#!/usr/bin/env python r""" This module is the python counterpart to obmc_boot_test. """ import os import imp import time import glob import random import re import cPickle as pickle import socket from robot.utils import DotDict from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn from boot_data import * import gen_print as gp import gen_robot_print as grp import gen_robot_plug_in as grpi import gen_robot_valid as grv import gen_misc as gm import gen_cmd as gc import gen_robot_keyword as grk import state as st base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( imp.find_module("gen_robot_print")[1])) +\ os.sep sys.path.append(base_path + "extended/") import run_keyword as rk # Setting master_pid correctly influences the behavior of plug-ins like # DB_Logging program_pid = os.getpid() master_pid = os.environ.get('AUTOBOOT_MASTER_PID', program_pid) # Set up boot data structures. boot_table = create_boot_table() valid_boot_types = create_valid_boot_list(boot_table) boot_lists = read_boot_lists() last_ten = [] state = st.return_default_state() cp_setup_called = 0 next_boot = "" base_tool_dir_path = os.path.normpath(os.environ.get( 'AUTOBOOT_BASE_TOOL_DIR_PATH', "/tmp")) + os.sep ffdc_dir_path = os.path.normpath(os.environ.get('FFDC_DIR_PATH', '')) + os.sep boot_success = 0 status_dir_path = os.environ.get('STATUS_DIR_PATH', "") if status_dir_path != "": status_dir_path = os.path.normpath(status_dir_path) + os.sep default_power_on = "REST Power On" default_power_off = "REST Power Off" boot_count = 0 LOG_LEVEL = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LOG_LEVEL}") ############################################################################### def process_host(host, host_var_name=""): r""" Process a host by getting the associated host name and IP address and setting them in global variables. If the caller does not pass the host_var_name, this function will try to figure out the name of the variable used by the caller for the host parm. Callers are advised to explicitly specify the host_var_name when calling with an exec command. In such cases, the get_arg_name cannot figure out the host variable name. This function will then create similar global variable names by removing "_host" and appending "_host_name" or "_ip" to the host variable name. Example: If a call is made like this: process_host(openbmc_host) Global variables openbmc_host_name and openbmc_ip will be set. Description of argument(s): host A host name or IP. The name of the variable used should have a suffix of "_host". host_var_name The name of the variable being used as the host parm. """ if host_var_name == "": host_var_name = gp.get_arg_name(0, 1, stack_frame_ix=2) host_name_var_name = re.sub("host", "host_name", host_var_name) ip_var_name = re.sub("host", "ip", host_var_name) cmd_buf = "global " + host_name_var_name + ", " + ip_var_name + " ; " +\ host_name_var_name + ", " + ip_var_name + " = gm.get_host_name_ip('" +\ host + "')" exec(cmd_buf) ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def process_pgm_parms(): r""" Process the program parameters by assigning them all to corresponding globals. Also, set some global values that depend on program parameters. """ # Program parameter processing. # Assign all program parms to python variables which are global to this # module. global parm_list parm_list = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${parm_list}") # The following subset of parms should be processed as integers. int_list = ['max_num_tests', 'boot_pass', 'boot_fail', 'ffdc_only', 'boot_fail_threshold', 'quiet', 'test_mode', 'debug'] for parm in parm_list: if parm in int_list: sub_cmd = "int(BuiltIn().get_variable_value(\"${" + parm +\ "}\", \"0\"))" else: sub_cmd = "BuiltIn().get_variable_value(\"${" + parm + "}\")" cmd_buf = "global " + parm + " ; " + parm + " = " + sub_cmd exec(cmd_buf) if re.match(r".*_host$", parm): cmd_buf = "process_host(" + parm + ", '" + parm + "')" exec(cmd_buf) if re.match(r".*_password$", parm): # Register the value of any parm whose name ends in _password. # This will cause the print functions to replace passwords with # asterisks in the output. cmd_buf = "gp.register_passwords(" + parm + ")" exec(cmd_buf) global ffdc_dir_path_style global boot_list global boot_stack global boot_results_file_path global boot_results global ffdc_list_file_path global ffdc_report_list_path global ffdc_summary_list_path if ffdc_dir_path_style == "": ffdc_dir_path_style = int(os.environ.get('FFDC_DIR_PATH_STYLE', '0')) # Convert these program parms to lists for easier processing.. boot_list = filter(None, boot_list.split(":")) boot_stack = filter(None, boot_stack.split(":")) boot_results_file_path = "/tmp/" + openbmc_nickname + ":pid_" +\ str(master_pid) + ":boot_results" if os.path.isfile(boot_results_file_path): # We've been called before in this run so we'll load the saved # boot_results object. boot_results = pickle.load(open(boot_results_file_path, 'rb')) else: boot_results = boot_results(boot_table, boot_pass, boot_fail) ffdc_list_file_path = base_tool_dir_path + openbmc_nickname +\ "/FFDC_FILE_LIST" ffdc_report_list_path = base_tool_dir_path + openbmc_nickname +\ "/FFDC_REPORT_FILE_LIST" ffdc_summary_list_path = base_tool_dir_path + openbmc_nickname +\ "/FFDC_SUMMARY_FILE_LIST" ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def initial_plug_in_setup(): r""" Initialize all plug-in environment variables which do not change for the duration of the program. """ global LOG_LEVEL BuiltIn().set_log_level("NONE") BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${master_pid}", master_pid) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_DIR_PATH}", ffdc_dir_path) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${STATUS_DIR_PATH}", status_dir_path) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${BASE_TOOL_DIR_PATH}", base_tool_dir_path) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_LIST_FILE_PATH}", ffdc_list_file_path) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_REPORT_LIST_PATH}", ffdc_report_list_path) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_SUMMARY_LIST_PATH}", ffdc_summary_list_path) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_DIR_PATH_STYLE}", ffdc_dir_path_style) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_CHECK}", ffdc_check) # For each program parameter, set the corresponding AUTOBOOT_ environment # variable value. Also, set an AUTOBOOT_ environment variable for every # element in additional_values. additional_values = ["program_pid", "master_pid", "ffdc_dir_path", "status_dir_path", "base_tool_dir_path", "ffdc_list_file_path", "ffdc_report_list_path", "ffdc_summary_list_path"] plug_in_vars = parm_list + additional_values for var_name in plug_in_vars: var_value = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${" + var_name + "}") var_name = var_name.upper() if var_value is None: var_value = "" os.environ["AUTOBOOT_" + var_name] = str(var_value) BuiltIn().set_log_level(LOG_LEVEL) # Make sure the ffdc list directory exists. ffdc_list_dir_path = os.path.dirname(ffdc_list_file_path) + os.sep if not os.path.exists(ffdc_list_dir_path): os.makedirs(ffdc_list_dir_path) ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def plug_in_setup(): r""" Initialize all changing plug-in environment variables for use by the plug-in programs. """ global LOG_LEVEL global test_really_running BuiltIn().set_log_level("NONE") boot_pass, boot_fail = boot_results.return_total_pass_fail() if boot_pass > 1: test_really_running = 1 else: test_really_running = 0 seconds = time.time() loc_time = time.localtime(seconds) time_string = time.strftime("%y%m%d.%H%M%S.", loc_time) ffdc_prefix = openbmc_nickname + "." + time_string BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${test_really_running}", test_really_running) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${boot_type_desc}", next_boot) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${boot_pass}", boot_pass) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${boot_fail}", boot_fail) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${boot_success}", boot_success) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${ffdc_prefix}", ffdc_prefix) # For each program parameter, set the corresponding AUTOBOOT_ environment # variable value. Also, set an AUTOBOOT_ environment variable for every # element in additional_values. additional_values = ["boot_type_desc", "boot_success", "boot_pass", "boot_fail", "test_really_running", "ffdc_prefix"] plug_in_vars = additional_values for var_name in plug_in_vars: var_value = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${" + var_name + "}") var_name = var_name.upper() if var_value is None: var_value = "" os.environ["AUTOBOOT_" + var_name] = str(var_value) if debug: shell_rc, out_buf = \ gc.cmd_fnc_u("printenv | egrep AUTOBOOT_ | sort -u") BuiltIn().set_log_level(LOG_LEVEL) ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def pre_boot_plug_in_setup(): # Clear the ffdc_list_file_path file. Plug-ins may now write to it. try: os.remove(ffdc_list_file_path) except OSError: pass # Clear the ffdc_report_list_path file. Plug-ins may now write to it. try: os.remove(ffdc_report_list_path) except OSError: pass # Clear the ffdc_summary_list_path file. Plug-ins may now write to it. try: os.remove(ffdc_summary_list_path) except OSError: pass ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def setup(): r""" Do general program setup tasks. """ global cp_setup_called gp.qprintn() robot_pgm_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep repo_bin_path = robot_pgm_dir_path.replace("/lib/", "/bin/") # If we can't find process_plug_in_packages.py, ssh_pw or # validate_plug_ins.py, then we don't have our repo bin in PATH. shell_rc, out_buf = gc.cmd_fnc_u("which process_plug_in_packages.py" + " ssh_pw validate_plug_ins.py", quiet=1, print_output=0, show_err=0) if shell_rc != 0: os.environ['PATH'] = repo_bin_path + ":" + os.environ.get('PATH', "") # Likewise, our repo lib subdir needs to be in sys.path and PYTHONPATH. if robot_pgm_dir_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(robot_pgm_dir_path) PYTHONPATH = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH", "") if PYTHONPATH == "": os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = robot_pgm_dir_path else: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = robot_pgm_dir_path + ":" + PYTHONPATH validate_parms() grp.rqprint_pgm_header() grk.run_key("Set BMC Power Policy RESTORE_LAST_STATE") initial_plug_in_setup() plug_in_setup() rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages( call_point='setup') if rc != 0: error_message = "Plug-in setup failed.\n" grp.rprint_error_report(error_message) BuiltIn().fail(error_message) # Setting cp_setup_called lets our Teardown know that it needs to call # the cleanup plug-in call point. cp_setup_called = 1 # Keyword "FFDC" will fail if TEST_MESSAGE is not set. BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${TEST_MESSAGE}", "${EMPTY}") # FFDC_LOG_PATH is used by "FFDC" keyword. BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${FFDC_LOG_PATH}", ffdc_dir_path) # Also printed by FFDC. global host_name global host_ip host = socket.gethostname() host_name, host_ip = gm.get_host_name_ip(host) gp.dprint_var(boot_table, 1) gp.dprint_var(boot_lists) ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def validate_parms(): r""" Validate all program parameters. """ process_pgm_parms() gp.qprintn() global openbmc_model grv.rvalid_value("openbmc_host") grv.rvalid_value("openbmc_username") grv.rvalid_value("openbmc_password") if os_host != "": grv.rvalid_value("os_username") grv.rvalid_value("os_password") if pdu_host != "": grv.rvalid_value("pdu_username") grv.rvalid_value("pdu_password") grv.rvalid_integer("pdu_slot_no") if openbmc_serial_host != "": grv.rvalid_integer("openbmc_serial_port") if openbmc_model == "": status, ret_values =\ grk.run_key_u("Get BMC System Model") openbmc_model = ret_values BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${openbmc_model}", openbmc_model) grv.rvalid_value("openbmc_model") grv.rvalid_integer("max_num_tests") grv.rvalid_integer("boot_pass") grv.rvalid_integer("boot_fail") plug_in_packages_list = grpi.rvalidate_plug_ins(plug_in_dir_paths) BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${plug_in_packages_list}", plug_in_packages_list) grv.rvalid_value("stack_mode", valid_values=['normal', 'skip']) if len(boot_list) == 0 and len(boot_stack) == 0 and not ffdc_only: error_message = "You must provide either a value for either the" +\ " boot_list or the boot_stack parm.\n" BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message)) valid_boot_list(boot_list, valid_boot_types) valid_boot_list(boot_stack, valid_boot_types) selected_PDU_boots = list(set(boot_list + boot_stack) & set(boot_lists['PDU_reboot'])) if len(selected_PDU_boots) > 0 and pdu_host == "": error_message = "You have selected the following boots which" +\ " require a PDU host but no value for pdu_host:\n" error_message += gp.sprint_var(selected_PDU_boots) error_message += gp.sprint_var(pdu_host, 2) BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message)) return ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def my_get_state(): r""" Get the system state plus a little bit of wrapping. """ global state req_states = ['epoch_seconds'] + st.default_req_states gp.qprint_timen("Getting system state.") if test_mode: state['epoch_seconds'] = int(time.time()) else: state = st.get_state(req_states=req_states, quiet=quiet) gp.qprint_var(state) ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def select_boot(): r""" Select a boot test to be run based on our current state and return the chosen boot type. Description of arguments: state The state of the machine. """ global boot_stack gp.qprint_timen("Selecting a boot test.") my_get_state() stack_popped = 0 if len(boot_stack) > 0: stack_popped = 1 gp.qprint_dashes() gp.qprint_var(boot_stack) gp.qprint_dashes() skip_boot_printed = 0 while len(boot_stack) > 0: boot_candidate = boot_stack.pop() if stack_mode == 'normal': break else: if st.compare_states(state, boot_table[boot_candidate]['end']): if not skip_boot_printed: gp.print_var(stack_mode) gp.printn() gp.print_timen("Skipping the following boot tests" + " which are unnecessary since their" + " required end states match the" + " current machine state:") skip_boot_printed = 1 gp.print_var(boot_candidate) boot_candidate = "" if boot_candidate == "": gp.qprint_dashes() gp.qprint_var(boot_stack) gp.qprint_dashes() return boot_candidate if st.compare_states(state, boot_table[boot_candidate]['start']): gp.qprint_timen("The machine state is valid for a '" + boot_candidate + "' boot test.") gp.qprint_dashes() gp.qprint_var(boot_stack) gp.qprint_dashes() return boot_candidate else: gp.qprint_timen("The machine state does not match the required" + " starting state for a '" + boot_candidate + "' boot test:") gp.print_varx("boot_table[" + boot_candidate + "][start]", boot_table[boot_candidate]['start'], 1) boot_stack.append(boot_candidate) popped_boot = boot_candidate # Loop through your list selecting a boot_candidates boot_candidates = [] for boot_candidate in boot_list: if st.compare_states(state, boot_table[boot_candidate]['start']): if stack_popped: if st.compare_states(boot_table[boot_candidate]['end'], boot_table[popped_boot]['start']): boot_candidates.append(boot_candidate) else: boot_candidates.append(boot_candidate) if len(boot_candidates) == 0: gp.qprint_timen("The user's boot list contained no boot tests" + " which are valid for the current machine state.") boot_candidate = default_power_on if not st.compare_states(state, boot_table[default_power_on]['start']): boot_candidate = default_power_off boot_candidates.append(boot_candidate) gp.qprint_timen("Using default '" + boot_candidate + "' boot type to transition to valid state.") gp.dprint_var(boot_candidates) # Randomly select a boot from the candidate list. boot = random.choice(boot_candidates) return boot ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def print_last_boots(): r""" Print the last ten boots done with their time stamps. """ # indent 0, 90 chars wide, linefeed, char is "=" gp.qprint_dashes(0, 90) gp.qprintn("Last 10 boots:\n") for boot_entry in last_ten: grp.rqprint(boot_entry) gp.qprint_dashes(0, 90) ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def print_defect_report(): r""" Print a defect report. """ # Making deliberate choice to NOT run plug_in_setup(). We don't want # ffdc_prefix updated. rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages( call_point='ffdc_report', stop_on_plug_in_failure=0) # At some point I'd like to have the 'Call FFDC Methods' return a list # of files it has collected. In that case, the following "ls" command # would no longer be needed. For now, however, glob shows the files # named in FFDC_LIST_FILE_PATH so I will refrain from printing those # out (so we don't see duplicates in the list). # Get additional header data which may have been created by ffdc plug-ins. # Also, delete the individual header files to cleanup. cmd_buf = "file_list=$(cat " + ffdc_report_list_path + " 2>/dev/null)" +\ " ; [ ! -z \"${file_list}\" ] && cat ${file_list}" +\ " 2>/dev/null ; rm -rf ${file_list} 2>/dev/null || :" shell_rc, more_header_info = gc.cmd_fnc_u(cmd_buf, print_output=0, show_err=0) # Get additional header data which may have been created by ffdc plug-ins. # Also, delete the individual header files to cleanup. cmd_buf = "file_list=$(cat " + ffdc_summary_list_path + " 2>/dev/null)" +\ " ; [ ! -z \"${file_list}\" ] && cat ${file_list}" +\ " 2>/dev/null ; rm -rf ${file_list} 2>/dev/null || :" shell_rc, ffdc_summary_info = gc.cmd_fnc_u(cmd_buf, print_output=0, show_err=0) LOG_PREFIX = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LOG_PREFIX}") output = '\n'.join(sorted(glob.glob(LOG_PREFIX + '*'))) try: ffdc_list = open(ffdc_list_file_path, 'r') except IOError: ffdc_list = "" # Open ffdc_file_list for writing. We will write a complete list of # FFDC files to it for possible use by plug-ins like cp_stop_check. ffdc_list_file = open(ffdc_list_file_path, 'w') gp.qprintn() # indent=0, width=90, linefeed=1, char="=" gp.qprint_dashes(0, 90, 1, "=") gp.qprintn("Copy this data to the defect:\n") if len(more_header_info) > 0: gp.printn(more_header_info) gp.qpvars(host_name, host_ip, openbmc_nickname, openbmc_host, openbmc_host_name, openbmc_ip, openbmc_username, openbmc_password, os_host, os_host_name, os_ip, os_username, os_password, pdu_host, pdu_host_name, pdu_ip, pdu_username, pdu_password, pdu_slot_no, openbmc_serial_host, openbmc_serial_host_name, openbmc_serial_ip, openbmc_serial_port) gp.qprintn() print_last_boots() gp.qprintn() gp.qprint_var(state) gp.qprintn() gp.qprintn("FFDC data files:") if status_file_path != "": gp.qprintn(status_file_path) ffdc_list_file.write(status_file_path + "\n") gp.qprintn(output) # gp.qprintn(ffdc_list) gp.qprintn() if len(ffdc_summary_info) > 0: gp.printn(ffdc_summary_info) gp.qprint_dashes(0, 90, 1, "=") ffdc_list_file.write(output + "\n") ffdc_list_file.close() ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def my_ffdc(): r""" Collect FFDC data. """ global state plug_in_setup() rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages( call_point='ffdc', stop_on_plug_in_failure=0) AUTOBOOT_FFDC_PREFIX = os.environ['AUTOBOOT_FFDC_PREFIX'] status, ret_values = grk.run_key_u("FFDC ffdc_prefix=" + AUTOBOOT_FFDC_PREFIX + " ffdc_function_list=" + ffdc_function_list, ignore=1) if status != 'PASS': gp.print_error("Call to ffdc failed.\n") my_get_state() print_defect_report() ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def print_test_start_message(boot_keyword): r""" Print a message indicating what boot test is about to run. Description of arguments: boot_keyword The name of the boot which is to be run (e.g. "BMC Power On"). """ global last_ten doing_msg = gp.sprint_timen("Doing \"" + boot_keyword + "\".") gp.qprint(doing_msg) last_ten.append(doing_msg) if len(last_ten) > 10: del last_ten[0] ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def run_boot(boot): r""" Run the specified boot. Description of arguments: boot The name of the boot test to be performed. """ global state print_test_start_message(boot) plug_in_setup() rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = \ grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages(call_point="pre_boot") if rc != 0: error_message = "Plug-in failed with non-zero return code.\n" +\ gp.sprint_var(rc, 1) BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message)) if test_mode: # In test mode, we'll pretend the boot worked by assigning its # required end state to the default state value. state = st.strip_anchor_state(boot_table[boot]['end']) else: # Assertion: We trust that the state data was made fresh by the # caller. gp.qprintn() if boot_table[boot]['method_type'] == "keyword": rk.my_run_keywords(boot_table[boot].get('lib_file_path', ''), boot_table[boot]['method'], quiet=quiet) if boot_table[boot]['bmc_reboot']: st.wait_for_comm_cycle(int(state['epoch_seconds'])) plug_in_setup() rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = \ grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages(call_point="post_reboot") if rc != 0: error_message = "Plug-in failed with non-zero return code.\n" error_message += gp.sprint_var(rc, 1) BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message)) else: match_state = st.anchor_state(state) del match_state['epoch_seconds'] # Wait for the state to change in any way. st.wait_state(match_state, wait_time=state_change_timeout, interval="10 seconds", invert=1) gp.qprintn() if boot_table[boot]['end']['chassis'] == "Off": boot_timeout = power_off_timeout else: boot_timeout = power_on_timeout st.wait_state(boot_table[boot]['end'], wait_time=boot_timeout, interval="10 seconds") plug_in_setup() rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = \ grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages(call_point="post_boot") if rc != 0: error_message = "Plug-in failed with non-zero return code.\n" +\ gp.sprint_var(rc, 1) BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message)) ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def test_loop_body(): r""" The main loop body for the loop in main_py. Description of arguments: boot_count The iteration number (starts at 1). """ global boot_count global state global next_boot global boot_success gp.qprintn() next_boot = select_boot() if next_boot == "": return True boot_count += 1 gp.qprint_timen("Starting boot " + str(boot_count) + ".") pre_boot_plug_in_setup() cmd_buf = ["run_boot", next_boot] boot_status, msg = BuiltIn().run_keyword_and_ignore_error(*cmd_buf) if boot_status == "FAIL": gp.qprint(msg) gp.qprintn() if boot_status == "PASS": boot_success = 1 gp.qprint_timen("BOOT_SUCCESS: \"" + next_boot + "\" succeeded.") else: boot_success = 0 gp.qprint_timen("BOOT_FAILED: \"" + next_boot + "\" failed.") boot_results.update(next_boot, boot_status) plug_in_setup() # NOTE: A post_test_case call point failure is NOT counted as a boot # failure. rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages( call_point='post_test_case', stop_on_plug_in_failure=0) plug_in_setup() rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages( call_point='ffdc_check', shell_rc=0x00000200, stop_on_plug_in_failure=1, stop_on_non_zero_rc=1) if boot_status != "PASS" or ffdc_check == "All" or shell_rc == 0x00000200: status, ret_values = grk.run_key_u("my_ffdc", ignore=1) if status != 'PASS': gp.print_error("Call to my_ffdc failed.\n") # We need to purge error logs between boots or they build up. grk.run_key("Delete Error logs", ignore=1) boot_results.print_report() gp.qprint_timen("Finished boot " + str(boot_count) + ".") plug_in_setup() rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages( call_point='stop_check') if rc != 0: error_message = "Stopping as requested by user.\n" grp.rprint_error_report(error_message) BuiltIn().fail(error_message) # This should help prevent ConnectionErrors. grk.run_key_u("Close All Connections") return True ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def obmc_boot_test_teardown(): r""" Clean up after the Main keyword. """ if cp_setup_called: plug_in_setup() rc, shell_rc, failed_plug_in_name = grpi.rprocess_plug_in_packages( call_point='cleanup', stop_on_plug_in_failure=0) if 'boot_results_file_path' in globals(): # Save boot_results object to a file in case it is needed again. gp.qprint_timen("Saving boot_results to the following path.") gp.qprint_var(boot_results_file_path) pickle.dump(boot_results, open(boot_results_file_path, 'wb'), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def test_teardown(): r""" Clean up after this test case. """ gp.qprintn() cmd_buf = ["Print Error", "A keyword timeout occurred ending this program.\n"] BuiltIn().run_keyword_if_timeout_occurred(*cmd_buf) grp.rqprint_pgm_footer() ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def obmc_boot_test_py(alt_boot_stack=None): r""" Do main program processing. """ if alt_boot_stack is not None: BuiltIn().set_global_variable("${boot_stack}", alt_boot_stack) setup() if ffdc_only: gp.qprint_timen("Caller requested ffdc_only.") pre_boot_plug_in_setup() grk.run_key_u("my_ffdc") return # Process caller's boot_stack. while (len(boot_stack) > 0): test_loop_body() gp.qprint_timen("Finished processing stack.") # Process caller's boot_list. if len(boot_list) > 0: for ix in range(1, max_num_tests + 1): test_loop_body() gp.qprint_timen("Completed all requested boot tests.") boot_pass, boot_fail = boot_results.return_total_pass_fail() if boot_fail > boot_fail_threshold: error_message = "Boot failures exceed the boot failure" +\ " threshold:\n" +\ gp.sprint_var(boot_fail) +\ gp.sprint_var(boot_fail_threshold) BuiltIn().fail(gp.sprint_error(error_message)) ###############################################################################