#!/usr/bin/env python3 r""" PLDM functions. """ import json import random import re import string import bmc_ssh_utils as bsu import func_args as fa import var_funcs as vf from robot.api import logger def pldmtool(option_string, **bsu_options): r""" Run pldmtool on the BMC with the caller's option string and return the result. Example: ${pldm_results}= Pldmtool base GetPLDMTypes Rprint Vars pldm_results pldm_results: pldmtool base GetPLDMVersion -t 0 { "Response": "1.0.0" } Description of argument(s): option_string A string of options which are to be processed by the pldmtool command. parse_results Parse the pldmtool results and return a dictionary rather than the raw pldmtool output. bsu_options Options to be passed directly to bmc_execute_command. See its prolog for details. """ # This allows callers to specify arguments in python style # (e.g. print_out=1 vs. print_out=${1}). bsu_options = fa.args_to_objects(bsu_options) stdout, stderr, rc = bsu.bmc_execute_command( "pldmtool " + option_string, **bsu_options, ignore_err=1 ) if stderr: return stderr try: return json.loads(stdout) except ValueError: return stdout def GetBIOSEnumAttributeOptionalValues(attr_val_table_data): """ From pldmtool GetBIOSTable of type AttributeValueTable get the dict of attribute handle and its optional values for BIOS Enumeration type. Description of argument(s): attr_val_table_data pldmtool output from GetBIOSTable table type AttributeValueTable e.g. [{ "AttributeHandle": 20, "AttributeNameHandle": "23(pvm-pcie-error-inject)", "AttributeType": "BIOSEnumeration", "NumberOfPossibleValues": 2, "PossibleValueStringHandle[0]": "3(Disabled)", "PossibleValueStringHandle[1]": "4(Enabled)", "NumberOfDefaultValues": 1, "DefaultValueStringHandleIndex[0]": 1, "StringHandle": "4(Enabled)" }] @return Dictionary of BIOS attribute and its value. e.g. {'pvm_pcie_error_inject': ['Disabled', 'Enabled']} """ attr_val_data_dict = {} for item in attr_val_table_data: for attr in item: if attr == "NumberOfPossibleValues": value_list = [] for i in range(0, int(item[attr])): attr_values = item[ "PossibleValueStringHandle[" + str(i) + "]" ] value = re.search(r"\((.*?)\)", attr_values).group(1) if value: value_list.append(value) else: value_list.append("") attr_handle = re.findall( r"\(.*?\)", item["AttributeNameHandle"] ) attr_val_data_dict[attr_handle[0][1:-1]] = value_list return attr_val_data_dict def GetBIOSStrAndIntAttributeHandles(attr_type, attr_val_table_data): """ From pldmtool GetBIOSTable of type AttributeValueTable get the dict of attribute handle and its values based on the attribute type. Description of argument(s): attr_type "BIOSInteger" or "BIOSString". attr_val_table_data pldmtool output from GetBIOSTable table type AttributeValueTable. @return Dict of BIOS attribute and its value based on attribute type. """ attr_val_int_dict = {} attr_val_str_dict = {} for item in attr_val_table_data: value_dict = {} attr_handle = re.findall(r"\(.*?\)", item["AttributeNameHandle"]) # Example: # {'vmi_if0_ipv4_prefix_length': {'UpperBound': 32, 'LowerBound': 0} if item["AttributeType"] == "BIOSInteger": value_dict["LowerBound"] = item["LowerBound"] value_dict["UpperBound"] = item["UpperBound"] attr_val_int_dict[attr_handle[0][1:-1]] = value_dict # Example: # {'vmi_if1_ipv4_ipaddr': {'MaximumStringLength': 15, 'MinimumStringLength': 7}} elif item["AttributeType"] == "BIOSString": value_dict["MinimumStringLength"] = item["MinimumStringLength"] value_dict["MaximumStringLength"] = item["MaximumStringLength"] attr_val_str_dict[attr_handle[0][1:-1]] = value_dict if attr_type == "BIOSInteger": return attr_val_int_dict if attr_type == "BIOSString": return attr_val_str_dict return None def GetRandomBIOSIntAndStrValues(attr_name, count): """ Get random integer or string values for BIOS attribute values based on the count. Description of argument(s): attr_name Attribute name of BIOS attribute type Integer or string. count Max length for BIOS attribute type Integer or string. @return Random attribute value based on BIOS attribute type Integer or string. """ attr_random_value = "" # Example # if "gateway" in attr_name: attr_random_value = ".".join( map(str, (random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(4))) ) # Example # elif "ipaddr" in attr_name: attr_random_value = ".".join( map(str, (random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(4))) ) # Example # E5YWEDWJJ elif "name" in attr_name: data = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits attr_random_value = "".join( random.choice(data) for _ in range(int(count)) ) elif "mfg_flags" in attr_name: data = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits attr_random_value = "".join( random.choice(data) for _ in range(int(count)) ) elif "hb_lid_ids" in attr_name: attr_random_value = str(random.randint(0, int(count))) else: attr_random_value = random.randint(0, int(count)) return attr_random_value def GetBIOSAttrOriginalValues(attr_val_table_data): """ From pldmtool GetBIOSTable of type AttributeValueTable get the dict of attribute handle and its values. Description of argument(s): attr_val_table_data pldmtool output from GetBIOSTable table type AttributeValueTable. @return Dict of BIOS attribute and its value. """ attr_val_data_dict = {} for item in attr_val_table_data: attr_handle = re.findall(r"\(.*?\)", item["AttributeNameHandle"]) attr_name = attr_handle[0][1:-1] # Exclude BIOS attribute which are ReadOnly. if "ReadOnly" not in item["AttributeType"]: command = ( "bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a " + attr_name ) value = pldmtool(command) if "error" in value: print("Ignore BIOS attribute which throws error...") pass elif not value["CurrentValue"]: if "name" in attr_name: attr_val_data_dict[attr_name] = '""' elif "hb_lid_ids" in attr_name: attr_val_data_dict[attr_name] = '""' else: attr_val_data_dict[attr_name] = value["CurrentValue"] return attr_val_data_dict def GetBIOSAttrDefaultValues(attr_val_table_data): """ From pldmtool GetBIOSTable of type AttributeValueTable get the dict of attribute handle and its default attribute values. Description of argument(s): attr_val_table_data pldmtool output from GetBIOSTable table type AttributeValueTable. @return Dict of BIOS attribute and its default attribute value. """ attr_val_data_dict = {} for item in attr_val_table_data: attr_handle = re.findall(r"\(.*?\)", item["AttributeNameHandle"]) attr_name = attr_handle[0][1:-1] if "DefaultString" in item: attr_val_data_dict[attr_name] = item["DefaultString"] if not item["DefaultString"]: if "name" in attr_name: attr_val_data_dict[attr_name] = '""' elif "hb_lid_ids" in attr_name: attr_val_data_dict[attr_name] = '""' elif "DefaultValue" in item: attr_val_data_dict[attr_name] = item["DefaultValue"] elif "StringHandle" in item: attr_default_value = re.findall(r"\(.*?\)", item["StringHandle"]) attr_val_data_dict[attr_name] = attr_default_value[0][1:-1] return attr_val_data_dict def GetNewValuesForAllBIOSAttrs(attr_table_data): """ Get a new set of values for all attributes in Attribute Table. Description of argument(s): attr_table_data pldmtool output from GetBIOSTable table type AttributeValueTable. @return Dict of BIOS attribute and new attribute value. """ existing_data = GetBIOSAttrOriginalValues(attr_table_data) logger.info(existing_data) string_attr_data = GetBIOSStrAndIntAttributeHandles( "BIOSString", attr_table_data ) logger.info(string_attr_data) int_attr_data = GetBIOSStrAndIntAttributeHandles( "BIOSInteger", attr_table_data ) logger.info(int_attr_data) enum_attr_data = GetBIOSEnumAttributeOptionalValues(attr_table_data) logger.info(enum_attr_data) attr_random_data = {} temp_list = enum_attr_data.copy() for attr in enum_attr_data: try: temp_list[attr].remove(existing_data[attr]) except ValueError: try: # The data values have a double quote in them. data = '"' + str(existing_data[attr]) + '"' temp_list[attr].remove(data) except ValueError: logger.info( "Unable to remove the existing value " + str(data) + " from list " + str(temp_list[attr]) ) valid_values = temp_list[attr][:] value = random.choice(valid_values) attr_random_data[attr] = value.strip('"') logger.info("Values generated for enumeration type attributes") for attr in string_attr_data: # Iterating to make sure we have a different value # other than the existing value. for iter in range(5): random_val = GetRandomBIOSIntAndStrValues( attr, string_attr_data[attr]["MaximumStringLength"] ) if random_val != existing_data[attr]: break if isinstance(random_val, str): attr_random_data[attr] = random_val.strip('"') logger.info("Values generated for string type attributes") for attr in int_attr_data: for iter in range(5): random_val = GetRandomBIOSIntAndStrValues( attr, int_attr_data[attr]["UpperBound"] ) if random_val != existing_data[attr]: break attr_random_data[attr] = random_val logger.info("Values generated for integer type attributes") return attr_random_data