*** Settings *** Documentation Implemented keywords to execute DBUS related commands on BMC. Resource resource.robot Library OperatingSystem Library Collections *** Variable *** ${BUSCTL_TREE_COMMAND} busctl tree | less ${BUSCTL_INTROSPECT_COMMAND} busctl introspect @{dbus_uri_list} *** Keywords *** Get DBUS URI List From BMC [Documentation] Get the available DBUS URIs from device tree on BMC. [Arguments] ${service_name} ${dbus_url} # Return the dbus uris corresponding to the service name provided. # Description of argument(s): # service_name Any service uri of the dbus. # Eg : xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice # dbus_url Any dbus url of the dbus. # Eg : /xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice # Execute dbus tree command ${bmc_response}= BMC Execute Command ${BUSCTL_TREE_COMMAND} ${bmc_response}= Convert To List ${bmc_response} ${bmc_response_output}= Get From List ${bmc_response} 0 ${bmc_response_output_list}= Split String ${bmc_response_output} \n\n # Identify the offset of the service name in the response. ${service_name_index_value}= get_subsequent_value_from_list ${bmc_response_output_list} ${service_name} ${service_name_index_value}= Get From List ${service_name_index_value} 0 # Get the service name and its corresponding URI's. ${service_name_with_uri_list}= Get From List ${bmc_response_output_list} ${service_name_index_value} ${service_name_with_uri_list}= Split String ${service_name_with_uri_list} \n # Find index of all the uris where the dbus URI matched. ${uri_list_index}= get_subsequent_value_from_list ${service_name_with_uri_list} ${dbus_url} FOR ${list_index} IN @{uri_list_index} # For each index, get the URI and append to list ${dbus_uri}= Get From List ${service_name_with_uri_list} ${list_index} Append To List ${dbus_uri_list} ${dbus_uri} END [Return] ${dbus_uri_list[1:]} Fetch DBUS URI List Without Unicode [Documentation] Gets the list of DBUS URI for the service and returns only sub URIs. [Arguments] ${dbus_uri_list} # Return the dbus uris list without the unicodes. # Description of argument(s): # dbus_uri_list List of all the uris for the corresponding service name. # Example: Converts " ├─/xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice/device_0", # ... to '/xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice/device_0' @{dbus_list}= Create List FOR ${item} IN @{dbus_uri_list} ${item}= Set Variable ${item.strip()} ${item}= return_decoded_string ${item} Append To List ${dbus_list} ${item} END [Return] ${dbus_list} Execute DBUS Introspect Command [Documentation] Execute the DBUS introspect command and return response. [Arguments] ${dbus_command} # Execute the busctl instrospect command for the service name and dbus uri. # Description of argument(s): # dbus_command Command with service name and dbus uri for the fru device. # Example : xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice/device_0 ${cmd}= Catenate ${BUSCTL_INTROSPECT_COMMAND} ${dbus_command} ${resp}= BMC Execute Command ${cmd} [Return] ${resp[0]}