*** Settings *** Documentation Module to test dcmi asset tag functionality. Resource ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot Resource ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Library ../../lib/gen_robot_valid.py Library ../../lib/utils.py Variables ../../data/dcmi_raw_cmd_table.py Suite Setup Redfish.Login Suite Teardown Redfish.Logout Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail Force Tags DCMI_Asset_Tag *** Test Cases *** Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length [Documentation] Set asset tag with valid string length and verify. [Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length # Allowed MAX characters length for asset tag name is 63. ${random_string}= Generate Random String 63 Run Keyword Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string} ${asset_tag}= Run Keyword Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi asset_tag Should Contain ${asset_tag} ${random_string} Set Asset Tag With Invalid String Length [Documentation] Verify error while setting invalid asset tag via IPMI. [Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Invalid_String_Length # Any string more than 63 character is invalid for asset tag. ${random_string}= Generate Random String 64 ${resp}= Run IPMI Standard Command ... dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string} fail_on_err=0 Should Contain ${resp} Parameter out of range ignore_case=True Set Asset Tag With IPMI And Verify With Redfish [Documentation] Set valid asset tag via IPMI and verify using Redfish. [Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_IPMI_And_Verify_With_Redfish ${random_string}= Generate Random String 63 Run Keyword Run IPMI Standard Command dcmi set_asset_tag ${random_string} ${asset_tag}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${SYSTEM_BASE_URI} AssetTag Valid Value asset_tag ['${random_string}'] Set Asset Tag With Valid String Length Via DCMI Command [Documentation] Set asset tag with valid string length and verify. [Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length_Via_DCMI_Command ${cmd_resp}= Set Valid Asset Tag @{cmd_resp_list}= Split String ${cmd_resp} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure ... Valid Value cmd_resp_list[1] valid_values=['${number_of_bytes_to_write}'] Validate Asset Tag Via Raw Command Set Asset Tag With Invalid String Length Via DCMI Command [Documentation] Set asset tag with invalid string length and verify. [Tags] Set_Asset_Tag_With_Invalid_String_Length_Via_DCMI_Command ${random_string}= Generate Random String ${17} ${string_hex_list}= convert_name_into_bytes_with_prefix ${random_string} ${random_hex}= Catenate @{string_hex_list} ${number_of_bytes_to_write}= Get Response Length In Hex ${17} ${cmd}= Catenate ${DCMI_RAW_CMD['DCMI']['Asset_Tag'][1]} 0x${number_of_bytes_to_write} ${random_hex} ${resp}= Run Keyword And Expect Error * ... Run External IPMI Raw Command ${cmd} Should Contain ${resp} rsp=0xc9): Parameter out of range: ignore_case=True Set Valid Asset Tag With DCMI And Verify With Redfish [Documentation] Set valid asset tag via IPMI and verify using Redfish. [Tags] Set_Valid_Asset_Tag_With_DCMI_And_Verify_With_Redfish ${cmd_resp}= Set Valid Asset Tag @{cmd_resp_list}= Split String ${cmd_resp} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure ... Valid Value cmd_resp_list[1] valid_values=['${number_of_bytes_to_write}'] ${asset_tag}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${SYSTEM_BASE_URI} AssetTag Valid Value asset_tag ['${random_string}'] *** Keywords *** Set Valid Asset Tag [Documentation] Set valid length asset tag. # 16 bytes maximum as per dcmi spec ${random_int}= Evaluate random.randint(1, 17) modules=random ${random_string}= Generate Random String ${random_int} ${string_hex_list}= convert_name_into_bytes_with_prefix ${random_string} ${random_hex}= Catenate @{string_hex_list} ${number_of_bytes_to_write}= Get Response Length In Hex ${random_int} ${cmd}= Catenate ${DCMI_RAW_CMD['DCMI']['Asset_Tag'][1]} 0x${number_of_bytes_to_write} ${random_hex} ${ret}= Run External IPMI Raw Command ${cmd} Set Test Variable ${string_hex_list} Set Test Variable ${random_string} Set Test Variable ${number_of_bytes_to_write} [Return] ${ret} Get Raw Asset Tag [Documentation] Get asset tag command in raw command. ${cmd}= Catenate ${DCMI_RAW_CMD['DCMI']['Asset_Tag'][0]} 0x${number_of_bytes_to_write} ${ret}= Run External IPMI Raw Command ${cmd} [Return] ${ret} Validate Asset Tag Via Raw Command [Documentation] Validate asset tag via raw cmd. ${cmd_resp}= Get Raw Asset Tag @{resp_list}= Split String ${cmd_resp} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure ... Valid Value resp_list[1] valid_values=['${number_of_bytes_to_write}'] ${data_list}= convert_prefix_hex_list_to_non_prefix_hex_list ${string_hex_list} Lists Should Be Equal ${data_list} ${resp_list[2:]} ... msg=Get asset tag command response is showing wrong response ${data_list}. Get Response Length In Hex [Documentation] Get response length in hex. [Arguments] ${resp_length} ${length}= Convert To Hex ${resp_length} ${length_1}= Get Length ${length} ${length_2}= Set Variable IF ... '${length_1}' == '1' 0${length} ... '${length_1}' != '1' ${length} ${ret}= Convert To Lower Case ${length_2} [Return] ${ret}