*** Settings *** Documentation DMTF tools utility keywords. Resource resource.robot Library gen_cmd.py *** Variables *** # ignore_err controls Shell Cmd behavior. ${ignore_err} ${0} ${stable_branch} master *** Keywords *** Download DMTF Tool [Documentation] Git clone tool. [Arguments] ${rsv_dir_path} ${rsv_github_url} # Description of arguments: # rsv_dir_path Directory path for rsv tool (e.g. "Redfish-Service-Validator"). # rsv_github_url Github URL link(e.g "https://github.com/DMTF/Redfish-Service-Validator"). ${cmd_buf} Catenate rm -rf ${rsv_dir_path} ; ... git clone --branch ${stable_branch} ${rsv_github_url} ${rsv_dir_path} ${rc} ${output}= Shell Cmd ${cmd_buf} Run DMTF Tool [Documentation] Execution of the command. [Arguments] ${rsv_dir_path} ${command_string} # Description of arguments: # rsv_dir_path Directory path for rsv tool (e.g. "Redfish-Service-Validator"). # command_string The complete rsv command string to be run. ${rc} ${output}= Shell Cmd ${command_string} Log ${output} [Return] ${output} Redfish Service Validator Result [Documentation] Check tool output for errors. [Arguments] ${tool_output} # Example: # Validation has failed: 9 problems found Should Not Contain ${tool_output} Validation has failed Redfish JsonSchema ResponseValidator Result [Documentation] Check tool output for errors. [Arguments] ${tool_output} # Example: # 0 errors Should Contain ${tool_output} 0 errors