*** Settings *** Documentation Test OpenBMC GUI "Overview" menu. Resource ../../lib/gui_resource.robot Resource ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot Resource ../../../lib/list_utils.robot Resource ../../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot Library String Suite Setup Run Keywords Launch Browser And Login GUI AND Redfish.Login Suite Teardown Run Keywords Close Browser AND Redfish.Logout Test Setup Test Setup Execution *** Variables *** ${xpath_overview_page_header} //h1[contains(text(), "Overview")] ${xpath_server_information_view_more_button} (//*[text()="View more"])[1] ${xpath_firmware_information_view_more_button} (//*[text()="View more"])[2] ${xpath_network_information_view_more_button} (//*[text()="View more"])[3] ${xpath_power_information_view_more_button} (//*[text()="View more"])[4] ${xpath_event_logs_view_more_button} (//*[text()="View more"])[5] ${xpath_inventory_and_leds_view_more_button} (//*[text()="View more"])[6] ${xpath_launch_host_console} //*[@data-test-id='overviewQuickLinks-button-solConsole'] ${xpath_led_button} //*[@data-test-id='overviewInventory-checkbox-identifyLed'] ${view_all_Dumps} (//*[text()="View more"])[7] *** Test Cases *** Verify Existence Of All Sections In Overview Page [Documentation] Verify existence of all sections in Overview page. [Tags] Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Overview_Page Page Should Contain BMC date and time Page Should Contain Firmware information Page Should Contain Server information Wait Until Page Contains Network information timeout=10 Page Should Contain Power information Page Should Contain Event logs Page Should Contain Inventory and LEDs Page Should Contain Dumps Verify Network Information In Overview Page [Documentation] Verify values under network information section. [Tags] Verify_Network_Information_In_Overview_Page ${hostname}= Get BMC Hostname Page Should Contain ${hostname} # Get all IP addresses and prefix lengths on system. ${resp}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces/eth0 IPv4StaticAddresses ${ip_addr}= Set Variable ${resp[0]['Address']} Page Should Contain ${ip_addr} Verify Server Information Section [Documentation] Verify values under server information section in overview page. [Tags] Verify_Server_Information_Section ${redfish_machine_model}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ Model Page Should Contain ${redfish_machine_model} ${redfish_serial_number}= Redfish.Get Attribute /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ SerialNumber Page Should Contain ${redfish_serial_number} ${redfish_motherboard_manufacturer}= Redfish.Get Attribute ... /redfish/v1/Systems/system/ Manufacturer Page Should Contain ${redfish_motherboard_manufacturer} Verify BMC Information Section [Documentation] Verify BMC information section in overview page. [Tags] Verify_BMC_Information_Section ${firmware_version}= Redfish Get BMC Version Page Should Contain ${firmware_version} Verify Edit Network Setting Button [Documentation] Verify navigation to network setting page after clicking the button in overview page. [Tags] Verify_Edit_Network_Setting_Button Click Element ${xpath_network_information_view_more_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_network_heading} Verify Event Under High Priority Events Section [Documentation] Verify event under high priority events section in case of any event. [Tags] Verify_Event_Under_High_Priority_Events_Section Redfish Purge Event Log Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Generate Test Error Log Click Element ${xpath_refresh_button} Wait Until Page Contains xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure timeout=30s Verify View More Event Logs Button [Documentation] Verify view more event log button in overview page. [Tags] Verify_View_More_Event_Logs_Button Generate Test Error Log Page Should Contain Element ${xpath_event_logs_view_more_button} timeout=30 Click Element ${xpath_event_logs_view_more_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_event_logs_heading} timeout=30 Verify Host Console Button In Overview Page [Documentation] Click host console button and verify page navigation to host console page. [Tags] Verify_Host_Console_Button_In_Overview_Page Click Element ${xpath_launch_host_console} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_host_console_heading} Verify Server LED Turn On [Documentation] Turn on server LED via GUI and verify its status via Redfish. [Tags] Verify_Server_LED_Turn_On # Turn Off the server LED via Redfish and refresh GUI. Set IndicatorLED State Off Refresh GUI # Turn ON the LED via GUI. Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_led_button} 0 0 # Cross check that server LED ON state via Redfish. Verify Identify LED State Via Redfish Lit Verify Server LED Turn Off [Documentation] Turn off server LED via GUI and verify its status via Redfish. [Tags] Verify_Server_LED_Turn_Off # Turn On the server LED via Redfish and refresh GUI. Set IndicatorLED State Lit Refresh GUI # Turn OFF the LED via GUI. Click Element At Coordinates ${xpath_led_button} 0 0 # Cross check that server LED off state via Redfish. Verify Identify LED State Via Redfish Off Verify BMC Time In Overview Page [Documentation] Verify that BMC date from GUI matches with BMC time via Redfish. [Tags] Verify_BMC_Time_In_Overview_Page ${date_time}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${REDFISH_BASE_URI}Managers/bmc DateTime ${converted_date}= Convert Date ${date_time} result_format=%Y-%m-%d Page Should Contain ${converted_date} Verify BMC Information At Host Power Off State [Documentation] Verify that BMC information is displayed at host power off state. [Tags] Verify_BMC_Information_At_Host_Power_Off_State Redfish Power Off stack_mode=skip ${firmware_version}= Redfish Get BMC Version Page Should Contain ${firmware_version} Verify View More Button For Dumps [Documentation] Verify view more button for dumps button in overview page. [Tags] Verify_View_More_Button_For_Dumps Wait Until Page Contains Element ${view_all_Dumps} timeout=30 Click Element ${view_all_Dumps} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_dumps_header} timeout=30 Verify View More Button Under Server Information Section [Documentation] Verify view more button under server information section in overview page. [Tags] Verify_View_More_Button_Under_Server_Information_Section Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_server_information_view_more_button} timeout=30 Click Element ${xpath_server_information_view_more_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_inventory_and_leds_heading} timeout=30 Verify View More Button Under Firmware Information Section [Documentation] Verify view more button under firmware information section in overview page. [Tags] Verify_View_More_Button_Under_Firmware_Information_Section Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_firmware_information_view_more_button} timeout=30 Click Element ${xpath_firmware_information_view_more_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_firmware_heading} timeout=30 Verify View More Button Under Network Information Section [Documentation] Verify view more button under network information section in overview page. [Tags] Verify_View_More_Button_Under_Network_Information_Section Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_network_information_view_more_button} timeout=30 Click Element ${xpath_network_information_view_more_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_network_heading} timeout=30 Verify View More Button Under Power Information Section [Documentation] Verify view more button under power information section in overview page. [Tags] Verify_View_More_Button_Under_Power_Information_Section Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_power_information_view_more_button} timeout=30 Click Element ${xpath_power_information_view_more_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_power_heading} timeout=30 Verify View More Button Under Event Logs Section [Documentation] Verify view more button under event logs section in overview page. [Tags] Verify_View_More_Button_Under_Event_Logs_Section Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_event_logs_view_more_button} timeout=30 Click Element ${xpath_event_logs_view_more_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_event_logs_heading} timeout=30 Verify View More Button Under Inventory And LEDs Section [Documentation] Verify view more button under inventory and leds section in overview page. [Tags] Verify_View_More_Button_Under_Inventory_And_LEDs_Section Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_inventory_and_leds_view_more_button} timeout=30 Click Element ${xpath_inventory_and_leds_view_more_button} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_inventory_and_leds_heading} timeout=30 *** Keywords *** Test Setup Execution [Documentation] Do test case setup tasks. Click Element ${xpath_overview_menu} Wait Until Page Contains Element ${xpath_overview_page_header} Wait Until Element Is Not Visible ${xpath_page_loading_progress_bar} timeout=30 Verify Identify LED State Via Redfish [Documentation] Verify that Redfish identify LED system with given state. [Arguments] ${expected_state} # Description of argument(s): # expected_state Expected value of Identify LED. # Python module: get_member_list(resource_path) ${systems}= Redfish_Utils.Get Member List /redfish/v1/Systems FOR ${system} IN @{systems} ${led_value}= Redfish.Get Attribute ${system} IndicatorLED Should Be True '${led_value}' == '${expected_state}' END Set IndicatorLED State [Documentation] Perform redfish PATCH operation. [Arguments] ${led_state} ${expect_resp_code}=[200, 204] # Description of argument(s): # led_state IndicatorLED state to "off", "Lit" etc. # expect_resp_code Expected HTTPS response code. Default [200, 204] # Python module: get_member_list(resource_path) ${systems}= Redfish_Utils.Get Member List /redfish/v1/Systems FOR ${system} IN @{systems} Redfish.Patch ${system} body={"IndicatorLED":${led_state}} valid_status_codes=${expect_resp_code} END