*** Settings *** Documentation Module to test IPMI chassis functionality. Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot Library ../lib/ipmi_utils.py Variables ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py Suite Setup Redfish.Login Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout Test Teardown Test Teardown Execution *** Variables *** # Timeout value in minutes. Default 3 minutes. ${IPMI_POWEROFF_WAIT_TIMEOUT} 3 *** Test Cases *** IPMI Chassis Status On [Documentation] This test case verifies system power on status ... using IPMI Get Chassis status command. [Tags] IPMI_Chassis_Status_On Redfish Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1 ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command chassis status ${power_status}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp} System Power Should Contain ${power_status} on IPMI Chassis Status Off [Documentation] This test case verifies system power off status ... using IPMI Get Chassis status command. [Tags] IPMI_Chassis_Status_Off Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip quiet=1 ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command chassis status ${power_status}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp} System Power Should Contain ${power_status} off Verify Host PowerOff Via IPMI [Documentation] Verify host power off operation using external IPMI command. [Tags] Verify_Host_PowerOff_Via_IPMI IPMI Power Off ${ipmi_state}= Get Host State Via External IPMI Valid Value ipmi_state ['off'] Verify Host PowerOn Via IPMI [Documentation] Verify host power on operation using external IPMI command. [Tags] Verify_Host_PowerOn_Via_IPMI IPMI Power On ${ipmi_state}= Get Host State Via External IPMI Valid Value ipmi_state ['on'] Verify Soft Shutdown [Documentation] Verify host OS shutdown softly via IPMI command. [Tags] Verify_Soft_Shutdown Redfish Power On stack_mode=skip Run IPMI Standard Command chassis power soft Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${IPMI_POWEROFF_WAIT_TIMEOUT} min 10 sec Is Host Off Via IPMI Verify Chassis Power Cycle And Check Chassis Status Via IPMI [Documentation] Verify chassis power Cycle operation and check the Chassis ... Power Status using external IPMI command. [Tags] Verify_Chassis_Power_Cycle_And_Check_Chassis_Status_Via_IPMI # Chassis power cycle command via IPMI IPMI Power Cycle ${ipmi_state}= Get Host State Via External IPMI Valid Value ipmi_state ['on'] Verify Chassis Power Reset And Check Chassis Status Via IPMI [Documentation] Verify chassis power Reset operation and check the Chassis ... Power Status using external IPMI command. [Tags] Verify_Chassis_Power_Reset_And_Check_Chassis_Status_Via_IPMI # Chassis power reset command via IPMI IPMI Power Reset ${ipmi_state}= Get Host State Via External IPMI Valid Value ipmi_state ['on'] Verify Chassis Power Policy [Documentation] Verify setting chassis power policy via IPMI command. [Tags] Verify_Chassis_Power_Policy [Setup] Test Setup Execution [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND ... Run IPMI Standard Command chassis policy ${initial_power_policy} [Template] Set Chassis Power Policy Via IPMI And Verify # power_policy always-off always-on previous Verify Chassis Status Via IPMI [Documentation] Verify Chassis Status via IPMI command. [Tags] Verify_Chassis_Status_Via_IPMI [Setup] Test Setup Execution [Teardown] Run Keywords FFDC On Test Case Fail AND ... Run IPMI Standard Command chassis policy ${initial_power_policy} [Template] Check Chassis Status Via IPMI # power_policy always-off always-on previous *** Keywords *** Set Chassis Power Policy Via IPMI And Verify [Documentation] Set chasiss power policy via IPMI and verify. [Arguments] ${power_policy} # Description of argument(s): # power_policy Chassis power policy to be set(e.g. "always-off", "always-on"). Run IPMI Standard Command chassis policy ${power_policy} ${resp}= Get Chassis Status Valid Value resp['power_restore_policy'] ['${power_policy}'] Check Chassis Status Via IPMI [Documentation] Set Chassis Status via IPMI and verify and verify chassis status. [Arguments] ${power_policy} # Sets power policy according to requested policy Set Chassis Power Policy Via IPMI And Verify ${power_policy} # Gets chassis status via IPMI raw command and validate byte 1 ${status}= Run External IPMI Raw Command ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Chassis_status']['get'][0]} ${status}= Split String ${status} ${state}= Convert To Binary ${status[0]} base=16 ${state}= Zfill Data ${state} 8 # Last bit corresponds whether Power is on Should Be Equal As Strings ${state[-1]} 1 # bit 1-2 corresponds to power restore policy ${policy}= Set Variable ${state[1:3]} # condition to verify each power policy IF '${power_policy}' == 'always-off' Should Be Equal As Strings ${policy} 00 ELSE IF '${power_policy}' == 'always-on' Should Be Equal As Strings ${policy} 10 ELSE IF '${power_policy}' == 'previous' Should Be Equal As Strings ${policy} 01 ELSE Log Power Restore Policy is Unknown Should Be Equal As Strings ${policy} 11 END # Last Power Event - 4th bit should be 1b i.e, last ‘Power is on’ state was entered via IPMI command ${last_power_event}= Convert To Binary ${status[1]} base=16 ${last_power_event}= Zfill Data ${last_power_event} 8 Should Be Equal As Strings ${last_power_event[3]} 1 Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test setup tasks. ${chassis_status}= Get Chassis Status Set Test Variable ${initial_power_policy} ${chassis_status['power_restore_policy']} Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do Test Teardown tasks. ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command chassis status ${power_status}= Get Lines Containing String ${resp} System Power @{powertolist}= Split String ${power_status} : ${status}= Get From List ${powertolist} 1 # Chassis Power ON if status is off Run Keyword If '${status.strip()}' != 'on' ... Redfish Power On FFDC On Test Case Fail