*** Settings *** Documentation Vmi network utilities keywords. Resource ../../lib/resource.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot Resource ../../lib/state_manager.robot Resource ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot Library ../../lib/bmc_network_utils.py *** Variables *** &{DHCP_ENABLED} DHCPEnabled=${True} &{DHCP_DISABLED} DHCPEnabled=${False} &{ENABLE_DHCP} DHCPv4=&{DHCP_ENABLED} &{DISABLE_DHCP} DHCPv4=&{DHCP_DISABLED} ${wait_time} 40s ${ethernet_interface} eth0 *** Keywords *** Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify [Documentation] Set static IPv4 address to VMI. [Arguments] ${ip} ${gateway} ${netmask} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ... ${interface}=${ethernet_interface} # Description of argument(s): # ip VMI IPv4 address. # gateway Gateway for VMI IP. # netmask Subnetmask for VMI IP. # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. Default is HTTP_ACCEPTED. # interface VMI interface (eg. eth0 or eth1). ${ip_details}= Create dictionary Address=${ip} SubnetMask=${netmask} Gateway=${gateway} ${ip_data}= Create List ${ip_details} ${resp}= Redfish.Patch /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${interface} ... body={'IPv4StaticAddresses':${ip_data}} valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] # Wait few seconds for new configuration to get populated on runtime. Sleep ${wait_time} Return From Keyword If ${valid_status_code} != ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${host_power_state} ${host_state}= Redfish Get Host State Run Keyword If '${host_power_state}' == 'On' and '${host_state}' == 'Enabled' ... Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${ip} Static ${gateway} ${netmask} ${interface} Verify VMI Network Interface Details [Documentation] Verify VMI network interface details. [Arguments] ${ip} ${origin} ${gateway} ${netmask} ... ${interface}=${ethernet_interface} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # ip VMI IPv4 address. # origin Origin of IPv4 address eg. Static or DHCP. # gateway Gateway for VMI IP. # netmask Subnetmask for VMI IP. # interface VMI interface (eg. eth0 or eth1). # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. Default is HTTP_OK. ${vmi_ip}= Get VMI Network Interface Details ${interface} ${valid_status_code} Should Be Equal As Strings ${origin} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_AddressOrigin"]} Should Be Equal As Strings ${gateway} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Gateway"]} Should Be Equal As Strings ${netmask} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_SubnetMask"]} Should Be Equal As Strings ${ip} ${vmi_ip["IPv4_Address"]} Delete VMI IPv4 Address [Documentation] Delete VMI IPv4 address. [Arguments] ${delete_param}=IPv4StaticAddresses ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ... ${interface}=${ethernet_interface} # Description of argument(s): # delete_param Parameter to be deleted eg. IPv4StaticAddresses or IPv4Addresses. # Default is IPv4StaticAddresses. # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from PATCH request. Default is HTTP_OK. # interface VMI interface (eg. eth0 or eth1). ${data}= Set Variable {"${delete_param}": [${Null}]} ${resp}= Redfish.Patch ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${interface} ... body=${data} valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] Return From Keyword If ${valid_status_code} != ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} # Wait few seconds for configuration to get effective. Sleep ${wait_time} ${vmi_ip}= Get VMI Network Interface Details ${interface} ${default}= Set Variable Verify VMI Network Interface Details ${default} Static ${default} ${default} Set VMI IPv4 Origin [Documentation] Set VMI IPv4 origin. [Arguments] ${dhcp_enabled}=${False} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ... ${interface}=${ethernet_interface} # Description of argument(s): # dhcp_enabled True if user wants to enable DHCP. Default is Static, hence value is set to False. # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from PATCH request. Default is HTTP_OK. # interface VMI interface (eg. eth0 or eth1). ${data}= Set Variable If ${dhcp_enabled} == ${False} ${DISABLE_DHCP} ${ENABLE_DHCP} ${resp}= Redfish.Patch ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${interface} ... body=${data} valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] Sleep ${wait_time} Return From Keyword If ${valid_status_code} != ${HTTP_ACCEPTED} ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${interface} Should Be Equal ${resp.dict["DHCPv4"]["DHCPEnabled"]} ${dhcp_enabled} Get VMI Network Interface Details [Documentation] Get VMI network interface details. [Arguments] ${interface}=${ethernet_interface} ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # interface VMI interface (eg. eth0 or eth1). # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. # Note: It returns a dictionary of VMI ethernet interface parameters. ${resp}= Redfish.Get ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/${interface} ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] ${ip_resp}= Evaluate json.loads(r'''${resp.text}''') json ${ip_exists}= Set Variable If ${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"]} == @{empty} ${False} ${True} ${static_exists}= Set Variable If ${ip_resp["IPv4StaticAddresses"]} == @{empty} ${False} ${True} ${vmi_ip}= Run Keyword If ${ip_exists} == ${True} ... Create Dictionary DHCPv4=${${ip_resp["DHCPv4"]["DHCPEnabled"]}} Id=${ip_resp["Id"]} ... Description=${ip_resp["Description"]} IPv4_Address=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"][0]["Address"]} ... IPv4_AddressOrigin=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"][0]["AddressOrigin"]} Name=${ip_resp["Name"]} ... IPv4_Gateway=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"][0]["Gateway"]} ... InterfaceEnabled=${${ip_resp["InterfaceEnabled"]}} ... IPv4_SubnetMask=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"][0]["SubnetMask"]} ... IPv4StaticAddresses=${${static_exists}} ... ELSE ... Create Dictionary DHCPv4=${${ip_resp["DHCPv4"]["DHCPEnabled"]}} Id=${ip_resp["Id"]} ... Description=${ip_resp["Description"]} IPv4StaticAddresses=${ip_resp["IPv4StaticAddresses"]} ... IPv4_Address=${ip_resp["IPv4Addresses"]} Name=${ip_resp["Name"]} ... InterfaceEnabled=${${ip_resp["InterfaceEnabled"]}} RETURN &{vmi_ip} Get VMI Interfaces [Documentation] Get VMI network interface. [Arguments] ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. # By default set to ${HTTP_OK}. ${resp}= Redfish.Get /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] ${resp}= Evaluate json.loads(r'''${resp.text}''') json ${interfaces_uri}= Set Variable ${resp["Members"]} ${interface_list}= Create List ${number_of_interfaces}= Get Length ${interfaces_uri} FOR ${interface} IN RANGE ${number_of_interfaces} ${_} ${interface_value}= Split String From Right ${interfaces_uri[${interface}]}[@odata.id] / 1 Append To List ${interface_list} ${interface_value} END RETURN @{interface_list} Verify VMI EthernetInterfaces [Documentation] Verify VMI ethernet interfaces. [Arguments] ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_OK} # Description of argument(s): # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from GET request. ${resp}= Redfish.Get /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces ... valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_code}] ${resp}= Evaluate json.loads(r'''${resp.text}''') json ${interfaces}= Set Variable ${resp["Members"]} ${number_of_interfaces}= Get Length ${interfaces} FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${number_of_interfaces} Should Be Equal As Strings ${interfaces[${i}]}[@odata.id] ... /redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/eth${i} END Should Be Equal ${resp["Members@odata.count"]} ${number_of_interfaces} Get And Set Static VMI IP [Documentation] Get a suitable VMI IP and set it. [Arguments] ${host}=${OPENBMC_HOST} ${network_active_channel}=${CHANNEL_NUMBER} ... ${interface}=eth0 ${valid_status_code}=${HTTP_ACCEPTED} # Description of argument(s): # host BMC host name or IP address. # network_active_channel Ethernet channel number (e.g.1 or 2). # interface VMI interface (eg. eth0 or eth1). # valid_status_code Expected valid status code from PATCH request. Default is HTTP_ACCEPTED. ${vmi_ip}= Get First Non Pingable IP From Subnet ${host} ${bmc_ip_data}= Get Network Configuration ${network_active_channel} Set Static IPv4 Address To VMI And Verify ${vmi_ip} ${bmc_ip_data[0]['Gateway']} ... ${bmc_ip_data[0]['SubnetMask']} ${valid_status_code} ${interface} RETURN ${vmi_ip} ${bmc_ip_data}