*** Settings *** Documentation Management console utilities keywords. Resource ../../lib/bmc_redfish_utils.robot Library ../../lib/gen_robot_valid.py Library Collections Library ../../lib/bmc_ssh_utils.py Library SSHLibrary *** Variables *** &{daemon_command} start=systemctl start avahi-daemon ... stop=systemctl stop avahi-daemon ... status=systemctl status avahi-daemon -l &{daemon_message} start=Active: active (running) ... stop=Active: inactive (dead) *** Keywords *** Set AvahiDaemon Service [Documentation] To enable or disable avahi service. [Arguments] ${command} # Description of argument(s): # command Get command from dictionary. ${service_command}= Get From Dictionary ${daemon_command} ${command} ${resp} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ${service_command} print_out=1 Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0 Verify AvahiDaemon Service Status [Documentation] To check for avahi service. [Arguments] ${message} # Description of argument(s): # message Get status message from dictionary. ${service_command}= Get From Dictionary ${daemon_command} status ${service_message}= Get From Dictionary ${daemon_message} ${message} ${resp} ${stderr} ${rc}= BMC Execute Command ${service_command} print_out=1 Should Contain ${resp} ${service_message} Create Session With ClientID [Documentation] Create redifish session with client id. [Arguments] ${client_id} # Description of argument(s): # client_id This client id can contain string value # (e.g. 12345, "EXTERNAL-CLIENT"). ${session_info}= Create Dictionary ${session_resp}= Redfish Login kwargs= "Oem":{"OpenBMC" : {"ClientID":"${client_id}"}} Set To Dictionary ${session_info} SessionIDs ${session_resp['Id']} Set To Dictionary ${session_info} ClientID ${session_resp["Oem"]["OpenBMC"]["ClientID"]} Set To Dictionary ${session_info} SessionToken ${XAUTH_TOKEN} Set To Dictionary ${session_info} SessionResp ${session_resp} [Return] ${session_info} Create Session With List Of ClientID [Documentation] Create redifish session with client id. [Arguments] ${client_id} # Description of argument(s): # client_id This client id can contain string value # (e.g. 12345, "EXTERNAL-CLIENT"). @{session_dict_list}= Create List &{session_dict}= Create Dictionary FOR ${client} IN @{client_id} ${session_dict}= Create Session With ClientID ${client} Append To List ${session_dict_list} ${session_dict} END [Return] ${session_dict_list} Verify A Session Created With ClientID [Documentation] Verify the session is created. [Arguments] ${client_id} ${session_ids} # Description of argument(s): # client_id External client name. # session_id This value is a session id. # { # "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/H8q2ZKucSJ", # "@odata.type": "#Session.v1_0_2.Session", # "Description": "Manager User Session", # "Id": "H8q2ZKucSJ", # "Name": "User Session", # "Oem": { # "OpenBMC": { # "@odata.type": "#OemSession.v1_0_0.Session", # "ClientID": "", # "ClientOriginIP": "::ffff:x.x.x.x" # } # }, # "UserName": "root" # } FOR ${client} ${session} IN ZIP ${client_id} ${session_ids} ${session_resp}= Redfish.Get Properties /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/${session["SessionIDs"]} Rprint Vars session_resp @{words} = Split String ${session_resp["ClientOriginIPAddress"]} : ${ip_address}= Get Running System IP Set Test Variable ${temp_ipaddr} ${words}[-1] Valid Value client ['${session_resp["Oem"]["OpenBMC"]["ClientID"]}'] Valid Value session["SessionIDs"] ['${session_resp["Id"]}'] Valid Value temp_ipaddr ${ip_address} END Get Lock Resource Information [Documentation] Get lock resource information. ${code_base_dir_path}= Get Code Base Dir Path ${resource_lock_json}= Evaluate ... json.load(open('${code_base_dir_path}data/resource_lock_table.json')) modules=json Rprint Vars resource_lock_json [Return] ${resource_lock_json}