#!/usr/bin/env python3 r""" This module contains utility and wrapper functions useful to robot python programs. """ import re from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn def my_import_resource(path): r""" Import the resource file specified in path. Description of arguments: path The path to your resource file. This function is a wrapper for BuiltIn().import_resource() and provides the following benefits: - When you invoke a robot program from a command line, you may specify program parameters as follows: -v --variable name:values For example: robot -v parm_x:1 file_x.robot When you do "Resource utils_x.robot" in a .robot program, it processes "utils_x.robot" BEFORE your command line parms are processed, as one might expect. On the other hand, if one of your python library files were to run BuiltIn().import_resource("utils_x.robot"), it will process "utils_x.robot" AFTER your program parms are processed. Let's suppose that utils_x.robot contains the following: *** Variables *** ${parm_x} ${0} If your program is invoked like this: robot -v parm_x:3 file_x.robot And if your program has a python library file that invokes BuiltIn().import_resource("utils_x.robot"), then parm_x will get set to ${0}. In other words, instead of utils_x.robot serving to set a default value for parm_x, it actually causes the user's specification of "-v parm_x:3" to be overwritten. This function will remedy that problem by keeping your -v parms intact. - The problems with -v parms mentioned above are also found with variables from your file_x.robot "** Variables **" section. Namely, they may get overwritten when import_resource() is used. This function will likewise remedy that problem. """ # Retrieve the values of all current variables into a dictionary. pre_var_dict = BuiltIn().get_variables() # Do the import. BuiltIn().import_resource(path) # Once again, retrieve the values of all current variables into a # dictionary. post_var_dict = BuiltIn().get_variables() # If any variable values were changed due to the prior import, set them # back to their original values. for key, value in post_var_dict.items(): if key in pre_var_dict: if value != pre_var_dict[key]: global_var_name = re.sub("[@&]", "$", key) BuiltIn().set_global_variable(global_var_name, pre_var_dict[key])