*** Settings *** Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "SNMP Alerts" sub-menu of "Settings". Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/snmp/resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/snmp/redfish_snmp_utils.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Suite Teardown Close Browser *** Variables *** ${xpath_snmp_alerts_sub_menu} //*[@data-test-id='nav-item-snmp-alerts'] ${xpath_snmp_alerts_heading} //h1[text()="SNMP Alerts"] ${xpath_select_all_snmp} //*[@data-test-id='snmpAlerts-checkbox-selectAll'] ${xpath_add_destination} //button[contains(text(),'Add destination')] ${xpath_snmp_alert_destination_heading} //h5[contains(text(),'Add SNMP alert destination')] ${xpath_ip_address_input_button} //*[@data-test-id='snmpAlerts-input-ipAddress'] ${xpath_port_optional_input_button} //*[@data-test-id='snmpAlerts-input-port'] ${xpath_snmp_add_destination_button} //*[@data-test-id='snmpAlerts-button-ok'] ${xpath_cancel_button} //button[contains(text(),'Cancel')] ${xpath_delete_button} //*[@data-test-id='snmpAlerts-button-deleteRow-undefined'] ${xpath_delete_destination} //button[contains(text(),'Delete destination')] *** Test Cases *** Verify Navigation To SNMP Alerts Page [Documentation] Verify navigation to SNMP alerts page. [Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_SNMP_Alerts_Page Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_snmp_alerts_heading} Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In SNMP Alerts Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in SNMP alerts page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_SNMP_Alerts_Page Page Should Contain Checkbox ${xpath_select_all_snmp} Verify Existence Of All Buttons In SNMP Alerts Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons in SNMP alerts page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_SNMP_Alerts_Page Page should Contain Button ${xpath_add_destination} Verify Existence Of All Fields In Add Destination [Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons and fields in add destination page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Fields_In_Add_Destination [Teardown] Run Keywords Click Button ${xpath_cancel_button} AND ... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 sec 5 sec ... Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value ${xpath_snmp_alerts_heading} SNMP Alerts Click Element ${xpath_add_destination} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_snmp_alert_destination_heading} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_ip_address_input_button} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_port_optional_input_button} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_cancel_button} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_snmp_add_destination_button} Configure SNMP Settings On BMC With Non Default Port Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure SNMP settings on BMC with non default port via GUI and verify. [Tags] Configure_SNMP_Settings_On_BMC_With_Non_Default_Port_Via_GUI_And_Verify [Teardown] Delete SNMP Manager Via GUI Configure SNMP Manager Via GUI ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} Wait Until Page Contains ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} timeout=45s Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} Configure SNMP Settings On BMC Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure SNMP settings on BMC via GUI and verify. [Tags] Configure_SNMP_Settings_On_BMC_Via_GUI_And_Verify [Teardown] Delete SNMP Manager Via GUI Configure SNMP Manager Via GUI ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT} Wait Until Page Contains ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} timeout=45s Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT} Configure SNMP Settings On BMC With Empty Port Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure SNMP settings on BMC with empty port via GUI and verify. [Tags] Configure_SNMP_Settings_On_BMC_With_Empty_Port_Via_GUI_And_Verify [Teardown] Delete SNMP Manager Via GUI Configure SNMP Manager Via GUI ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${empty_port} Wait Until Page Contains ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} timeout=45s # SNMP Manager IP is set with default port number when no port number is provided. Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT} Configure Invalid SNMP Settings On BMC Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure invalid SNMP settings on BMC via GUI and verify. [Tags] Configure_Invalid_SNMP_Settings_On_BMC_Via_GUI_And_Verify [Template] Configure SNMP Manager On BMC With Invalid Setting Via GUI And Verify # snmp_manager_ip snmp_manager_port Expected status ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${out_of_range_port} Value must be between 0 – 65535 ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${alpha_port} Value must be between 0 – 65535 ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${negative_port} Value must be between 0 – 65535 ${out_of_range_ip} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} Invalid format ${alpha_ip} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} Invalid format Configure Multiple SNMP Managers On BMC Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure multiple SNMP managers on BMC via GUI and verify. [Tags] Configure_Multiple_SNMP_Managers_On_BMC_Via_GUI_And_Verify [Template] Configure Multiple SNMP Managers On BMC With Valid Port Via GUI And Verify # snmp_manager_ip snmp_port ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT} ${SNMP_MGR2_IP} ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT} Configure Multiple SNMP Managers With Non Default Port Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure multiple SNMP managers with non-default port via GUI and verify. [Tags] Configure_Multiple_SNMP_Managers_With_Non_Default_Port_Via_GUI_And_Verify [Template] Configure Multiple SNMP Managers On BMC With Valid Port Via GUI And Verify # snmp_manager_ip snmp_port ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} ${SNMP_MGR2_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} Configure Multiple SNMP Managers With Different Ports Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure multiple SNMP managers with different ports via GUI and verify. [Tags] Configure_Multiple_SNMP_Managers_With_Different_Ports_Via_GUI_And_Verify [Template] Configure Multiple SNMP Managers On BMC With Valid Port Via GUI And Verify # snmp_manager_ip snmp_port ${SNMP_MGR1_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT1} ${SNMP_MGR2_IP} ${SNMP_DEFAULT_PORT} ${SNMP_MGR3_IP} ${NON_DEFAULT_PORT2} *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Launch Browser And Login GUI Click Element ${xpath_settings_menu} Click Element ${xpath_snmp_alerts_sub_menu} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain snmp-alerts Configure SNMP Manager Via GUI [Documentation] Configure SNMP manager via GUI. [Arguments] ${snmp_ip} ${port} # Description of argument(s): # snmp_ip SNMP manager IP address. # port SNMP manager port. Click Element ${xpath_add_destination} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_snmp_alert_destination_heading} Input Text ${xpath_ip_address_input_button} ${snmp_ip} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 5 sec Get Value ${xpath_ip_address_input_button} Input Text ${xpath_port_optional_input_button} ${port} Click Element ${xpath_snmp_add_destination_button} Delete SNMP Manager Via GUI [Documentation] Delete SNMP manager via GUI. Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_select_all_snmp} 0 0 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 5 sec Click Element ${xpath_delete_button} Wait Until Page Contains Delete SNMP alert destination Click Element ${xpath_delete_destination} Wait Until Page Contains Successfully deleted SNMP alert destination timeout=45s Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value ... ${xpath_snmp_alerts_heading} SNMP Alerts Configure SNMP Manager On BMC With Invalid Setting Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure SNMP manager on BMC with invalid setting via GUI and verify. [Arguments] ${snmp_manager_ip} ${snmp_manager_port} ${expected_error} [Teardown] Click Element ${xpath_cancel_button} # Description of argument(s): # snmp_manager_ip SNMP manager IP address. # snmp_manager_port SNMP manager port. # expected_error Expected error optionally provided in testcase # .... (e.g. Invalid format / Value must be between 0 – 65535). Configure SNMP Manager Via GUI ${snmp_manager_ip} ${snmp_manager_port} Wait Until Page Contains ${expected_error} ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC ${snmp_manager_ip} ${snmp_manager_port} Should Be Equal As Strings ${status} False ... msg=BMC is allowing to configure with invalid SNMP settings. Configure Multiple SNMP Managers On BMC With Valid Port Via GUI And Verify [Documentation] Configure multiple SNMP managers on BMC with valid port value via GUI and verify. [Arguments] ${snmp_ip_value} ${snmp_port_value} [Teardown] Delete SNMP Manager Via GUI # Description of argument(s): # snmp_ip_value SNMP manager IP address. # snmp_port_value SNMP manager port. Configure SNMP Manager Via GUI ${snmp_ip_value} ${snmp_port_value} Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC ${snmp_ip_value} ${snmp_port_value}