions [Return] ${ret} OpenBMC Delete Request [Documentation] Do REST request to delete the resource identified by the ... URI. [Arguments] ${uri} ${timeout}=10 &{kwargs} # Description of argument(s): # uri The URI to establish connection with # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # timeout Timeout in seconds to establish connection with URI. # kwargs Any additional arguments to be passed directly to the # Delete Request call. For example, the caller might # set kwargs as follows: # ${kwargs}= Create Dictionary allow_redirect=${True}. Initialize OpenBMC ${timeout} ${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json ... X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} Set To Dictionary ${kwargs} headers ${headers} Log Request method=Delete base_uri=${base_uri} args=&{kwargs} ${ret}= Delete Request openbmc ${base_uri} &{kwargs} timeout=${timeout} Log Response ${ret} Delete All Sessions [Return] ${ret} Initialize OpenBMC [Documentation] Do a REST login connection within specified time. [Arguments] ${timeout}=20 ${quiet}=${1} ... ${rest_username}=${REST_USERNAME} ... ${rest_password}=${REST_PASSWORD} # Description of argument(s): # timeout REST login attempt time out. # quiet Suppress console log if set. # rest_username The REST username. # rest_password The REST password. ${bmcweb_status}= Run Keyword And Return Status BMC Web Login Request ... ${timeout} ${rest_username} ${rest_password} Return From Keyword If ${bmcweb_status} == ${True} # This will retry at 20 second interval. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 40 sec 20 sec ... Post Login Request ${timeout} ${quiet} ... ${rest_username} ${rest_password} BMC Web Login Request [Documentation] Do BMC web-based login. [Arguments] ${timeout}=20 ${rest_username}=${REST_USERNAME} ... ${rest_password}=${REST_PASSWORD} # Description of argument(s): # timeout REST login attempt time out. # rest_username The REST username. # rest_password The REST password. Create Session openbmc ${AUTH_URI} timeout=${timeout} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json @{credentials}= Create List ${rest_username} ${rest_password} ${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{credentials} ${resp}= Post Request openbmc /login data=${data} headers=${headers} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} ${processed_token_data}= ... Evaluate re.split(r'[;,]', '${resp.headers["Set-Cookie"]}') modules=re ${result}= Key Value List To Dict ${processed_token_data} delim== # Example result data: # 'XSRF-TOKEN=hQuOyDJFEIbrN4aOg2CT; Secure, # SESSION=c4wloTiETumSxPI9nLeg; Secure; HttpOnly' Set Global Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${result['session']} Post Login Request [Documentation] Do REST login request. [Arguments] ${timeout}=20 ${quiet}=${1} ... ${rest_username}=${REST_USERNAME} ... ${rest_password}=${REST_PASSWORD} # Description of argument(s): # timeout REST login attempt time out. # quiet Suppress console log if set. # rest_username The REST username. # rest_password The REST password. Create Session openbmc ${AUTH_URI} timeout=${timeout} max_retries=3 ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json @{credentials}= Create List ${rest_username} ${rest_password} ${data}= create dictionary data=@{credentials} ${status} ${resp}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Post Request openbmc ... /login data=${data} headers=${headers} Should Be Equal ${status} PASS msg=${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} Log Out OpenBMC [Documentation] Log out of the openbmc REST session. ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json ... X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${data}= Create dictionary data=@{EMPTY} # If there is no active sesion it will throw the following exception # "Non-existing index or alias 'openbmc'" ${resp}= Post Request openbmc ... /logout data=${data} headers=${headers} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} ... msg=${resp} Log Request [Documentation] Log the specific REST URI, method name on the console. [Arguments] &{kwargs} ${msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= URI: ${AUTH_URI} ${kwargs["base_uri"]} ... , method: ${kwargs["method"]} , args: ${kwargs["args"]} Logging ${msg} console=True Log Response [Documentation] Log the response code on the console. [Arguments] ${resp} ${msg}= Catenate SEPARATOR= Response code: ${resp.status_code} ... , Content: ${resp.content} Logging ${msg} console=True Logging [Documentation] Log the specified message on the console. [Arguments] ${msg} ${console}=default False Log ${msg} console=True Read Attribute [Documentation] Retrieve attribute value from URI and return result. # Example result data for the attribute 'FieldModeEnabled' in # "/xyz/openbmc_project/software/attr/" : # 0 [Arguments] ${uri} ${attr} ${timeout}=10 ${quiet}=${QUIET} ... ${expected_value}=${EMPTY} # Description of argument(s): # uri URI of the object that the attribute lives on # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # attr Name of the attribute (e.g. 'FieldModeEnabled'). # timeout Timeout for the REST call. # quiet If enabled, turns off logging to console. # expected_value If this argument is not empty, the retrieved value # must match this value. # Make sure uri ends with slash. ${uri}= Add Trailing Slash ${uri} ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${uri}attr/${attr} timeout=${timeout} ... quiet=${quiet} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} ${content}= To Json ${resp.content} Run Keyword If '${expected_value}' != '${EMPTY}' ... Should Be Equal As Strings ${expected_value} ${content["data"]} [Return] ${content["data"]} Write Attribute [Documentation] Write a D-Bus attribute with REST. [Arguments] ${uri} ${attr} ${timeout}=10 ${verify}=${FALSE} ... ${expected_value}=${EMPTY} &{kwargs} # Description of argument(s): # uri URI of the object that the attribute lives on # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # attr Name of the attribute (e.g. 'FieldModeEnabled'). # timeout Timeout for the REST call. # verify If set to ${TRUE}, the attribute will be read back to # ensure that its value is set to ${verify_attr}. # expected_value Only used if verify is set to ${TRUE}. The value that # ${attr} should be set to. This defaults to # ${kwargs['data']. There are cases where the caller # expects some other value in which case this value can # be explicitly specified. # kwargs Arguments passed to the REST call. This should always # contain the value to set the property to at the 'data' # key (e.g. data={"data": 1}). # Make sure uri ends with slash. ${uri}= Add Trailing Slash ${uri} ${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri} ${resp}= Openbmc Put Request ${base_uri}attr/${attr} ... timeout=${timeout} &{kwargs} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} # Verify the attribute was set correctly if the caller requested it. Return From Keyword If ${verify} == ${FALSE} ${expected_value}= Set Variable If '${expected_value}' == '${EMPTY}' ... ${kwargs['data']['data']} ${expected_value} ${value}= Read Attribute ${uri} ${attr} Should Be Equal ${value} ${expected_value} Read Properties [Documentation] Read data part of the URI object and return result. # Example result data: # [u'/xyz/openbmc_project/software/cf7bf9d5', # u'/xyz/openbmc_project/software/5ecb8b2c', # u'/xyz/openbmc_project/software/active', # u'/xyz/openbmc_project/software/functional'] [Arguments] ${uri} ${timeout}=10 ${quiet}=${QUIET} # Description of argument(s): # uri URI of the object # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # timeout Timeout for the REST call. # quiet If enabled, turns off logging to console. ${resp}= OpenBMC Get Request ${uri} timeout=${timeout} quiet=${quiet} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} ${content}= To Json Ordered ${resp.content} [Return] ${content["data"]} Call Method [Documentation] Invoke the specific REST service method. [Arguments] ${uri} ${method} ${timeout}=10 ${quiet}=${QUIET} &{kwargs} # Description of arguments: # uri The URI to establish connection with # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # timeout Timeout in seconds to establish connection with URI. # quiet If enabled, turns off logging to console. # kwargs Arguments passed to the REST call. ${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri} ${resp}= OpenBmc Post Request ${base_uri}action/${method} ... timeout=${timeout} quiet=${quiet} &{kwargs} [Return] ${resp} Upload Image To BMC [Documentation] Upload image to BMC via REST and return status code. [Arguments] ${uri} ${timeout}=10 ${quiet}=${1} ... ${valid_status_codes}=[${HTTP_OK}, ${HTTP_ACCEPTED}] &{kwargs} # Description of argument(s): # uri URI for uploading image via REST e.g. # "/upload/image". # timeout Time allocated for the REST command to # return status (specified in Robot # Framework Time Format e.g. "3 mins"). # quiet If enabled, turns off logging to console. # valid_status_codes A list of status codes that are valid for # the REST post command. This can be # specified as a string the evaluates to a # python object (e.g. [${HTTP_OK}]). # kwargs A dictionary keys/values to be passed # directly to Post Request. Initialize OpenBMC ${timeout} quiet=${quiet} ${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/octet-stream ... X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} Accept=application/octet-stream Set To Dictionary ${kwargs} headers ${headers} Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Request method=Post ... base_uri=${base_uri} args=&{kwargs} ${ret}= Post Request openbmc ${base_uri} &{kwargs} timeout=${timeout} Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Response ${ret} Valid Value ret.status_code ${valid_status_codes} Delete All Sessions [Return] ${ret.status_code} Redfish Login [Documentation] Do BMC web-based login. [Arguments] ${timeout}=20 ${rest_username}=${REST_USERNAME} ... ${rest_password}=${REST_PASSWORD} ${kwargs}=${EMPTY} # Description of argument(s): # timeout REST login attempt time out. # rest_username The REST username. # rest_password The REST password. # kwargs Any additional arguments to be passed directly to the # Get Request call. For example, the caller might # set kwargs as follows: # ${kwargs}= Create Dictionary allow_redirect=${True}. Create Session redfish ${AUTH_URI} timeout=${timeout} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json ${data}= Set Variable If '${kwargs}' == '${EMPTY}' ... {"UserName":"${rest_username}", "Password":"${rest_password}"} ... {"UserName":"${rest_username}", "Password":"${rest_password}", ${kwargs}} ${resp}= Post Request redfish /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions ... data=${data} headers=${headers} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_CREATED} ${content}= To JSON ${resp.content} Set Global Variable ${XAUTH_TOKEN} ${resp.headers["X-Auth-Token"]} [Return] ${content} Redfish Post Request [Documentation] Do REST POST request and return the result. [Arguments] ${uri} ${timeout}=10 ${quiet}=${QUIET} &{kwargs} # Description of argument(s): # uri The URI to establish connection with # (e.g. '/xyz/openbmc_project/software/'). # timeout Timeout in seconds to establish connection with URI. # quiet If enabled, turns off logging to console. # kwargs Any additional arguments to be passed directly to the # Post Request call. For example, the caller might # set kwargs as follows: # ${kwargs}= Create Dictionary allow_redirect=${True}. ${base_uri}= Catenate SEPARATOR= ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${uri} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN} Set To Dictionary ${kwargs} headers ${headers} Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Request method=Post base_uri=${base_uri} args=&{kwargs} ${resp}= Post Request redfish ${base_uri} &{kwargs} timeout=${timeout} Run Keyword If '${quiet}' == '${0}' Log Response ${resp} [Return] ${resp}