*** Settings *** Documentation Module to test IPMI Get BIOS POST Code Command. Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot Resource ../lib/boot_utils.robot Library ../lib/ipmi_utils.py Variables ../data/ipmi_raw_cmd_table.py *** Variables *** ${power_state_change} 10 ${host_reboot_time} 360 *** Test Cases *** IPMI Chassis Status On [Documentation] This test case verfies system power on status ... using IPMI Get Chassis status command. [Tags] IPMI_Chassis_Status_On # Check the chassis status. Verify Host PowerOn Via IPMI ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command chassis power status Should Be Equal As Strings '${resp}' 'Chassis Power is on' Test Get BIOS POST Code via IPMI Raw Command [Documentation] Get BIOS POST Code via IPMI raw command. [Tags] Test_Get_BIOS_POST_Code_via_IPMI_Raw_Command ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['BIOS_POST_Code']['Get'][0]} Sleep 10 Verify POST Code Response Length ${resp} Test Get BIOS POST Code via IPMI Raw Command After Power Cycle [Documentation] Get BIOS POST Code via IPMI raw command after power cycle. [Tags] Test_Get_BIOS_POST_Code_via_IPMI_Raw_Command_After_Power_Cycle ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command chassis power cycle Sleep ${power_state_change} Should Contain ${resp} Chassis Power Control: Cycle sleep ${host_reboot_time} ${ipmi_state}= Get Host State Via External IPMI Valid Value ipmi_state ['on'] ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['BIOS_POST_Code']['Get'][0]} Sleep ${host_reboot_time} Verify POST Code Response Length ${resp} Test Get BIOS POST Code via IPMI Raw Command With Host Powered Off [Documentation] Get BIOS POST Code via IPMI raw command after power off. [Tags] Test_Get_BIOS_POST_Code_via_IPMI_Raw_Command_With_Host_Powered_Off ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command chassis power off Sleep ${power_state_change} Should Contain ${resp} Chassis Power Control: Down/Off ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command raw ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['BIOS_POST_Code']['Get'][0]} fail_on_err=0 Should Contain ${resp} ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['BIOS_POST_Code']['Get'][3]} # Turn host back on. IPMI Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1 Verify Host PowerOn Via IPMI ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command chassis power status Should Be Equal As Strings '${resp}' 'Chassis Power is on' *** Keywords *** Verify Host PowerOn Via IPMI [Documentation] Verify host power on operation using external IPMI command. [Tags] Verify_Host_PowerOn_Via_IPMI IPMI Power On stack_mode=skip quiet=1 ${ipmi_state}= Get Host State Via External IPMI Valid Value ipmi_state ['on'] Verify POST Code Response Length [Documentation] Verify the BIOS POST Code response byte length. [Tags] Verify_POST_Code_Response_Length [Arguments] ${resp} # Description of argument(s): # resp The complete response bytes from # Get BIOS POST Code command returned # in one string. @{resp_bytes}= Split String ${resp} ${string_length}= Get Length ${resp_bytes} # Convert response byte length to integer. ${value}= Get Slice From List ${resp_bytes} 2 4 Reverse List ${value} ${byte_length_string}= Evaluate "".join(${value}) ${byte_length_integer}= Convert To Integer ${byte_length_string} 16 ${true_length}= Evaluate (${string_length} - 4) Should Be Equal ${true_length} ${byte_length_integer}