*** Settings *** Documentation Module to test IPMI System Info Parameters functionality. ... Following parameters are verified in the script, ... 1. Set In Progress - param 0, ... 2. System Firmware Version - param 1, ... 3. System Name - param 2, ... 4. Primary OS Name - param 3, ... 5. OS Name - param 4, ... 6. Present OS Version Number - param 5. Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Library Collections Library String Library ../lib/ipmi_utils.py Variables ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Test Teardown Run Keywords Restore Default Configuration AND FFDC On Test Case Fail Force Tags IPMI_SystemInfo_Parameters *** Variables *** # Converting to hexadecimal provides 14 bytes so string length is 0e for param 3, 4, 5. ${valid_os_version_name} Version2.12345 ${invalid_os_version} ${valid_os_version_name}${6789} *** Test Cases *** Verify System Info Set In Progress [Documentation] Verify Set In Progress of System Info Parameter, ... to set the set-in-progress and set complete state via IPMI, ... and verify whether the state is updated and restored as expected. [Tags] Verify_System_Info_Set_In_Progress # Set In Progress - set complete. Set System Info Set In Progress 0x00 # Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress. # Check if set-in-progress set to set complete. ${complete}= Get System Info Set In Progress # ${complete[0]} - parameter version. # ${complete[1]} - Configuration parameter data, # here, 01h (set in progress). Should Be Equal ${complete[1]} 00 # Set In Progress - set in progress. Set System Info Set In Progress 0x01 # Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress. # Check if set-in-progress set to set inprogress. ${inprogress}= Get System Info Set In Progress # ${inprogress[0]} - parameter version. # ${inprogress[1]} - Configuration parameter data, # here, 01h (set in progress). Should Be Equal ${inprogress[1]} 01 Verify System Info Set In Progress After BMC Reboot [Documentation] Verify Set In Progress changes to default, ... after bmc reboot of System Info Parameter via IPMI, ... and verify whether the default setting is reflected. [Tags] Verify_System_Info_Set_In_Progress_After_BMC_Reboot # Set the parameter 0 - Set_In_Progress to set in progress state. Set System Info Set In Progress 0x01 # Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress. # Check if set-in-progress set to set in progress. ${inprogress}= Get System Info Set In Progress # ${inprogress[0]} - parameter version. # ${inprogress[1]} - Configuration parameter data, # here, 01h (set in progress). Should Be Equal ${inprogress[1]} 01 # Reboot BMC. IPMI MC Reset Cold (run) # Since the param 0 - Set In Progress is volatile, # Default value should be updated after BMC reboot. ${state}= Get System Info Set In Progress # ${state[0]} - parameter version. # ${state[1]} - Configuration parameter data, # here, 00h (set complete), 01h (set in progress), # 10 (commit write), 11 (reserved). Should Be Equal ${state[1]} ${set_in_progress} Verify Get System Info Set In Progress With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify Get System Info Parameter Set In Progress via IPMI with extra bytes, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Get_System_Info_Set_In_Progress_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - set in progress throws # error for invalid data length. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Get'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Get'][0]} 0x00 Verify Set System Info Set In Progress With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify Set System Info Parameter Set In Progress via IPMI with extra bytes, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Set_System_Info_Set_In_Progress_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 0 - set in progress throws # error for invalid data length. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][0]} 0x00 0x00 Verify Set System Info Set In Progress With Invalid State [Documentation] Verify Set System Info Parameter Set In Progress via IPMI invalid state, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid data. [Tags] Verify_Set_System_Info_Set_In_Progress_With_Invalid_State # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 0 - set in progress throws error for invalid State. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][2]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][0]} 0x04 Verify System Info System Firmware Version [Documentation] Verify System Firmware Version of System Info Parameter via IPMI, ... and verify whether the version is updated. [Tags] Verify_System_Info_System_Firmware_Version # Generate a random 14 byte data, # i,e 16-byte block for system firmware name string data. # data 1 - Encoding string type, # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based), # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes. ${firmware_version}= Generate Random String 14 [LETTERS] ${firmware_version} ${fw_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${firmware_version} # Consider random string generated is 'zwclMXwfczMvcY'. # Set the System Firmware Version of System Info Parameter. Set System Firmware Version ${firmware_version} # Get the response of System Firmware Version, # and compare against randomly generated data bytes. ${fw_version}= Get System Firmware Version # The response data will something be like, # ${fw_version}= ["11","00","00","0e","7a","77","63","6c","4d","58","77","66","63","7a","4d","76"]. Should Be Equal ${fw_version[4:]} ${fw_hex_data} Verify Get System Info System Firmware Version With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify Get System Info Parameter System Firmware Version via IPMI with extra bytes, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Get_System_Info_System_Firmware_Version_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 1 - System Firmware Version throws # error for invalid data length. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Get'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Get'][0]} 0x00 Verify Set System Info System Firmware Version With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify Set System Info Parameter System Firmware Version via IPMI with extra bytes, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Set_System_Info_System_Firmware_Version_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Generate a random 15 byte data, # i,e 16-byte block for system firmware name string data, # data 1 - Encoding string type, # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based), # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes, # data 17 - extra byte. ${firmware_version}= Generate Random String 15 [LETTERS] ${firmware_version} ${fw_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${firmware_version} # Consider random string generated is 'zwclMXwfczMvcYz'. # The request data bytes will be 15 bytes, in which 14 bytes are only expected. # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 1 - System Firmware Version throws # error for invalid request data. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Set'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Set'][0]} ${firmware_version} Verify System Info System Name [Documentation] Verify System Name of System Info Parameter via IPMI by setting, ... a random system name and verify whether it is updated as expected. [Tags] Verify_System_Info_System_Name # Generate a random 14 byte data, # i,e 16-byte block for system firmware name string data, # data 1 - Encoding string type, # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based), # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes. ${system_name}= Generate Random String 14 [LETTERS] ${system_name} ${name_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${system_name} # Consider random string generated is 'zwclMXwfczMvcY'. # Set System Name for System Info Parameter. Set System Name ${system_name} # Get the response of System Name, # and compare against randomly generated data bytes. ${sys_name}= Get System Name # The response data will something be like, # ${sys_name}= ["11","00","00","0e","7a","77","63","6c","4d","58","77","66","63","7a","4d","76"]. Should Be Equal ${sys_name[4:]} ${name_hex_data} Verify Get System Info System Name With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify Get System Info Parameter System Name via IPMI with extra bytes, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Get_System_Info_System_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 2 - System Name throws error # for invalid request data length. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Get'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Get'][0]} 0x00 Verify Set System Info System Name With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify Set System Info Parameter System Name via IPMI with extra bytes, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Set_System_Info_System_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Generate a random 15 byte data, # i,e 16-byte block for system firmware name string data, # data 1 - Encoding string type, # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based), # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes, # data 17 - extra byte. ${system_name}= Generate Random String 15 [LETTERS] ${system_name} ${name_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${system_name} # Consider random string generated is 'zwclMXwfczMvcYz'. # The request data bytes will be 15 bytes, in which 14 bytes are only expected. # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 2 - System Name throws error for invalid request data. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Set'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Set'][0]} ${system_name} Verify System Info Primary OS Name [Documentation] Verify Primary OS Name of System Info Parameter via IPMI, ... by setting a valid os version and verify whether it is updated as expected. [Tags] Verify_System_Info_Primary_OS_Name # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data. ${os_name} ${os_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${valid_os_version_name} # Set Primary OS Name of System Info Parameter. Set Primary OS Name ${os_name} # Get Primary OS Name of System Info Parameter. # Compare with the assigned os version name data. ${pr_os}= Get Primary OS Name # The response data will something be like, # ${pr_os}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"]. Should Be Equal ${pr_os[4:]} ${os_hex_data} Verify Get System Info Primary OS Name With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify Get System Info Parameter Primary OS Name via IPMI with extra bytes, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Get_System_Info_Primary_OS_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 3 - Primary OS Name throws # error for invalid request data. Run Keyword and Expect Error ... *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_Operating_System_Name']['Get'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_Operating_System_Name']['Get'][0]} 0x00 Verify Set System Info Primary OS Name With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify setting invalid os version name to Primary OS Name, ... of Set System Info Parameter via IPMI, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Set_System_Info_Primary_OS_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length # invalid_os_version given in variable section which is a 15 byte data, # The actual request byte should be 16 byte data where, # data 1 - Encoding string type, # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based), # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes, # Here 15 bytes so, data 17 - extra byte. ${os_name} ${name_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${invalid_os_version} # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 3 - Primary OS Name throws error # for invalid data request. Run Keyword and Expect Error ... *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_Operating_System_Name']['Set'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_Operating_System_Name']['Set'][0]} ${os_name} Verify System Info OS Name [Documentation] Verify setting valid os version to OS Name, ... of System Info Parameter via IPMI and verify whether it updates as expected. [Tags] Verify_System_Info_OS_Name # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data. ${os_name} ${os_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${valid_os_version_name} # Set OS Name of System Info Parameters. Set OS Name ${os_name} # Get the OS Name and compare against given os_version_name. ${sysos}= Get OS Name # The response data will something be like, # ${sysos}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"]. Should Be Equal ${sysos[4:]} ${os_hex_data} Verify System Info OS Name After BMC Reboot [Documentation] Verify setting valid os version name for OS Name, ... of System Info Parameter and verify it changes to default after BMC Reboot via IPMI. [Tags] Verify_System_Info_OS_Name_After_BMC_Reboot # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data. ${os_name} ${os_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${valid_os_version_name} # Set OS Name of System Info Parameters. Set OS Name ${os_name} # Get the OS Name and compare against given os_version_name. ${sysos}= Get OS Name # The response data will something be like, # ${sysos}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"]. Should Be Equal ${sysos[4:]} ${os_hex_data} # Cold Reset via IPMI IPMI MC Reset Cold (run) # Since OS Name is volatile, # compare with response data of Get OS Name, # with default OS Name. ${sysos}= Get OS Name # Should return default response data. Should Be Equal ${sysos[2:]} ${default_os_name} Verify Get System Info OS Name With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify OS Name of Get System Info Parameter via IPMI, ... with extra bytes, and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Get_System_Info_OS_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 4 - OS Name throws error for invalid request data. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_Operating_System_Name']['Get'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_Operating_System_Name']['Get'][0]} 0x00 Verify Set System Info OS Name With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify setting invalid os version name to OS Name, ... of Get System Info Parameter via IPMI, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Set_System_Info_OS_Name_With_Invalid_Data_Length # invalid_os_version given in variable section which is a 15 byte data, # The actual request byte should be 16 byte data where, # data 1 - Encoding string type, # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based), # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes, # Here 15 bytes so, data 17 - extra byte. ${os_name} ${name_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${invalid_os_version} # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 4 - OS Name throws error for invalid request data. Run Keyword and Expect Error *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_Operating_System_Name']['Set'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_Operating_System_Name']['Set'][0]} ${os_name} Verify System Info Present OS Version Number [Documentation] Verify setting valid os version for Present OS Version Number, ... of System Info Parameter via IPMI and verify whether it is updated as expected. [Tags] Verify_System_Info_Present_OS_Version_Number # os_version_name given in variable section which is a 14 byte data. ${os_name} ${os_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${valid_os_version_name} # Set Present OS Version Number for System Info Parameters. Set Present OS Version Number ${os_name} # Get Present OS Version Number for System Info Parameters, # compare with response data of Get OS Name, # with assigned os version name. ${os_version}= Get Present OS Version Number # The response data will something be like, # ${os_version}= ["11","00","00","0e","56","65","72","73","69","6f","6e","32","2e","31","32","33"]. Should Be Equal ${os_version[4:]} ${os_hex_data} Verify Get System Info Present OS Version Number With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify Get System Info Parameter Present OS Version Number via IPMI, ... with extra bytes, and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Get_System_Info_Present_OS_Version_Number_With_Invalid_Data_Length # Check if the Get System Info Parameter for param 5 - Present OS Version Number throws # error for invalid request data. Run Keyword and Expect Error ... *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Get'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Get'][0]} 0x00 Verify Set System Info Present OS Version Number With Invalid Data Length [Documentation] Verify setting invalid os version to Present OS Version Number ... of Set System Info Parameter via IPMI, ... and expect to get the error message for invalid length. [Tags] Verify_Set_System_Info_Present_OS_Version_Number_With_Invalid_Data_Length # invalid_os_version given in variable section which is a 15 byte data. # The actual request byte should be 16 byte data where, # data 1 - Encoding string type, # data 2 - string length (in bytes, 1-based), # data 3 to 16 - system firmware name string data - 14 bytes, # Here 15 bytes so, data 17 - extra byte. ${os_name} ${name_hex_data}= Identify Request Data ${invalid_os_version} # Check if the Set System Info Parameter for param 5 - Present OS Version Number throws # error for invalid request data. Run Keyword and Expect Error ... *${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Set'][1]}* ... Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Set'][0]} ${os_name} *** Keywords *** Identify Request Data [Documentation] Convert string to hexadecimal request data with and without prefix 0x. [Arguments] ${string} # Given a string, convert to hexadecimal and prefix with 0x. # Consider random string generated ${string} is 'zwc'. ${fw_ver_hex_list}= Create List ${hex_data_list}= Create List ${resp_data_list}= Split String With Index ${string} 1 # ${resp_data_list} will be ['z', 'w', 'c']. FOR ${data} IN @{resp_data_list} # prefixes 0x by default. # Example : 0x00. ${hex_value}= Evaluate hex(ord("${data}")) # provides only hexadecimal bytes. # Example : 00. ${hex}= Evaluate hex(ord("${data}"))[2:] # With prefix 0x. Append To List ${fw_ver_hex_list} ${hex_value} # Without prefix. Append To List ${hex_data_list} ${hex} END ${fw_ver_hex}= Evaluate " ".join(${fw_ver_hex_list}) [Return] ${fw_ver_hex} ${hex_data_list} Get System Info Set In Progress [Documentation] Run Get system info parameter command for set-in-progress and return response data. # Get System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress. ${resp}= Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Get'][0]} ${resp}= Split String ${resp} [Return] ${resp} Set System Info Set In Progress [Documentation] Set System Info Set In Progress with valid state via IPMI. [Arguments] ${state} # Set System Info Parameter for param 0 - Set In Progress. # ${state} can be can be any - 00 | 01 | 10 | 11. Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param0_Set_In_Progress']['Set'][0]} ${state} Get System Firmware Version [Documentation] Run Get system info parameter command for system firmware version ... and return response data. # Get System Info Parameter for param 1 - System Firmware Version. ${resp}= Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Get'][0]} ${resp}= Split String ${resp} [Return] ${resp} Set System Firmware Version [Documentation] Set System Firmware Version for System Info with valid version. [Arguments] ${version} # Set System Info Parameter for param 1 - System Firmware Version. # ${version} can be any 14 data. Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param1_System_Firmware_Version']['Set'][0]} ${version} Get System Name [Documentation] Run system info parameter command for system name and return response data. # Get System Info Parameter for param 2 - System Name. ${resp}= Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Get'][0]} ${resp}= Split String ${resp} [Return] ${resp} Set System Name [Documentation] Set System Name for System Info with valid name. [Arguments] ${sys_name} # Set System Info Parameter for param 2 - System Name. # ${sys_name} can be any 14 byte data. Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param2_System_Name']['Set'][0]} ${sys_name} Get Primary OS Name [Documentation] Run Get System Info command for primary OS name and return response data. # Get System Info Parameter for param 3 - Primary OS Name. ${resp}= Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_Operating_System_Name']['Get'][0]} ${resp}= Split String ${resp} [Return] ${resp} Set Primary OS Name [Documentation] Set Primary OS Name for System Info with valid os name. [Arguments] ${os_name} # Set System Info Parameter for param 3 - Primary OS Name. # ${os_name} can be any 14 byte data. Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param3_Primary_Operating_System_Name']['Set'][0]} ${os_name} Get OS Name [Documentation] Run get System Info command for OS name and return response data. # Get System Info Parameter for param 4 - OS Name. ${resp}= Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_Operating_System_Name']['Get'][0]} ${resp}= Split String ${resp} [Return] ${resp} Set OS Name [Documentation] Set OS Name for System Info with valid os name. [Arguments] ${os_name} # Set System Info Parameter for param 4 - OS Name. # ${os_name} can be any 14 byte data. Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param4_Operating_System_Name']['Set'][0]} ${os_name} Get Present OS Version Number [Documentation] Run Get System Info command for present os version name and return response. # Get System Info Parameter for param 5 - Present OS Version Number. ${resp}= Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Get'][0]} ${resp}= Split String ${resp} [Return] ${resp} Set Present OS Version Number [Documentation] Set Present OS Version Number for System Info with valid os version. [Arguments] ${os_name} # Set System Info Parameter for param 5 - Present OS Version Number. # ${os_name} can be any 14 byte data Run IPMI Command ... ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['System_Info']['param5_Present_OS_Version_number']['Set'][0]} ${os_name} Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String [Documentation] Adding prefix '0x' to each list object and join the string. [Arguments] ${list} # ${list} contains list of hexadecimal data. # Prefix Bytes with 0x for each data bytes and makes a string of request bytes. # Prefix Bytes function under lib/ipmi_utils.py. # Prefixes every list item with 0x and returns list of prefixed hexadecimal data. ${prefix_list}= Prefix Bytes ${list} ${prefix_list}= Evaluate " ".join(${prefix_list}) [Return] ${prefix_list} Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Suite setup execution to fetch all the default response bytes, ... prefix each byte with 0x and make them a suite variable. # Get Default Values of each parameters. # Set In Progress - param 0. ${resp}= Get System Info Set In Progress # Configuration parameter data - 11 xx (xx can be any - 00 | 01 | 10 | 11). ${set_in_progress}= Set Variable ${resp[1]} Set Suite Variable ${set_in_progress} # System Firmware Version - param 1. ${resp}= Get System Firmware Version # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes). # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes. ${sys_fw_version}= Set Variable ${resp[2:]} # Prefix all bytes with 0x. ${sys_fw_version_string}= Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String ${sys_fw_version} Set Suite Variable ${sys_fw_version} Set Suite Variable ${sys_fw_version_string} # System Name - param 2. ${resp}= Get System Name # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes). # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes. ${sys_name_default}= Set Variable ${resp[2:]} # Prefix all bytes with 0x. ${sys_name_hex_default}= Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String ${sys_name_default} Set Suite Variable ${sys_name_default} Set Suite Variable ${sys_name_hex_default} # Primary OS Name - param 3. ${resp}= Get Primary OS Name # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes). # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes. ${primary_os_name}= Set Variable ${resp[2:]} # Prefix all bytes with 0x. ${primary_os_name_hex}= Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String ${primary_os_name} Set Suite Variable ${primary_os_name} Set Suite Variable ${primary_os_name_hex} # OS Name - param 4. ${resp}= Get OS Name # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes). # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes. ${default_os_name}= Set Variable ${resp[2:]} # Prefix all bytes with 0x. ${default_os_name_hex}= Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String ${default_os_name} Set Suite Variable ${default_os_name} Set Suite Variable ${default_os_name_hex} # Present OS Version Number - param 5. ${resp}= Get Present OS Version Number # Configuration parameter data - 11 x1 x2 xx xx xx xx .. xx (xx - 14 bytes). # x1 - encoding, x2 - string length in bytes. ${present_os_num}= Set Variable ${resp[2:]} # Prefix all bytes with 0x. ${present_os_num_hex}= Add Prefix To List Objects And Join String ${present_os_num} Set Suite Variable ${present_os_num} Set Suite Variable ${present_os_num_hex} Restore Default Configuration [Documentation] Restore all system info parameter response data to, ... default data obtained from suite setup. # All variable to set are suite variables declared in suite setup. # Set In Progress - param 0. Set System Info Set In Progress 0x${set_in_progress} # System Firmware Version - param 1. Run IPMI Command 0x06 0x58 0x01 0x00 ${sys_fw_version_string} # System Name - param 2. Run IPMI Command 0x06 0x58 0x02 0x00 ${sys_name_hex_default} # Primary OS Name - param 3. Run IPMI Command 0x06 0x58 0x03 0x00 ${primary_os_name_hex} # OS Name - param 4. Run IPMI Command 0x06 0x58 0x04 0x00 ${default_os_name_hex} # Present OS Version Number - param 5. Run IPMI Command 0x06 0x58 0x05 0x00 ${present_os_num_hex}