*** Settings *** Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "LDAP" sub-menu of "Access control". Resource ../../lib/resource.robot Suite Setup Launch Browser And Login OpenBMC GUI Suite Teardown Close Browser Test Setup Test Setup Execution *** Variables *** ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} //*[@id='ldap-auth-label'] ${xpath_secure_ldap_checkbox} //*[@id='use-ssl'] ${xpath_openl_ldap_radio_button} //input[@id='open-ldap'] ${xpath_active_directory_radio_button} //input[@id='active-directory'] ${xpath_save_button} //button[contains(text(),'Save')] ${xpath_reset_button} //button[contains(text(),'Reset')] ${xpath_add_role_group_button} //button[@type='button']//*[contains(text(),'Add role group')] ${xpath_remove_role_groups_button} //button[@type='button']//*[contains(text(),'Remove role groups')] *** Test Cases *** Verify Existence Of All Sections In LDAP Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in LDAP page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_LDAP_Page Page Should Contain Settings Page Should Contain Role groups Verify Existence Of All Buttons In LDAP Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons in LDAP page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_LDAP_Page # Buttons under settings section Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_openl_ldap_radio_button} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_active_directory_radio_button} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_save_button} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_reset_button} # Buttons under role groups section Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_add_role_group_button} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_remove_role_groups_button} Verify Existence Of All Checkboxes In LDAP Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all checkboxes in LDAP page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Checkboxes_In_LDAP_Page # Checkboxes under settings section Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_secure_ldap_checkbox} *** Keywords *** Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${xpath_refresh_circle} Click Element ${xpath_select_access_control} Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element ${xpath_refresh_circle} Click Element ${xpath_select_ldap} Wait Until Page Contains Configure LDAP settings and manage role groups