#!/usr/bin/env python3 r""" Define the func_timer class. """ import os import signal import sys import time import gen_misc as gm import gen_print as gp import gen_valid as gv class func_timer_class: r""" Define the func timer class. A func timer object can be used to run any function/arguments but with an additional benefit of being able to specify a time_out value. If the function fails to complete before the timer expires, a ValueError exception will be raised along with a detailed error message. Example code: func_timer = func_timer_class() func_timer.run(run_key, "sleep 2", time_out=1) In this example, the run_key function is being run by the func_timer object with a time_out value of 1 second. "sleep 2" is a positional parm for the run_key function. """ def __init__(self, obj_name="func_timer_class"): # Initialize object variables. self.__obj_name = obj_name self.__func = None self.__time_out = None self.__child_pid = 0 # Save the original SIGUSR1 handler for later restoration by this class' methods. self.__original_SIGUSR1_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGUSR1) def __del__(self): self.cleanup() def sprint_obj(self): r""" sprint the fields of this object. This would normally be for debug purposes. """ buffer = "" buffer += self.__class__.__name__ + ":\n" indent = 2 try: func_name = self.__func.__name__ except AttributeError: func_name = "" buffer += gp.sprint_var(func_name, indent=indent) buffer += gp.sprint_varx("time_out", self.__time_out, indent=indent) buffer += gp.sprint_varx("child_pid", self.__child_pid, indent=indent) buffer += gp.sprint_varx( "original_SIGUSR1_handler", self.__original_SIGUSR1_handler, indent=indent, ) return buffer def print_obj(self): r""" print the fields of this object to stdout. This would normally be for debug purposes. """ sys.stdout.write(self.sprint_obj()) def cleanup(self): r""" Cleanup after the run method. """ try: gp.lprint_executing() gp.lprint_var(self.__child_pid) except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): # NOTE: In python 3, this code fails with "KeyError: ('__main__',)" when calling functions like # lprint_executing that use inspect.stack() during object destruction. No fixes found so # tolerating the error. In python 2.x, it may fail with TypeError. This seems to happen when # cleaning up after an exception was raised. pass # If self.__child_pid is 0, then we are either running as the child or we've already cleaned up. # If self.__time_out is None, then no child process would have been spawned. if self.__child_pid == 0 or self.__time_out is None: return # Restore the original SIGUSR1 handler. if self.__original_SIGUSR1_handler != 0: signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.__original_SIGUSR1_handler) try: gp.lprint_timen("Killing child pid " + str(self.__child_pid) + ".") os.kill(self.__child_pid, signal.SIGKILL) except OSError: gp.lprint_timen("Tolerated kill failure.") try: gp.lprint_timen("os.waitpid(" + str(self.__child_pid) + ")") os.waitpid(self.__child_pid, 0) except OSError: gp.lprint_timen("Tolerated waitpid failure.") self.__child_pid = 0 # For debug purposes, prove that the child pid was killed. children = gm.get_child_pids() gp.lprint_var(children) def timed_out(self, signal_number, frame): r""" Handle a SIGUSR1 generated by the child process after the time_out has expired. signal_number The signal_number of the signal causing this method to get invoked. This should always be 10 (SIGUSR1). frame The stack frame associated with the function that times out. """ gp.lprint_executing() self.cleanup() # Compose an error message. err_msg = "The " + self.__func.__name__ err_msg += " function timed out after " + str(self.__time_out) err_msg += " seconds.\n" if not gp.robot_env: err_msg += gp.sprint_call_stack() raise ValueError(err_msg) def run(self, func, *args, **kwargs): r""" Run the indicated function with the given args and kwargs and return the value that the function returns. If the time_out value expires, raise a ValueError exception with a detailed error message. This method passes all of the args and kwargs directly to the child function with the following important exception: If kwargs contains a 'time_out' value, it will be used to set the func timer object's time_out value and then the kwargs['time_out'] entry will be removed. If the time-out expires before the function finishes running, this method will raise a ValueError. Example: func_timer = func_timer_class() func_timer.run(run_key, "sleep 3", time_out=2) Example: try: result = func_timer.run(func1, "parm1", time_out=2) print_var(result) except ValueError: print("The func timed out but we're handling it.") Description of argument(s): func The function object which is to be called. args The arguments which are to be passed to the function object. kwargs The keyword arguments which are to be passed to the function object. As noted above, kwargs['time_out'] will get special treatment. """ gp.lprint_executing() # Store method parms as object parms. self.__func = func # Get self.__time_out value from kwargs. If kwargs['time_out'] is not present, self.__time_out will # default to None. self.__time_out = None if "time_out" in kwargs: self.__time_out = kwargs["time_out"] del kwargs["time_out"] # Convert "none" string to None. try: if self.__time_out.lower() == "none": self.__time_out = None except AttributeError: pass if self.__time_out is not None: self.__time_out = int(self.__time_out) # Ensure that time_out is non-negative. message = gv.valid_range( self.__time_out, 0, var_name="time_out" ) if message != "": raise ValueError( "\n" + gp.sprint_error_report(message, format="long") ) gp.lprint_varx("time_out", self.__time_out) self.__child_pid = 0 if self.__time_out is not None: # Save the original SIGUSR1 handler for later restoration by this class' methods. self.__original_SIGUSR1_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGUSR1) # Designate a SIGUSR1 handling function. signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self.timed_out) parent_pid = os.getpid() self.__child_pid = os.fork() if self.__child_pid == 0: gp.dprint_timen( "Child timer pid " + str(os.getpid()) + ": Sleeping for " + str(self.__time_out) + " seconds." ) time.sleep(self.__time_out) gp.dprint_timen( "Child timer pid " + str(os.getpid()) + ": Sending SIGUSR1 to parent pid " + str(parent_pid) + "." ) os.kill(parent_pid, signal.SIGUSR1) os._exit(0) # Call the user's function with the user's arguments. children = gm.get_child_pids() gp.lprint_var(children) gp.lprint_timen("Calling the user's function.") gp.lprint_varx("func_name", func.__name__) gp.lprint_vars(args, kwargs) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as func_exception: # We must handle all exceptions so that we have the chance to cleanup before re-raising the # exception. gp.lprint_timen("Encountered exception in user's function.") self.cleanup() raise (func_exception) gp.lprint_timen("Returned from the user's function.") self.cleanup() return result