***Settings*** Documentation Generic REST/SSH/IPMI stress buster program. Library ../lib/jobs_processing.py Resource ../lib/rest_client.robot Resource ../lib/connection_client.robot Resource ../lib/ipmi_client.robot Resource ../lib/utils.robot Resource ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot Test Teardown FFDC On Test Case Fail ***Variables*** # Caller can specify a value for the following using -v parms # Currently REST/SSH/IPMI session allowed. ${REST_BUSTER_MAX} ${16} ${SSH_BUSTER_MAX} ${16} ${IPMI_BUSTER_MAX} ${5} ***Test Cases*** Stress BMC REST Server [Documentation] Execute maximum allowed REST operation. [Tags] Stress_BMC_REST_Server Log To Console REST call request burst ${REST_BUSTER_MAX} ${dict}= Execute Process ... ${REST_BUSTER_MAX} REST Enumerate Request On BMC Dictionary Should Not Contain Value ${dict} False ... msg=One or more REST operations has failed. Stress BMC SSH Server [Documentation] Execute maximum allowed SSH operation. [Tags] Stress_BMC_SSH_Server Log To Console SSH call request burst ${SSH_BUSTER_MAX} ${dict}= Execute Process ... ${SSH_BUSTER_MAX} SSH Connect And Execute Command Dictionary Should Not Contain Value ${dict} False ... msg=One or more SSH operations has failed. Stress BMC IPMI Server [Documentation] Execute maximum allowed IPMI operation. [Tags] Stress_BMC_IPMI_Server Log To Console IPMI call request burst ${IPMI_BUSTER_MAX} ${dict}= Execute Process ${IPMI_BUSTER_MAX} IPMI Check Status Dictionary Should Not Contain Value ${dict} False ... msg=One or more IPMI operations has failed. ***Keywords*** REST Enumerate Request On BMC [Documentation] Execute REST GET operation. # Create REST session. Create Session openbmc ${AUTH_URI} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json @{credentials}= Create List ${rest_username} ${rest_password} ${data}= Create Dictionary data=@{credentials} ${resp}= POST On Session openbmc /login json=${data} headers=${headers} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} # Trigger GET REST enumeration. ${resp}= GET On Session openbmc /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc expected_status=any Log To Console GET Request /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} ${HTTP_OK} Delete All Sessions SSH Connect And Execute Command [Documentation] Execute SSH command execution operation. BMC Execute Command df -h IPMI Check Status [Documentation] Execute IPMI command execution operation. Run IPMI Standard Command chassis status