### YAML Configuration YAML is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages. Refer: https://yaml.org/ YAML is the main orchestrator in terms of how the user arranges the data to be collected in this log collection tool. The better context and syntax usage would improve the execution, parsing and data collection feeds to the collector engine. ### YAML Rules The collector parser and engine needs a very minimal set of rules user need to follow while writing a YAML block. The YAML standards applies as usual. ``` : COMMANDS: - FILES: - PROTOCOL: - ``` This block statement in YAML one must follow for the collector to do operation successfully. COMMANDS, FILES, PROTOCOL is mandatory for all YAML block. Note: The FILES directive is not needed for protocol using SCP (Refer YAML Block Example) ### YAML Block Examples Generic syntax usage: ``` OPENBMC: OPENBMC_LOGS: COMMANDS: - 'peltool -l >/tmp/PEL_logs_list.json' FILES: - '/tmp/PEL_logs_list.json' PROTOCOL: - 'SSH' # DUMP_LOGS: This section provides option to 'SCP if file exist'. DUMP_LOGS: COMMANDS: - 'ls -AX /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.*' PROTOCOL: - 'SCP' # File contains the data returned from 'redfishtool GET URL' REDFISH_LOGS: COMMANDS: - redfishtool -u ${username} -p ${password} -r ${hostname} -S Always raw GET /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts FILES: - 'REDFISH_bmc_user_accounts.json' PROTOCOL: - 'REDFISH' # Commands and Files to collect for via out of band IPMI. IPMI_LOGS: COMMANDS: - ipmitool -I lanplus -C 17 -U ${username} -P ${password} -H ${hostname} lan print FILES: - 'IPMI_LAN_print.txt' PROTOCOL: - 'IPMI' ``` Example of using plugin in YAML (Refer plugin documentation) ``` OPENBMC: REDFISH_LOGS: COMMANDS - plugin: - plugin_name: plugin.redfish.enumerate_request - plugin_args: - ${hostname} - ${username} - ${password} - /redfish/v1/ - json FILES: - 'REDFISH_enumerate_v1.json' PROTOCOL: - 'REDFISH' ```