*** Settings *** Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Network" sub-menu of "Settings". Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Suite Teardown Close Browser *** Variables *** ${xpath_network_heading} //h1[text()="Network"] ${xpath_interface_settings} //h2[text()="Interface settings"] ${xpath_network_settings} //h2[text()="Network settings"] ${xpath_static_ipv4} //h2[text()="IPv4"] ${xpath_static_dns} //h2[text()="Static DNS"] ${xpath_domain_name_toggle} //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-switch-useDomainName"] ${xpath_dns_servers_toggle} //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-switch-useDns"] ${xpath_ntp_servers_toggle} //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-switch-useNtp"] ${xpath_add_static_ipv4_address_button} //button[contains(text(),"Add static IPv4 address")] ${xpath_add_dns_ip_address_button} //button[contains(text(),"Add IP address")] ${xpath_hostname} //*[@title="Edit hostname"] ${xpath_hostname_input} //*[@id="hostname"] ${xpath_input_ip_address} //*[@id="ipAddress"] ${xpath_input_gateway} //*[@id="gateway"] ${xpath_input_subnetmask} //*[@id="subnetMask"] ${xpath_input_static_dns} //*[@id="staticDns"] ${xpath_cancel_button} //button[contains(text(),'Cancel')] ${xpath_add_button} //button[contains(text(),'Add')] *** Test Cases *** Verify Navigation To Network Page [Documentation] Login to GUI and navigate to the settings sub-menu network page. [Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_Network_Page Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_network_heading} Verify Existence Of All Sections In Network Page [Documentation] Login to GUI and navigate to the settings sub-menu network page ... and confirm the page contains sections that should be accessible. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Network_Page Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_network_settings} timeout=1min Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_interface_settings} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_static_ipv4} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_static_dns} Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Network Page [Documentation] Login to GUI and navigate to the settings sub-menu network page ... and confirm the page contains basic features button that should be accessible. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Network_Page Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_add_static_ipv4_address_button} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_add_dns_ip_address_button} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_domain_name_toggle} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_dns_servers_toggle} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_ntp_servers_toggle} Verify Existence Of All Fields In Hostname [Documentation] Login to GUI and navigate to the settings sub-menu network page ... and confirm hostname contains all the fields. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Fields_In_Hostname [Teardown] Run Keywords Click Button ${xpath_cancel_button} AND ... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 sec 5 sec ... Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value ${xpath_network_heading} Network Click Element ${xpath_hostname} Wait Until Page Contains Edit hostname timeout=1min Page Should Contain Textfield ${xpath_hostname_input} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_cancel_button} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_add_button} Verify Existence Of All Fields In Static IP Address [Documentation] Login to GUI and navigate to the settings sub-menu network page ... and confirm section static IPv4 contains all the fields. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Fields_In_Static_IP_Address [Teardown] Run Keywords Click Button ${xpath_cancel_button} AND ... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 sec 5 sec ... Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value ${xpath_network_heading} Network Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Click Element ${xpath_add_static_ipv4_address_button} Wait Until Page Contains Add static IPv4 address timeout=15s Page Should Contain Textfield ${xpath_input_ip_address} Page Should Contain Textfield ${xpath_input_gateway} Page Should Contain Textfield ${xpath_input_subnetmask} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_cancel_button} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_add_button} Verify Existence Of All Fields In Static DNS [Documentation] Login to GUI and navigate to the settings sub-menu network page ... and confirm section static DNS contains all the fields. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Fields_In_Static_DNS [Teardown] Run Keywords Click Button ${xpath_cancel_button} AND ... Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10 sec 5 sec ... Refresh GUI And Verify Element Value ${xpath_network_heading} Network Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Click Element ${xpath_add_dns_ip_address_button} Wait Until Page Contains Add IP address timeout=11s Page Should Contain Textfield ${xpath_input_static_dns} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_cancel_button} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_add_button} *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do suite setup tasks. Launch Browser And Login GUI Click Element ${xpath_settings_menu} Click Element ${xpath_network_sub_menu} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain network