#!/usr/bin/env python r""" Provide useful error log utility keywords. """ import gen_print as gp import sys import os import imp base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname( imp.find_module("gen_robot_print")[1])) + os.sep sys.path.append(base_path + "data/") import variables as var from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn import gen_robot_utils as gru gru.my_import_resource("logging_utils.robot") def print_error_logs(error_logs, key_list=None): r""" Print the error logs to the console screen. This function provides the following benefits: - It will specify print_var parms for the caller (e.g. hex=1). - It is much easier to call this function than to generate the desired code directly from a robot script. Description of argument(s): error_logs An error log dictionary such as the one returned by the 'Get Error Logs' keyword. key_list The list of keys to be printed. This may be specified as either a python list or a space-delimited string. In the latter case, this function will convert it to a python list. See the sprint_varx function prolog for additionatl details. Example use from a python script: ${error_logs}= Get Error Logs Print Error Logs ${error_logs} Message Timestamp Sample output: error_logs: [/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/3]: [Timestamp]: 1521738335735 [Message]: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional [/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/2]: [Timestamp]: 1521738334637 [Message]: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional [/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1]: [Timestamp]: 1521738300696 [Message]: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional [/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/4]: [Timestamp]: 1521738337915 [Message]: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Error.Nonfunctional Another example call using a robot list: ${error_logs}= Get Error Logs ${key_list}= Create List Message Timestamp Severity Print Error Logs ${error_logs} ${key_list} """ if key_list is not None: if type(key_list) in (str, unicode): key_list = key_list.split(" ") key_list.insert(0, var.BMC_LOGGING_ENTRY + ".*") gp.print_var(error_logs, hex=1, key_list=key_list) def get_esels(error_logs=None): r""" Get all available extended Service Event Logs (eSELs) and return as a list. Example robot code: ${esels}= Get Esels Rprint Vars esels Example output (excerpt): esels: esels[0]: ESEL=00 00 df 00 00... esels[1]: ESEL=00 00 df 00 00... Description of argument(s): error_logs The error_log data, which can be obtained from 'Get Error Logs'. If this value is None, then this function will call 'Get Error Logs' on the caller's behalf. """ if error_logs is None: error_logs = BuiltIn().run_keyword('Get Error Logs') # Look for any error log entries containing the 'AdditionalData' field # which in turn has an entry starting with "ESEL=". Here is an excerpt of # the error_logs that contains such an entry. # error_logs: # [/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/entry/1]: # [AdditionalData]: # [AdditionalData][0]: CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH=/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/mot... # [AdditionalData][1]: ESEL=00 00 df 00 00 00 00 20 00 04... esels = [] for error_log in error_logs.values(): if 'AdditionalData' in error_log: for additional_data in error_log['AdditionalData']: if additional_data.startswith('ESEL='): esels.append(additional_data) return esels