*** Settings *** Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "LDAP" sub-menu of "Security and access". Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/bmc_ldap_utils.robot Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution Suite Teardown Close Browser Force Tags LDAP_Sub_Menu *** Variables *** ${xpath_ldap_heading} //h1[text()="LDAP"] ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} //*[@data-test-id='ldap-checkbox-ldapAuthenticationEnabled'] ${xpath_secure_ldap_checkbox} //*[@data-test-id='ldap-checkbox-secureLdapEnabled'] ${xpath_service_radio_button} //*[@data-test-id="ldap-radio-activeDirectoryEnabled"] ${xpath_add_role_group_button} //button[contains(text(),'Add role group')] ${xpath_ldap_url} //*[@data-test-id='ldap-input-serverUri'] ${xpath_ldap_bind_dn} //*[@data-test-id='ldap-input-bindDn'] ${xpath_ldap_password} //*[@id='bind-password'] ${xpath_ldap_base_dn} //*[@data-test-id='ldap-input-baseDn'] ${xpath_ldap_save_settings} //*[@data-test-id='ldap-button-saveSettings'] ${xpath_select_refresh_button} //*[text()[contains(.,"Refresh")]] ${xpath_add_group_name} //*[@id="role-group-name"] ${xpath_add_group_Privilege} //*[@id="privilege"] ${xpath_add_privilege_button} //button[text()=" Add "] ${xpath_delete_group_button} //*[@title="Delete"] ${xpath_delete_button} //button[text()="Delete"] ${incorrect_ip} ${wrong_ldap_port} 135 *** Test Cases *** Verify Navigation To LDAP Page [Documentation] Verify navigation to LDAP page. [Tags] Verify_Navigation_To_LDAP_Page Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_ldap_heading} Verify Existence Of All Sections In LDAP Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in LDAP page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_LDAP_Page Page Should Contain Settings Page Should Contain Role groups Verify Existence Of All Buttons In LDAP Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all buttons in LDAP page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_LDAP_Page # Buttons under settings section. Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_service_radio_button} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_save_settings_button} # Buttons under role groups section. Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_add_role_group_button} Verify Existence Of All Checkboxes In LDAP Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all checkboxes in LDAP page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Checkboxes_In_LDAP_Page # Checkboxes under settings section. Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_secure_ldap_checkbox} Verify LDAP Configurations Editable [Documentation] Verify LDAP configurations are editable. [Tags] Verify_LDAP_Configurations_Editable [Setup] Redfish.Login [Teardown] Redfish.Logout Create LDAP Configuration ${LDAP_SERVER_URI} ${LDAP_TYPE} ${LDAP_BIND_DN} ... ${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD} ${LDAP_BASE_DN} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_ldap_url} Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_ldap_url} ${LDAP_SERVER_URI} Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_ldap_bind_dn} ${LDAP_BIND_DN} Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_ldap_password} ${empty} Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_ldap_base_dn} ${LDAP_BASE_DN} Verify Create LDAP Configuration [Documentation] Verify created LDAP configuration. [Tags] Verify_Create_LDAP_Configuration [Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Logout AND Redfish.Login Create LDAP Configuration Get LDAP Configuration ${LDAP_TYPE} Redfish.Logout Redfish.Login ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} Verify LDAP Config Update With Incorrect LDAP IP Address [Documentation] Verify that LDAP login fails with incorrect LDAP IP Address. [Tags] Verify_LDAP_Config_Update_With_Incorrect_LDAP_IP_Address [Setup] Redfish.Login [Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Logout AND Redfish.Login Create LDAP Configuration ${incorrect_ip} ${LDAP_TYPE} ${LDAP_BIND_DN} ... ${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD} ${LDAP_BASE_DN} ${LDAP_MODE} Get LDAP Configuration ${LDAP_TYPE} Redfish.Logout ${resp}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Redfish.Login ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} Should Be Equal ${resp} ${False} ... msg=LDAP user was able to login though the incorrect LDAP IP Address. Verify LDAP Service Disable [Documentation] Verify that LDAP user cannot login when LDAP service is disabled. [Tags] Verify_LDAP_Service_Disable [Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Logout AND Redfish.Login ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Checkbox Should Be Selected ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} Run Keyword If ${status} == ${True} ... Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} 0 0 Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} Click Element ${xpath_ldap_save_settings} Wait Until Page Contains Successfully saved Open LDAP settings Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_ldap_heading} Redfish.Logout ${resp}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Redfish.Login ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} Should Be Equal ${resp} ${False} ... msg=LDAP user was able to login even though the LDAP service was disabled. Verify LDAP User With Admin Privilege [Documentation] Verify that LDAP user with administrator privilege is able to do BMC reboot. [Tags] Verify_LDAP_User_With_Admin_Privilege [Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Login AND Delete LDAP Role Group ${GROUP_NAME} Update LDAP Configuration with LDAP User Role And Group ${GROUP_NAME} ${GROUP_PRIVILEGE} Redfish.Login ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} Redfish OBMC Reboot (off) Redfish.Logout Verify Enabling LDAP [Documentation] Verify that LDAP can be enabled from disabled state. [Tags] Verify_Enabling_LDAP Disable LDAP Configuration Create LDAP Configuration Read Network Configuration Via Different User Roles And Verify Using GUI [Documentation] Read network configuration via different user roles and verify. [Tags] Read_Network_Configuration_Via_Different_User_Roles_And_Verify_Using_GUI [Template] Update LDAP User Role And Read Network Configuration Via GUI # group_name user_role valid_status_code ${GROUP_NAME} Administrator ${HTTP_OK} ${GROUP_NAME} Operator ${HTTP_OK} ${GROUP_NAME} ReadOnly ${HTTP_OK} ${GROUP_NAME} NoAccess ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} Verify LDAP Login Fails On Wrong LDAP Port [Documentation] Verify that LDAP login fails when wrong port is entered in LDAP URL. [Tags] Verify_LDAP_Login_Fails_On_Wrong_LDAP_Port [Teardown] Run Keywords Redfish.Logout AND Redfish.Login ${ldap_uri_wrong_port}= Catenate SEPARATOR=: ${LDAP_SERVER_URI} ${wrong_ldap_port} Create LDAP Configuration ${ldap_uri_wrong_port} ${LDAP_TYPE} ${LDAP_BIND_DN} ... ${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD} ${LDAP_BASE_DN} ${LDAP_MODE} Get LDAP Configuration ${LDAP_TYPE} Redfish.Logout ${resp}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Redfish.Login ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} Should Be Equal ${resp} ${False} ... msg=LDAP user was able to login though the wrong port in LDAP URL *** Keywords *** Suite Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Launch Browser And Login GUI # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/security-and-access/ldap LDAP page. Click Element ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu} Click Element ${xpath_ldap_sub_menu} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain ldap Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_page_loading_progress_bar} timeout=30 Wait Until Element Is Enabled ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} timeout=10s Valid Value LDAP_TYPE valid_values=["ActiveDirectory", "LDAP"] Valid Value LDAP_USER Valid Value LDAP_USER_PASSWORD Valid Value GROUP_PRIVILEGE Valid Value GROUP_NAME Valid Value LDAP_SERVER_URI Valid Value LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD Valid Value LDAP_BIND_DN Valid Value LDAP_BASE_DN Valid Value LDAP_MODE valid_values=["secure", "nonsecure"] Create LDAP Configuration [Documentation] Create LDAP configuration. [Arguments] ${ldap_server_uri}=${LDAP_SERVER_URI} ${ldap_servicetype}=${LDAP_TYPE} ... ${ldap_bind_dn}=${LDAP_BIND_DN} ${ldap_bind_dn_password}=${LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD} ... ${ldap_base_dn}=${LDAP_BASE_DN} ${ldap_mode}=${LDAP_MODE} # Description of argument(s): # ldap_server_uri LDAP server uri (e.g. ldap://XX.XX.XX.XX). # ldap_type The LDAP type ("ActiveDirectory" or "LDAP"). # ldap_bind_dn The LDAP bind distinguished name. # ldap_bind_dn_password The LDAP bind distinguished name password. # ldap_base_dn The LDAP base distinguished name. # Clearing existing LDAP configuration by disabling it. Redfish.Patch ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}AccountService ... body={'${LDAP_TYPE}': {'ServiceEnabled': ${False}}} # Wait for GUI to reflect LDAP disabled status. Run Keywords Refresh GUI AND Sleep 10s Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} 0 0 ${radio_buttons}= Get WebElements ${xpath_service_radio_button} Run Keyword If '${ldap_service_type}' == 'LDAP' ... Click Element At Coordinates ${radio_buttons}[${0}] 0 0 ... ELSE Click Element At Coordinates ${radio_buttons}[${1}] 0 0 Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_ldap_url} Run Keyword If '${ldap_mode}' == 'secure' ... Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_secure_ldap_checkbox} 0 0 Input Text ${xpath_ldap_url} ${ldap_server_uri} Input Text ${xpath_ldap_bind_dn} ${ldap_bind_dn} Input Text ${xpath_ldap_password} ${ldap_bind_dn_password} Input Text ${xpath_ldap_base_dn} ${ldap_base_dn} Click Element ${xpath_ldap_save_settings} Run Keyword If '${ldap_service_type}'=='LDAP' ... Wait Until Page Contains Successfully saved Open LDAP settings ... ELSE ... Wait Until Page Contains Successfully saved Active Directory settings Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_ldap_heading} Get LDAP Configuration [Documentation] Retrieve LDAP Configuration. [Arguments] ${ldap_type} # Description of argument(s): # ldap_type The LDAP type ("ActiveDirectory" or "LDAP"). ${radio_buttons}= Get WebElements ${xpath_service_radio_button} ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Run Keyword If '${ldap_type}'=='LDAP' ... Checkbox Should Be Selected ${radio_buttons}[${0}] ... ELSE ... Checkbox Should Be Selected ${radio_buttons}[${1}] Should Be Equal ${status} ${True} Update LDAP Configuration With LDAP User Role And Group [Documentation] Update LDAP configuration update with LDAP user role and group. [Arguments] ${group_name} ${group_privilege} # Description of argument(s): # group_name The group name of LDAP user. # group_privilege The group privilege for LDAP user # (e.g. "Administrator", "Operator", "ReadOnly" or "NoAcccess"). Create LDAP Configuration Click Element ${xpath_add_role_group_button} Input Text ${xpath_add_group_name} ${group_name} Select From List By Value ${xpath_add_group_Privilege} ${group_privilege} Click Element ${xpath_add_privilege_button} # Verify group name after adding. ${ldap_group_name}= Get LDAP Privilege And Group Name Via Redfish List Should Contain Value ${ldap_group_name} ${group_name} Delete LDAP Role Group [Documentation] Delete LDAP role group. [Arguments] ${group_name} # Description of argument(s): # group_name The group name of LDAP user. # Verify given group name is exist before deleting. ${ldap_group_name}= Get LDAP Privilege And Group Name Via Redfish List Should Contain Value ${ldap_group_name} ${group_name} msg=${group_name} not available. ${get_groupname_index}= Get Index From List ${ldap_group_name} ${group_name} ${delete_group_elements}= Get WebElements ${xpath_delete_group_button} Click Element ${delete_group_elements}[${get_groupname_index}] Click Element ${xpath_delete_button} # Verify group name after deleting. ${ldap_group_name}= Get LDAP Privilege And Group Name Via Redfish List Should Not Contain Value ${ldap_group_name} ${group_name} msg=${group_name} not available. Disable LDAP Configuration [Documentation] Disable LDAP configuration on BMC. ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status ... Checkbox Should Be Selected ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} Run Keyword If ${status} == ${True} ... Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} 0 0 Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox} Click Element ${xpath_ldap_save_settings} Wait Until Page Contains Successfully saved Open LDAP settings Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_ldap_heading} Login BMC And Navigate To LDAP Page [Documentation] Login BMC and navigate to ldap page. [Arguments] ${username}=${OPENBMC_USERNAME} ${password}=${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} # Description of argument(s): # username The username to be used for login. # password The password to be used for login. Login GUI ${username} ${password} # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/security-and-access/ldap LDAP page. Click Element ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu} Click Element ${xpath_ldap_sub_menu} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain ldap Update LDAP User Role And Read Network Configuration Via GUI [Documentation] Update LDAP user role and read network configuration via GUI. [Arguments] ${group_name} ${user_role} ${valid_status_codes} [Teardown] Run Keywords Logout GUI AND Login BMC And Navigate To LDAP Page ... AND Delete LDAP Role Group ${group_name} # Description of argument(s): # group_privilege The group privilege ("Administrator", "Operator", "ReadOnly" or "NoAccess"). # group_name The group name of user. # valid_status_code The expected valid status code. Update LDAP Configuration with LDAP User Role And Group ${group_name} ${user_role} Logout GUI Login GUI ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} Redfish.Login ${LDAP_USER} ${LDAP_USER_PASSWORD} Click Element ${xpath_server_configuration} Click Element ${xpath_select_network_settings} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30 sec 10 sec Location Should Contain network-settings ${resp}= Redfish.Get ${REDFISH_NW_ETH0_URI} valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_codes}] Return From Keyword If ${valid_status_codes} == ${HTTP_FORBIDDEN} ${host_name}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${REDFISH_NW_PROTOCOL_URI} HostName Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_hostname_input} ${host_name} ${mac_address}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${REDFISH_NW_ETH0_URI} MACAddress Textfield Value Should Be ${xpath_mac_address_input} ${mac_address}