#!/usr/bin/env python r""" This module provides utilities for code updates. """ import os import re import sys import tarfile import time robot_pgm_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep repo_data_path = re.sub('/lib', '/data', robot_pgm_dir_path) sys.path.append(repo_data_path) import gen_robot_keyword as keyword import gen_print as gp import variables as var from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn ############################################################################### def verify_no_duplicate_image_priorities(image_purpose): r""" Check that there are no active images with the same purpose and priority. Description of argument(s): image_purpose The purpose that images must have to be checked for priority duplicates. """ taken_priorities = {} _, image_names = keyword.run_key("Get Software Objects " + "version_type=" + image_purpose) for image_name in image_names: _, image = keyword.run_key("Get Host Software Property " + image_name) if image["Activation"] != var.ACTIVE: continue image_priority = image["Priority"] if image_priority in taken_priorities: BuiltIn().fail("Found active images with the same priority.\n" + gp.sprint_vars(image, taken_priorities[image_priority])) taken_priorities[image_priority] = image ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def get_non_running_bmc_software_object(): r""" Get the URI to a BMC image from software that is not running on the BMC. """ # Get the version of the image currently running on the BMC. _, cur_img_version = keyword.run_key("Get BMC Version") # Remove the surrounding double quotes from the version. cur_img_version = cur_img_version.replace('"', '') _, images = keyword.run_key("Read Properties " + var.SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI + "enumerate") for image_name in images: _, image_properties = keyword.run_key( "Get Host Software Property " + image_name) if 'Purpose' in image_properties and 'Version' in image_properties \ and image_properties['Purpose'] != var.VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST \ and image_properties['Version'] != cur_img_version: return image_name BuiltIn().fail("Did not find any non-running BMC images.") ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def delete_all_pnor_images(): r""" Delete all PNOR images from the BMC. """ status, images = keyword.run_key("Get Software Objects " + var.VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST) for image_name in images: BuiltIn().log_to_console(image_name) # Delete twice, in case the image is in the /tmp/images directory keyword.run_key("Call Method " + image_name + " delete data={\"data\":[]}") keyword.run_key("Call Method " + image_name + " delete data={\"data\":[]}") ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def wait_for_activation_state_change(version_id, initial_state): r""" Wait for the current activation state of ${version_id} to change from the state provided by the calling function. Description of argument(s): version_id The version ID whose state change we are waiting for. initial_state The activation state we want to wait for. """ keyword.run_key_u("Open Connection And Log In") retry = 0 num_read_errors = 0 read_fail_threshold = 1 while (retry < 30): # TODO: Use retry option in run_key when available. status, software_state = keyword.run_key("Read Properties " + var.SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI + str(version_id), ignore=1) if status == 'FAIL': num_read_errors += 1 if num_read_errors > read_fail_threshold: message = "Read errors exceeds threshold:\n " \ + gp.sprint_vars(num_read_errors, read_fail_threshold) BuiltIn().fail(message) time.sleep(10) continue current_state = (software_state)["Activation"] if (initial_state == current_state): time.sleep(10) retry += 1 num_read_errors = 0 else: return return ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def get_latest_file(dir_path): r""" Get the path to the latest uploaded file. Description of argument(s): dir_path Path to the dir from which the name of the last updated file or folder will be returned to the calling function. """ keyword.run_key_u("Open Connection And Log In") status, ret_values =\ keyword.run_key("Execute Command On BMC cd " + dir_path + "; stat -c '%Y %n' * | sort -k1,1nr | head -n 1", ignore=1) return ret_values.split(" ")[-1] ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def get_version_tar(tar_file_path): r""" Read the image version from the MANIFEST inside the tarball. Description of argument(s): tar_file_path The path to a tar file that holds the image version inside the MANIFEST. """ tar = tarfile.open(tar_file_path) for member in tar.getmembers(): f=tar.extractfile(member) content=f.read() if "version=" in content: content = content.split("\n") content = [x for x in content if "version=" in x] version = content[0].split("=")[-1] break tar.close() return version ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def get_image_version(file_path): r""" Read the file for a version object. Description of argument(s): file_path The path to a file that holds the image version. """ keyword.run_key_u("Open Connection And Log In") status, ret_values =\ keyword.run_key("Execute Command On BMC cat " + file_path + " | grep \"version=\"", ignore=1) return (ret_values.split("\n")[0]).split("=")[-1] ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def get_image_purpose(file_path): r""" Read the file for a purpose object. Description of argument(s): file_path The path to a file that holds the image purpose. """ keyword.run_key_u("Open Connection And Log In") status, ret_values =\ keyword.run_key("Execute Command On BMC cat " + file_path + " | grep \"purpose=\"", ignore=1) return ret_values.split("=")[-1] ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def get_image_path(image_version): r""" Query the upload image dir for the presence of image matching the version that was read from the MANIFEST before uploading the image. Based on the purpose verify the activation object exists and is either READY or INVALID. Description of argument(s): image_version The version of the image that should match one of the images in the upload dir. """ keyword.run_key_u("Open Connection And Log In") status, image_list =\ keyword.run_key("Execute Command On BMC ls -d " + var.IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR_PATH + "*/") image_list = image_list.split("\n") retry = 0 while (retry < 10): for i in range(0, len(image_list)): version = get_image_version(image_list[i] + "MANIFEST") if (version == image_version): return image_list[i] time.sleep(10) retry += 1 ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def verify_image_upload(image_version, timeout=3): r""" Verify the image was uploaded correctly and that it created a valid d-bus object. If the first check for the image fails, try again until we reach the timeout. Description of argument(s): image_version The version from the image's manifest file (e.g. "IBM-witherspoon-redbud-ibm-OP9_v1.17_1.68"). timeout How long, in minutes, to keep trying to find the image on the BMC. Default is 3 minutes. """ image_path = get_image_path(image_version) image_version_id = image_path.split("/")[-2] keyword.run_key_u("Open Connection And Log In") image_purpose = get_image_purpose(image_path + "MANIFEST") if (image_purpose == var.VERSION_PURPOSE_BMC or image_purpose == var.VERSION_PURPOSE_HOST): uri = var.SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI + image_version_id ret_values = "" for itr in range(timeout * 2): status, ret_values = \ keyword.run_key("Read Attribute " + uri + " Activation") if ((ret_values == var.READY) or (ret_values == var.INVALID) or (ret_values == var.ACTIVE)): return True, image_version_id else: time.sleep(30) # If we exit the for loop, the timeout has been reached gp.print_var(ret_values) return False, None else: gp.print_var(image_purpose) return False, None ############################################################################### ############################################################################### def verify_image_not_in_bmc_uploads_dir(image_version, timeout=3): r""" Check that an image with the given version is not unpacked inside of the BMCs image uploads directory. If no image is found, retry every 30 seconds until the given timeout is hit, in case the BMC takes time unpacking the image. Description of argument(s): image_version The version of the image to look for on the BMC. timeout How long, in minutes, to try to find an image on the BMC. Default is 3 minutes. """ keyword.run_key('Open Connection And Log In') for i in range(timeout * 2): stat, grep_res = keyword.run_key('Execute Command On BMC ' + 'ls ' + var.IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR_PATH + '*/MANIFEST 2>/dev/null ' + '| xargs grep -rl "version=' + image_version + '"') image_dir = os.path.dirname(grep_res.split('\n')[0]) if '' != image_dir: keyword.run_key('Execute Command On BMC rm -rf ' + image_dir) BuiltIn().fail('Found invalid BMC Image: ' + image_dir) time.sleep(30) ###############################################################################