*** Settings *** Library Collections Library String Library RequestsLibrary.RequestsKeywords Library OperatingSystem Variables ../data/variables.py *** Variables *** # Transition REST vs Redfish ONLY temporary changes for stagging # automation infrastructure change and for continuity. ${REDFISH_SUPPORT_TRANS_STATE} ${0} # By default Delete all Redfish session per boot run. ${REDFISH_DELETE_SESSIONS} ${1} ${OPENBMC_MODEL} ${EMPTY} ${OPENBMC_HOST} ${EMPTY} ${DBUS_PREFIX} ${EMPTY} ${PORT} ${EMPTY} # AUTH_SUFFIX here is derived from variables.py ${AUTH_URI} https://${OPENBMC_HOST}${AUTH_SUFFIX} ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} root ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} 0penBmc ${REST_USERNAME} root ${REST_PASSWORD} 0penBmc # MTLS_ENABLED indicates whether mTLS is enabled. ${MTLS_ENABLED} False # Valid mTLS certificate for authentication. ${VALID_CERT} ${EMPTY} # Path of mTLS certificates directory. ${CERT_DIR_PATH} ${EMPTY} ${IPMI_PASSWORD} 0penBmc ${MACHINE_TYPE} palmetto ${DBUS_POLL_INTERVAL} 15s ${OPENBMC_REBOOT_TIMEOUT} ${10} # IPMI_COMMAND here is set to "External" by default. User # can override to "Dbus" from command line. ${IPMI_COMMAND} External # IPMI chipher default. ${IPMI_CIPHER_LEVEL} ${17} # PDU related parameters ${PDU_TYPE} ${EMPTY} ${PDU_IP} ${EMPTY} ${PDU_USERNAME} ${EMPTY} ${PDU_PASSWORD} ${EMPTY} ${PDU_SLOT_NO} ${EMPTY} # User define input SSH and HTTPS related parameters ${SSH_PORT} 22 ${HTTPS_PORT} 443 ${IPMI_PORT} 623 ${HOST_SOL_PORT} 2200 ${OPENBMC_SERIAL_HOST} ${EMPTY} ${OPENBMC_SERIAL_PORT} ${EMPTY} # OS related parameters. ${OS_HOST} ${EMPTY} ${OS_USERNAME} ${EMPTY} ${OS_PASSWORD} ${EMPTY} ${OS_WAIT_TIMEOUT} ${15*60} # Networking related parameters ${NETWORK_PORT} 80 ${PACKET_TYPE} tcp ${ICMP_PACKETS} icmp ${NETWORK_RETRY_TIME} 6 ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT} 18 ${ICMP_TIMESTAMP_REQUEST} 13 ${ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST} 8 ${CHANNEL_NUMBER} 1 # BMC debug tarball parameter ${DEBUG_TARBALL_PATH} ${EMPTY} # Upload Image parameters ${TFTP_SERVER} ${EMPTY} ${PNOR_TFTP_FILE_NAME} ${EMPTY} ${BMC_TFTP_FILE_NAME} ${EMPTY} ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${EMPTY} ${ALTERNATE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${EMPTY} ${PNOR_IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${EMPTY} ${BMC_IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${EMPTY} ${BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH} ${EMPTY} ${SKIP_UPDATE_IF_ACTIVE} false # Parameters for doing N-1 and N+1 code updates. ${N_MINUS_ONE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${EMPTY} ${N_PLUS_ONE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH} ${EMPTY} # The caller must set this to the string "true" in order to delete images. The # code is picky. ${DELETE_OLD_PNOR_IMAGES} false ${DELETE_OLD_GUARD_FILE} false # Caller can specify a value for LAST_KNOWN_GOOD_VERSION to indicate that if # the machine already has that version on it, the update should be skipped. ${LAST_KNOWN_GOOD_VERSION} ${EMPTY} # By default field mode is disabled. ${FIELD_MODE} ${False} # LDAP related variables. ${LDAP_BASE_DN} ${EMPTY} ${LDAP_BIND_DN} ${EMPTY} ${LDAP_SERVER_HOST} ${EMPTY} ${LDAP_SECURE_MODE} ${EMPTY} ${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD} ${EMPTY} ${LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE} ${EMPTY} ${LDAP_TYPE} ${EMPTY} ${LDAP_USER} ${EMPTY} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} ${EMPTY} *** Keywords *** Get Inventory Schema [Documentation] Get inventory schema. [Arguments] ${machine} [Return] &{INVENTORY}[${machine}] Get Inventory Items Schema [Documentation] Get inventory items schema. [Arguments] ${machine} [Return] &{INVENTORY_ITEMS}[${machine}] Get Sensor Schema [Documentation] Get sensors schema. [Arguments] ${machine} [Return] &{SENSORS}[${machine}]