*** Settings *** Documentation This is a resource file containing user-defined keywords for new Vue based OpenBMC GUI. Library XvfbRobot Library SeleniumLibrary Library SSHLibrary 30 Seconds Resource ../../lib/state_manager.robot Variables ../data/gui_variables.py *** Variables *** ${obmc_gui_url} https://${OPENBMC_HOST} # Default GUI browser and mode is set to "Firefox" and "headless" # respectively here. ${GUI_BROWSER} ff ${GUI_MODE} headless ${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Logging /xyz/openbmc_project/logging ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create Create ssa{ss} xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure ... xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Error 0 *** Keywords *** Open Browser With URL [Documentation] Open browser with specified URL and returns browser id. [Arguments] ${URL} ${browser}=ff ${mode}=${GUI_MODE} # Description of argument(s): # URL Openbmc GUI URL to be open # (e.g. https://openbmc-test.mybluemix.net/#/login). # browser Browser used to open above URL # (e.g. gc for google chrome, ff for firefox). # mode Browser opening mode(e.g. headless, header). ${browser_ID}= Run Keyword If '${mode}' == 'headless' ... Launch Headless Browser ${URL} ${browser} ... ELSE Open Browser ${URL} ${browser} [Return] ${browser_ID} Launch Header Browser [Documentation] Open the browser with the URL and ... login on windows platform. [Arguments] ${browser_type}=${GUI_BROWSER} # Description of argument(s): # browser_type Type of browser (e.g. "firefox", "chrome", etc.). ${BROWSER_ID}= Open Browser ${obmc_gui_url} ${browser_type} Maximize Browser Window Set Global Variable ${BROWSER_ID} Launch Headless Browser [Documentation] Launch headless browser. [Arguments] ${URL}=${obmc_gui_url} ${browser}=${GUI_BROWSER} # Description of argument(s): # URL Openbmc GUI URL to be open # (e.g. https://openbmc-test.mybluemix.net/#/login). # browser Browser to open given URL in headless way # (e.g. gc for google chrome, ff for firefox). Start Virtual Display ${browser_ID}= Open Browser ${URL} Set Window Size 1920 1080 [Return] ${browser_ID} Launch Browser And Login GUI [Documentation] Launch browser and login to OpenBMC GUI. Open Browser With URL ${obmc_gui_url} Login GUI ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} Login GUI [Documentation] Login to OpenBMC GUI. [Arguments] ${username}=${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} # Description of argument(s): # username The username to be used for login. # password The password to be used for login. Go To ${obmc_gui_url} Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_textbox_username} Input Text ${xpath_textbox_username} ${username} Input Password ${xpath_textbox_password} ${password} Click Element ${xpath_login_button} Wait Until Page Contains Overview timeout=60s Logout GUI [Documentation] Logout of OpenBMC GUI. Click Element ${xpath_root_button_menu} Click Element ${xpath_logout_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_login_button} Generate Test Error Log [Documentation] Generate test error log. BMC Execute Command ${CMD_INTERNAL_FAILURE} Set Timezone In Profile Settings Page [Documentation] Set the given timezone in profile settings page. [Arguments] ${timezone}=Default # Description of argument(s): # timezone Timezone to select (eg. Default or Browser_offset). Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_root_button_menu} Click Element ${xpath_root_button_menu} Click Element ${xpath_profile_settings} Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_default_UTC} 0 0 Click Element ${xpath_profile_save_button} Refresh GUI [Documentation] Refresh GUI via refresh button in header. Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} # Added delay for page to load fully after refresh. Sleep 5s