*** Settings *** Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Network" sub-menu of "Settings". Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Suite Teardown Close Browser *** Variables *** ${xpath_network_heading} //h1[text()="Network"] ${xpath_interface} //h2[text()="Interface"] ${xpath_system} //h2[text()="System"] ${xpath_static_ipv4} //h2[text()="IPV4"] ${xpath_static_dns} //h2[text()="Static DNS"] ${xpath_hostname_input} //*[@data-test-id="network-input-hostname"] ${xpath_network_save_settings} //button[@data-test-id="network-button-saveNetworkSettings"] ${xpath_default_gateway_input} //*[@data-test-id="network-input-gateway"] ${xpath_mac_address_input} //*[@data-test-id="network-input-macAddress"] ${xpath_static_input_ip0} //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-0"] ${xpath_static_input_ip1} //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-1"] ${xpath_add_static_ip} //button[contains(text(),"Add static IP")] ${xpath_setting_success} //*[contains(text(),"Successfully saved network settings.")] ${xpath_add_dns_server} //button[contains(text(),"Add DNS server")] ${xpath_network_interface} //*[@data-test-id="network-select-interface"] ${xpath_input_netmask_addr0} //*[@data-test-id="network-input-subnetMask-0"] ${xpath_input_netmask_addr1} //*[@data-test-id="network-input-subnetMask-1"] ${xpath_delete_static_ip} //*[@title="Delete IPv4 row"] ${xpath_input_dns_server} //*[@data-test-id="network-input-dnsAddress-0"] ${xpath_delete_dns_server} //*[@title="Delete DNS row"] ${xpath_delete_static_ip} //*[@title="Delete IPv4 row"] @{static_name_servers} @{null_value} null @{empty_dictionary} {} @{string_value} aa.bb.cc.dd @{special_char_value} @@@.%%.44.11 ${test_ipv4_addr} ${test_ipv4_addr2} ${test_subnet_mask} # Valid netmask is 4 bytes long and has continuous block of 1s. # Maximum valid value in each octet is 255 and least value is 0. # Maximum value of octet in netmask is 255. ${alpha_netmask} ff.ff.ff.ff ${out_of_range_netmask} ${more_byte_netmask} ${lowest_netmask} ${test_hostname} openbmc *** Test Cases *** Verify Navigation To Network Page [Documentation] Verify navigation to network page. [Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_Network_Page Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_network_heading} Verify Existence Of All Sections In Network Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in network settings page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Network_Page Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_interface} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_system} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_static_ipv4} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_static_dns} Page Should Contain Button ${xpath_delete_static_ip} Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Network Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons in network page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Network_Page Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_add_static_ip} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_add_dns_server} Verify Network From Server Configuration [Documentation] Verify ability to select "Network" sub-menu option ... of "Settings". [Tags] Verify_Network_From_Server_Configuration Page Should Contain IP address Verify Hostname Text Configuration [Documentation] Verify hostname text is configurable from "network settings" ... sub-menu. [Tags] Verify_Hostname_Text_Configuration Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_hostname_input} Input Text ${xpath_hostname_input} witherspoon1 Click Button ${xpath_network_save_settings} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_setting_success} timeout=10 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15 sec 5 sec Textfield Should Contain ${xpath_hostname_input} ... witherspoon1 Verify Default Gateway Editable [Documentation] Verify default gateway text input allowed from "network ... settings". [Tags] Verify_Default_Gateway_Editable [Teardown] Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_default_gateway_input} Input Text ${xpath_default_gateway_input} Verify MAC Address Editable [Documentation] Verify MAC address text input allowed from "network ... settings". [Tags] Verify_MAC_Address_Editable [Teardown] Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_mac_address_input} Input Text ${xpath_mac_address_input} AA:E2:84:14:28:79 Verify Static IP Address Editable [Documentation] Verify static IP address is editable. [Tags] Verify_Static_IP_Address_Editable [Teardown] Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} ${exists}= Run Keyword And Return Status Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_static_input_ip0} Run Keyword If '${exists}' == '${False}' ... Click Element ${xpath_add_static_ip} Input Text ${xpath_static_input_ip0} ${OPENBMC_HOST} Verify System Section In Network Setting page [Documentation] Verify hostname, MAC address and default gateway ... under system section of network setting page. [Tags] Verify_System_Section ${host_name}= Redfish_Utils.Get Attribute ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI} HostName Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_hostname_input} ${host_name} ${mac_address}= Get BMC MAC Address Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_mac_address_input} ${mac_address} ${default_gateway}= Get BMC Default Gateway Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_default_gateway_input} ${default_gateway} Verify Network Interface Details [Documentation] Verify network interface name in network setting page. [Tags] Verify_Network_Interface_Details ${active_channel_config}= Get Active Channel Config ${ethernet_interface_redfish}= Set Variable ${active_channel_config['${CHANNEL_NUMBER}']['name']} ${ethernet_interface_gui}= Get Text ${xpath_network_interface} Should Contain ${ethernet_interface_gui} ${ethernet_interface_redfish} Verify Network Static IPv4 Details [Documentation] Verify network static IPv4 details. [Tags] Verify_Network_static_IPv4_Details @{network_configurations}= Get Network Configuration ${ip_addresses}= Get Static IPv4 Addresses From GUI FOR ${network_configuration} IN @{network_configurations} List Should Contain Value ${ip_addresses} ${network_configuration["Address"]} END Configure Invalid Network Addresses And Verify [Documentation] Configure invalid network addresses and verify. [Tags] Configure_Invalid_Network_Addresses_And_Verify [Template] Configure Invalid Network Address And Verify # locator invalid_address ${xpath_mac_address_input} A.A.A.A ${xpath_default_gateway_input} a.b.c.d ${xpath_static_input_ip0} a.b.c.d ${xpath_input_netmask_addr0} Configure And Verify Empty Network Addresses [Documentation] Configure and verify empty network addresses. [Tags] Configure_And_Verify_Empty_Network_Addresses [Template] Configure Invalid Network Address And Verify # locator invalid_address expected_error ${xpath_mac_address_input} ${empty} Field required ${xpath_default_gateway_input} ${empty} Field required ${xpath_static_input_ip0} ${empty} Field required ${xpath_input_netmask_addr0} ${empty} Field required ${xpath_hostname_input} ${empty} Field required Config And Verify DNS Server Via GUI [Documentation] Configure DNS server and verify. [Tags] Config_And_Verify_DNS_Server_Via_GUI [Setup] DNS Test Setup Execution [Teardown] Run Keywords Delete DNS Server And Verify ${static_name_servers} ... AND DNS Test Teardown Execution Add DNS Server And Verify ${static_name_servers} Delete And Verify DNS Server Via GUI [Documentation] Delete DNS server and verify. [Tags] Delete_And_Verify_DNS_Server_Via_GUI [Setup] Run Keywords DNS Test Setup Execution AND ... Add DNS Server And Verify ${static_name_servers} [Teardown] DNS Test Teardown Execution Delete DNS Server And Verify ${static_name_servers} Configure And Verify Static IP Address [Documentation] Configure and verify static ip addresses. [Tags] Configure_And_Verify_Static_IP_Address [Teardown] Delete And Verify Static IP Address On BMC ${test_ipv4_addr} Add Static IP Address And Verify ${test_ipv4_addr} ${test_subnet_mask} Configure And Verify Invalid DNS Server [Documentation] Configure invalid DNS server and verify error. [Tags] Configure_And_Verify_Invalid_DNS_Server [Template] Add DNS Server And Verify [Setup] DNS Test Setup Execution [Teardown] Run Keywords Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} ... AND DNS Test Teardown Execution # invalid_ address expected_status ${string_value} Invalid format ${special_char_value} Invalid format ${empty_dictionary} Field required ${null_value} Invalid format Modify IP Address And Verify [Documentation] Modify IP address and verify. [Tags] Modify_IP_Address_And_Verify [Teardown] Delete And Verify Static IP Address On BMC ${test_ipv4_addr2} Add Static IP Address And Verify ${test_ipv4_addr} ${test_subnet_mask} Update IP Address And Verify ${test_ipv4_addr} ${test_ipv4_addr2} Configure Netmask And Verify [Documentation] Configure and verify netmask. [Tags] Configure_And_Verify_Netmask [Template] Add Static IP Address And Verify [Teardown] Run Keywords Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} ... AND Delete And Verify Static IP Address On BMC ${test_ipv4_addr} # ip_addresses subnet_masks expected_status ${test_ipv4_addr} ${lowest_netmask} Valid format ${test_ipv4_addr} ${more_byte_netmask} Invalid format ${test_ipv4_addr} ${alpha_netmask} Invalid format ${test_ipv4_addr} ${out_of_range_netmask} Invalid format Configure Hostname And Verify [Documentation] Configure hostname and verify. [Tags] Configure_Hostname_And_Verify [Teardown] Configure And Verify Network Settings ... ${xpath_hostname_input} ${hostname} ${hostname}= Get Value ${xpath_hostname_input} Configure And Verify Network Settings ${xpath_hostname_input} ${test_hostname} *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Launch Browser And Login GUI Click Element ${xpath_settings_menu} Click Element ${xpath_network_sub_menu} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain network ${host_name} ${BMC_IP}= Get Host Name IP host=${OPENBMC_HOST} Set Suite Variable ${BMC_IP} Configure Invalid Network Address And Verify [Documentation] Configure invalid network address And verify. [Arguments] ${locator} ${invalid_address} ${expected_error}=Invalid format [Teardown] Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} # Description of the argument(s): # locator Xpath to identify an HTML element on a web page. # invalid_address Invalid address to be added. # expected_error Expected error optionally provided in testcase # .... (e.g. Invalid format / Field required) Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${locator} Clear Element Text ${locator} Input Text ${locator} ${invalid_address} Click Element ${xpath_network_save_settings} Page Should Contain ${expected_error} Add DNS Server And Verify [Documentation] Add DNS server on BMC and verify it via BMC CLI. [Arguments] ${static_name_servers} ${expected_status}=Valid format # Description of the argument(s): # static_name_servers A list of static name server IPs to be # configured on the BMC. # expected_status Expected status while adding DNS server address # ... (e.g. Invalid format / Field required). Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_add_dns_server} ${length}= Get Length ${static_name_servers} FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${length} Click Button ${xpath_add_dns_server} Input Text //*[@data-test-id="network-input-dnsAddress-${i}"] ... ${static_name_servers}[${i}] END Click Button ${xpath_network_save_settings} Run keyword if '${expected_status}' != 'Valid format' ... Run keywords Page Should Contain ${expected_status} AND Return From Keyword Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_setting_success} timeout=15 Sleep ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT}s Verify Static Name Server Details On GUI ${static_name_servers} # Check if newly added DNS server is configured on BMC. ${cli_name_servers}= CLI Get Nameservers List Should Contain Sub List ${cli_name_servers} ${static_name_servers} Delete DNS Server And Verify [Documentation] Delete static name servers. [Arguments] ${static_name_servers} # Description of the argument(s): # static_name_servers A list of static name server IPs to be # configured on the BMC. ${length}= Get Length ${static_name_servers} FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${length} ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_delete_dns_server} Exit For Loop If "${status}" == "False" Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_delete_dns_server} Click Button ${xpath_delete_dns_server} END Click Button ${xpath_network_save_settings} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_setting_success} timeout=15 Sleep ${NETWORK_TIMEOUT}s Page Should Not Contain Element ${xpath_input_dns_server} # Check if all name servers deleted on BMC. ${nameservers}= CLI Get Nameservers Should Be Empty ${nameservers} DNS Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Do DNS test setup execution. ${original_name_server}= CLI Get Nameservers Set Suite Variable ${original_name_server} Run Keyword If ${original_name_server} != @{EMPTY} ... Delete DNS Server And Verify ${original_name_server} DNS Test Teardown Execution [Documentation] Do DNS test teardown execution. Run Keyword If ${original_name_server} != @{EMPTY} ... Add DNS Server And Verify ${original_name_server} Verify Static Name Server Details On GUI [Documentation] Verify static name servers on GUI. [Arguments] ${static_name_servers} # Description of the argument(s): # static_name_servers A list of static name server IPs to be # configured on the BMC. ${length}= Get Length ${static_name_servers} FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${length} Page Should Contain Element //*[@data-test-id="network-input-dnsAddress-${i}"] Textfield Value Should Be //*[@data-test-id="network-input-dnsAddress-${i}"] ... ${static_name_servers}[${i}] END Add Static IP Address And Verify [Documentation] Add static IP on BMC and verify. [Arguments] ${ip_address} ${subnet_mask} ${expected_status}=Valid format # Description of argument(s): # ip_address IP address to be added (e.g. # subnet_masks Subnet mask for the IP to be added (e.g. # expected_status Expected status while adding static ipv4 address # .... (e.g. Invalid format / Field required). ${available_ip_addresses}= Get Static IPv4 Addresses From GUI # New IP address location is GUI is equivalent to the available IP address # in Redfish. i.e. if two IP address are available in GUI then location # on IP address in GUI is also 2. ${location}= Get Length ${available_ip_addresses} Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_add_static_ip} Click Button ${xpath_add_static_ip} Input Text ... //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"] ${ip_address} Input Text ... //*[@data-test-id="network-input-subnetMask-${location}"] ${subnet_mask} Click Button ${xpath_network_save_settings} Run keyword if '${expected_status}' != 'Valid format' ... Run keywords Page Should Contain ${expected_status} AND Return From Keyword Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_setting_success} timeout=15 Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_static_input_ip0} Validate Network Config On BMC ${ip_addresses}= Get Static IPv4 Addresses From GUI Should Contain ${ip_addresses} ${ip_address} Delete And Verify Static IP Address On BMC [Documentation] Delete static IP address and verify [Arguments] ${ip_address} # Description of argument(s): # ip_address IP address to be deleted (e.g. ""). ${ip_addresses}= Get Static IPv4 Addresses From GUI Should Contain ${ip_addresses} ${ip_address} msg=${ip_address} does not exist on BMC ${delete_ip_buttons}= Get WebElements ${xpath_delete_static_ip} FOR ${location} IN RANGE len(${ip_addresses}) ${gui_ip}= Get Value //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"] Run Keyword If '${gui_ip}' == '${ip_address}' and '${gui_ip}' != '${BMC_IP}' ... Run Keywords Click Element ${delete_ip_buttons}[${location}] ... AND Exit For Loop END Click Button ${xpath_network_save_settings} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_setting_success} timeout=15 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_static_input_ip0} Validate Network Config On BMC ${ip_addresses}= Get Static IPv4 Addresses From GUI Should Not Contain ${ip_addresses} ${ip_address} Update IP Address And Verify [Documentation] Update and verify static IP address on BMC. [Arguments] ${ip} ${new_ip} # Description of argument(s): # ip IP address to be replaced (e.g. ""). # new_ip New IP address to be configured. ${ip_addresses}= Get Static IPv4 Addresses From GUI Should Contain ${ip_addresses} ${ip} msg=${ip} does not exist on BMC FOR ${location} IN RANGE len(${ip_addresses}) ${gui_ip}= Get Value //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"] Run Keyword If '${gui_ip}' == '${ip}' ... Run Keywords ... Clear Element Text //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"] ... AND Input Text ... //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"] ${new_ip} ... AND Exit For Loop END Click Button ${xpath_network_save_settings} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_setting_success} timeout=15 Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_static_input_ip0} Validate Network Config On BMC ${ip_addresses}= Get Static IPv4 Addresses From GUI Should Contain ${ip_addresses} ${new_ip} Get Static IPv4 Addresses From GUI [Documentation] Get static IPV4 addresses from GUI. ${availble_ip_addresses}= Get Network Configuration ${static_ipv4_addresses}= Create List FOR ${locator} IN RANGE len(${availble_ip_addresses}) ${ip_address}= Get value //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${locator}"] Append To List ${static_ipv4_addresses} ${ip_address} END [Return] ${static_ipv4_addresses} Configure And Verify Network Settings [Documentation] Configure and verify network settings. [Arguments] ${xpath} ${nw_settings} # Description of argument(s): # xpath xpath of the network settings. # nw_settings The mac address, hostname etc. Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath} Input Text ${xpath} ${nw_settings} Click Button ${xpath_network_save_settings} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_setting_success} timeout=10 Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath} ${nw_settings}